Friday, March 19, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT TEO!!!! I know u won't read from here so it's safe to wish u happy birthday here bah. hahahas. (I know that since my blog is really damn dead). n I know u're wondering why we nvr wish u happy bday. it's coz of bel's surprise party for u la. hahahaha. kay when the party is here then i might blog again.

going to NP almost every single afternoon to do props aka play dai di. we spend more time playing than doing work. hahahaha. n i managed to pull KK into my baoc group. hahahaha. obviously i have nothing better to do. lols.

ACC Camp was cancelled :( so sadddd... their unforeseen circumstances might have been not enough ppl or they cant book the loft room bah... hahaha. i guess only.

but guides camp of coz sure have de la :) pictures are on facebook in putri's album. i have a few unglam videos of joey and her hawaiian dance / indian dance / tribal dance forfeits. LOL. oh n there's the joey clap bel invented. actually bel also invented one for me. hahahahaha. shh doubt any1 will know wad my clap will be like. hahahas. there's one for yanying and deb chee but i can't rmb how it goes :DD

n halfway through GG camp on Sun morn i went Orchard do "flag day" CIP. think i spent too much time slacking n sitting around in the shopping malls rather than doing work. zzz... dunno which person kip forcing me to slack de hor *ahem* i was actually willing to continue standin there trying to ask ppl donate de la. zzz...

BUT guides camp still was fun la ^^ YAY guides rox~ n I predict that next year Guides camp sure no1 want go back wif me de la. zzz...

the Tuesday a few days ago our CATS cher treated us to buffet at the Carousel Restaurant @ Royal Plaza at Scotts Road. yum yum. nice food :) a lot of those raw de. lucky i nvr kana stomach ache. and the deserts and seafood are nice!!!...

kay time to announce my results. LOL. got it today. hais. at least i improved :) n i finally know how to hack using the birthdate and the student id :)

This Sem:

CATS - AD :)
FFA - A+
ITB - B+

current sem gpa : 3.5455
cumulative gpa : 3.3913

kay my 1st sem's gpa totally pulled me down... :(

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