Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Its just after the first day of NDP, and I am already having withdrawal symptoms... Only CR3 has passed and I already miss running up and down the stands, darting through the crowds, screaming :x at people to move in. And this year my extra special role: being a leader and giving everyone I know and not know encouragement. I really like this duty. I thought I had forgotten all about ushering, but the moment I'm in there, my mind goes into over-run. I am stubborn, unstoppable, carefree, and fun-loving. All at the same time. And of course image-less HAHAHAA. But this time it is especially fulfilling since I can take part in the planning, make decisions,  not be constrained to my duty areas, and so much more. I felt so proud when my volunteers are doing the job correctly; ushering and guiding people where to go. I felt so proud of myself when I could handle the queries of the public, sometimes soft sometimes hard, and thanking them so profusely when they decide to move in. This kind of fulfilment, I haven't had in such a long time. 

Anddddd I have a crush now <3 I thought I was on the rink of becoming devoid of emotions, as there was noone whom i fancied. But this guy, I have no idea what was it that attracted me, but there I am, wishing that he will text~ He was super damn formal initially. All those exchanges were full of cheem words and formal greetings. But now we are better, less formal and more jokes. I miss disturbing him sia. I think he's one of the reasons I look forward to NDP too~ :x

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