Friday, August 1, 2014

My last weekend holiday-ing

So my last weekend of holidays is approaching soon... Coz i'm starting work on Monday! Egg-cited but somehow sad that this marks the end of my holidays... Which is also the last ever holiday I will have in my life T_T

I hope I can adapt well to the environment, stay in a job for that long without losing interest. Seriously idk when I will ever lose interest in anything... Although I know I definitely can persevere through anything, but I have never worked for a period of more than 9 months and I get bored really easily... :/ 

At least 1 thing I know for sure is that my colleagues are nice and friendly. I guess this would make up for any inadequacies in the job~ 

I am just lucky to even get the job and its all thanks to Sook Yee 😍 HEAPS OF THANK YOU TO MY EX-COLLEAGUE FOR LOVING ME SO MUCH AS AN INTERN. N for putting in all the good words such that I became hired. I can't be anymore grateful to have found such a good and attractive job~ 

The bad thing about a job: I can't play Dance Up as much anymore T-T 
I will miss my one and only love Kuam a lot... As well as all my lovely lil guildies Kris, Fel, Jia, all of them. I will miss bullying Rey kor and Uncle Adam! My position as team matters have really made me so close with the members~ Le sigh why are good memories often so short... 

But seriously at age 22 why am I still taking an online game so seriously? Oh well there are age 23 ppl in there, n Rey is 1 such person who is embarrassed to admit he's playing the game in real life πŸ™Š HAHAHA the interesting things about life 😏 

Don't let me get started on how there's a reason behind everything... An alarming trend which I have spotted in the game. People in there are plagued with troubles. There are so many issues in real life that they can't handle. Backstabbing, betrayal, bullying, the oh-so-common heartbreak, the broken family, etc. The list is endless. And these are the people who enter the game to be lost in virtual reality. To find a new replacement for someone they lost. To make friends who seem to never let them down. 

And there's people like me and Kuam, who wishes there is peace in the humankind. Who tries to dissuade people from getting into a fight. Who tries to let them see its meaningless to go to war with someone you don't actually know. Yes the reality out there is cruel, but you don't need to start bringing your gangs online right. 

That's why game developers always earn so much. Precisely coz of the ppl who tries to find themself through the game, splurging on virtual items, relationships, and social interactions. 

And this does make me feel like becoming a counsellor so I can help those problem teens... A virtual counsellor does sound like a good thing in all games uh. ^^

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