Sunday, April 1, 2012


I have been reading people's emotions from their eyes. I finally realised that true love is not a fictional thing; it does exists. But just that it may not always be the sweetest ever thing everyday.

I have seen the love that my father has for my mother in his eyes, when he was departing alone for a company trip for a week. He had touched my mother's face and bid his goodbyes.
I had also seen the same expression in my uncle's eyes when he landed back in Singapore from Shanghai. He had kissed his wife on her lips when he saw her.
I saw that same emotion again in my colleagues eyes when a bunch of us went out for dinner on Friday, together with his wife. The way he looked at her when we were silent was that like she was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I had thought that this kind of things only existed in the fairy tale romance novels that i read. But the more roughed up version still does exist in our everyday lives. I hope I don't sound like a jealous creature, because i am definitely not. This kind of true love really makes those infatuation teenagers go through like some totally insignificant thingy.

I swear i am going to find a man who looks at me in that same manner!! But for now, back to my romance novels ^^

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