Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh YAY i haven't been blogging! woots. imma big fat lazy bum but who cares. LOL

eh holidays started alr!!! papers were quite ok though chances of me getting big fat zeros for a lot of the questions is quite high. u know wad i mean ;) gonna make myself super darn high wif 3 camps coming up! :) i predict i'll be in permanent HIGH mode throughout this 7 weeks holiday :)
oh n i have 3 different roles for the 3 camps. hahahaha. organiser/planner/whatnot u call it for the guides camp, group leader /SB /SC for BAOC of course, and just a plain participant for the SPIN @ ACC camp. idk which one i look forward to leh. oh wells...

tmr going for those orientation stuff for the BAOC. erm orientation for the group leaders so we can prepare orientation for the freshies. ok confusing. n watching Summer Wars tmr wif KK and Lijing :) hahahahahaa. hope it'll be nice~ 2day went back n help joey they all plan camp. i bet u can't find a better senior than me :) hahahahahaha. it's their camp n i am helping them plan. the camp better turn out well... let's hope the attendance will be good :)

yeah i know i can write for ages. guess the next time i'll EVER post is after the 11th march. wait that's just next week. coz that's when my 1st camp will end :) so i better write down whatever that happened in camp here. so i can use it for future references. hahahahahahahaha. future references meaning future camps :)

keep smiling~ :) oh n keep yourself HIGH TTM! hahahahaha

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