Thursday, May 30, 2013


Idk if its coz they are really annoying, or that i'm just feeling irritated these days. 

There's this guy whom we're going with for our london trip (JL), who keeps trying to act cute when he's not. Yesterday, me & gloria felt he was really irritating coz he didn't have anything to do but still doesn't want to help us plan for paris. N he keeps talking crap and nitpicking our research. 

People who know me knows i'm very quiet and kind (those people who are coughing go see a doc :P) and seldom gets annoyed by people. You may hate me, but i definitely don't hate you. My friends know i don't get angry easily. But i still do get pissed off and its these few months that i've been more easily pissed off 0.0 Maybe my hormones started late. Like really late... 

Weirdly, i am more pissed off with those guys who talk a lot of crap and do nothing. Those like Justin. Girls who do that are just bimbos. Whom i easily ignore and don't even get pissed. I am the straightforward type, so if i'm pissed i don't bother hiding it. Well if i have been pissed at you recently, i'm sorry, but perhaps you're at fault too. And both of us shall do our reflections and improve ourselves. 

And there's annoyance. After such a long and peaceful exam period, i had a hard time getting accustomed to lijing's hyper-ness. Much so i felt like asking her to stop talking. But that's my fault. A sudden change to a talkative environment really throws me off track. Yeah the first 2 hours was hard coz i needed lots of getting used to. But things get better and easier after several hours HAHA. 

And to answer lijing's question (not like she will read this) about me & KK, we did not quarrel. We just kinda drifted apart coz i no longer tell him the things he want to know. We are still friends. And who says friends have to talk to each other every single day in order to qualify. Not much of a common topic so i won't bother talking to him as much. Anyways, i am still waiting for that day where he will finally let the cat out of the bag and reveal his feelings in front of her whom i know all too well. *ahem this is such a big clue* HAHAHAHA. Ppl who read my blog and know them are gonna get super entertained man! I know i am XD

Am i hiding back into my shell again? Because i kinda lost faith in the male population... Good ones are all taken, bad ones are really rotten to the core. HAHAHAHA. Ok i should stop being so judgemental and give everyone a chance. Easy to say but hard to do. I'm sorry i really have some prejudice against guys ><

And HO CAI ER is that a boyfriend i see?!? That you have not told me about?? RAWR what kinda friend are u! Why u no say! BTW i'm assuming its that guy in your paris pictures... (Then again HCE doesnt know i have a blog so she won't ever see this HAHAHA)

AHHH the going crazy from loneliness girl~ 

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