Saturday, September 15, 2012


Everytime I see something amazing or depressing, thats the one word that comes to my mind anyway. Pretty much summarises all the good and bad happening to this world~

But i use it more in the context that life's unfair, move on and don't forget to celebrate it~ so i don't think i am jealous of the good things happening to my friends. (especially those who are in a relationship, and whom i think they WILL get married LOL. Ok i think too much ^^) but life is interesting, surprising and wonderful as it is.

AND i bet my sis IS really in a relationship with Grayson~ all those SMSing,MSNing and whatsapping practically 24/7 with him is an obvious enough hint. And the fact that she pretty much goes out with him most of the time makes it just even more obvious. I confirmed it through the message "love you good nites" when my sis asked me to unplug her phone. (definitely not trying to invade ppl's privacy) I haven't been there done that but doesn't mean i don't know how to read the signs (and messages kyahaha).

Well, my sister doesn't know that i know but she needs to thank me. I haven't told my parents anything about him, just saying that she goes out with friends. And if my mum ask which friend i would just say idk which. Well i really don't know which but i also can't be bothered about the work that follows thereafter the question should i really know the answer. HEHE. AND she might be grounded should they know she's in a relationship and her grades are slipping~ WAHAHA. I'm the sucha thoughtful sister.

Now comes the question. Should i really ask her whether she and grayson is really together??? I'm shy i don't like asking such personal questions...


P.S. I still havent got round to doing my fav quotes column 😪

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