Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Welcome me back to Earth!!!! πŸ˜‚

Okays first, overseas trip to London and Paris. Twas major love, super fun, totally enjoyed myself, let my hair down n did the things i have never done before πŸ˜‰ Of course not anything that betrays my self-respect for my body la! I'm fully intact okay! Nothing lost n nothing gone. HAHA. Seriously i can write about what I did there and where I went to forever. And it'll take hours. Not suitable to be done while lying on the bed prepaing to sleep at 3am~ So i shall leave the story telling for another day. 

Previous post was made at the end of May. So almost 3 months passed since i last blogged coz its end of august now. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING IN 2 WEEKS TIME!!!! I will be turning 21. AND THATS OLDDDDD. How i wish i was still 19 πŸ˜‚ Then i'll have all the time in the world. Ok not exactly too but whatevers hahaha. 

I hoped that month spent overseas did change me. I can't say anything about the changes myself until someone is able to witness it n tell me about it~ or else it will just be a lie hahas. 

Yes i went there empty handed n i still came back with nothing. If u know what i mean HAHAHAHA. OMG sometimes i just can't stand myself with all the lame jokes i make man =.= 

Oh life before overseas was just slacking around at my job. Hahahaha. N life after going overseas is just slacking around at home. Supposed to be planning my own bday bbq chalet but procrastination will always kick in and i will end up doing something else~

I had a hard time thinking about who i should invite. And that means categorizing which friends are close or good or just acquaintances. I swear its all these categorizations that make me unable to make more new friends easily sia! I have this distorted thinking that the longest lasting friends are best friends and all new friends can never be the best. Really wrong thinking so i am trying hard to make things right. But that doesnt mean that my super long lasting friend is not my best friend~ ^^ Still that guest list is really tough to decide. Coz reality hits me hard that i dun exactly have that many friends... Ouch. 

I shall leave the reflections of my 21 years of life to after my birthday. Tmr i might write about my month long trip.

Shall enjoy the last few days of being 20 now~ HAHA. Good night world! My screwed up body clock pretty much shows how much i miss london actually HAHA. 

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