Thursday, March 7, 2013

Virgo Star Sign


揭下面具以后的处女座处事冷静、沉着、内敛、稳重;容不得别人的背叛,对背叛自己的人绝不原谅,对敌人下手狠毒,冷血至及。 面具下:多疑、没安全感。他们用情至深,在爱上一个人之后是绝对不会轻言放弃的。但他们只会默默的爱着,悲情暗恋者的典范;内心其实非常的脆弱,非常敏感。


处女座很害怕孤单 。处女座懂得浪漫 幻想 。处女座人细心 温柔 大方 善良。处女座很讨厌别人骗他。处女座常常被人说是忽冷忽热。处女座常常让人觉得他们闷闷不乐。处女座对陌生人无视,对不熟的人外热内冷。处女座是不用对别人放电却可以将人电到的唯一星座~~




This is the first ever description of a Virgo, that so accurately describes me. Can't say about the love part yet, but the rest are really accurate. After this I'm further convinced that I am a true Virgo! :D 

Perfectionist mindset. Noone can ever tell that I have a perfectionist mindset because I just don't show it. But it's in my character actually... Besides, there are manyyy things about myself I had given up on. But I do excel to be the best, if not in school then in my work. If not my appearance then in my character. I know not to demand too highly of others, but I still do demand highly of myself. I do think that once I put my heart into something, I will really do my best.

I believe in miracles. I believe in the unexpected. Perhaps too much of this beliefs make me exceptionally lazy. 

Maybe this shows why I prefer to change others but not myself. I know I am not the best to start with, but if i see others becoming even better, I genuinely feel happy. 

I like to create perfect people in my head. Perhaps that's the reason why I prefer books to drama. Because the people acting in dramas will never ever be better than those i create in my head. Expectations, as many would say. 

I like being alone, or is it because I hate to disturb others? That's why I hardly make the first move. Without a reason, I won't do it. I just feel really bad when i disturb others. Or did I already outgrew the stage of disturbing people, since thats what I did a lot in Sec sch?

My thoughts: if I was to tell anyone about what i think or feel, it usually gets processed in my head a thousand times over. So most of the time I end up chickening out and losing the courage to do it. A simple sentence can be phrased and rephrased countless times, until it makes perfect sense in a way others will not misunderstand. Yes the Virgo mind is really complicated. Especially mine. 

I'm simple on the outside. In fact, I don't take care of my appearance. I don't see the need to. That's why half the time I end up being so crazy and out of place, until I stand in front of a mirror. But once the mirror is gone, I'm back to being image-less. I'm still slowly giving myself more reasons to take care of my image more, but it's going to take a lot more time and self-persuasion in order to see the change in me. You give me a comment about myself, I'll take days, weeks or months to process it, then give myself more advantages than disadvantages, before I slowly start to change.  And the more often you give me those comments, the more I tend to ignore it and push it even further back. 

Change to me is self-realisation, not because of someone else prodding you, or insisting you to change. 

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