Monday, July 14, 2014

Split personality

Hanging out with all the younger ones have literally made me their age πŸ˜‚

My sarcasm and suan-ing skills have improved by leaps and bounds, be it for NDP or in Dance Up. Idk why but i have very suddenly let go of a lot of things that once mattered a lot to me. 

I no longer feel awkward to talk about or even suan others about certain stuff ie relationships. Perhaps the major factor that made me put down this burden is coz of my sis. 

I feel like i am back in sec 4, with the juniors calling ahma. Those were the days i really connected on a different level. I'm feeling it again now during NDP, where i am usually the oldest. And when playing dance up too, coz that game is totally plagued with xmm and xdd of all varying ages and backgrounds... 

Conclusion: i don't belong to the 22 age group, and i might be a gemini since i have 2 faces πŸ˜‚ Hyper crazy blurr sotong versus serious strict naggy overachiever

Monday, July 7, 2014

3 is a good number

3 is the number for a third wheel
3 is the starting number for a group
3 is also the awesome 3rd year i have been volunteering as usher for NDP!

Woots!~ in a sense 3 does describe me this year πŸ˜‚ 

I love my NDP group! Its the best group i have ever had in my 3 years! Or perhaps i have a slightly more different and crazier attitude coz i have let go of a lot of things (aka stereotypes). Well i'm a carefree biatch now! (Y) 

Complain Club 2, although most of you are younger than me, but all of your attitudes are really the top notch and i'm looking forward to learning more from all of you! Lookin forward to Saturdays now!

The before and after duty shot~ that i couldn't manage to upload on insta coz of cropping issues and my short term memory (still struggling real hard to remember everyone's names...)