Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beating about the bush

Don't understand why some people just can't go straight to the point sometimes. That never fails to make me lose trust in a person. Yes i'm slower than most and always take a longer time to get the intended meaning of one, and thats why i hate it when people expect me to guess what is it you're hinting at.

I have had too many bad experiences where i believe too easily and end up getting cheated (well monetarily not my poor heart that suffers). So i always get my guard waaay high up. Once bitten twice shy, and i'm never the kind to get cheated in a similar way twice. I'm gullible, not stupid.

To those people whom i barely know: stop trying to persuade me into certain things. I know i'm nice but that's not the way you should be going about doing things. Don't make me guess your ulterior motive. Perhaps if you downright laid the facts proper i could have trusted you. Well, i shall do what i do best and start avoiding and ignoring.

I always try my best to continue a conversation, and it's a feat for me to carry it on or even initiate one. I ain't genuinely interested in many things and i always take so much effort to try to converse properly. (I kinda sound autistic but i'm not and it's a totally different topic here) I admit i'm sorry if i ever ignored anyone accidentally. It's bloody hell because of people trying to sell something or promote something which is why i tend not to trust people. I'm a bit old to be worrying about kidnappers, but i still do have thoughts of being abducted. And because i know that i can't handle certain matters in person as well as i can behind a computer or a phone, which is why i reject (sometimes not so nicely) people whom i hardly know who ask me to meetup.

My trust doesn't come that easily, especially in sweet talking dudes who approach me to buy some stupid insurance or whatnot. I have enough of those nonsense, all the insurance, MLM and business partners talk. It's not for a student like me. Don't make me become the bane of sales promoters; the one who doesn't listen, who's rude and totally irritated with that permanent scowl on the face.

Same goes to the weird ladies who are trying to pull me into going to your church. I don't have anything against christainity but you don't need to actively try to make me a christian. Please have some respect for other religions even when i don't have one. Well, at least i handle these weird ladies better than those honey spitting salesmen.

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