Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My manager is leaving :(

My manager has tendered... :'( 
WO HEN SAD. Noone go home with me liaoz. Noone pei me OT and then cab home together liaoz. Noone will be pressing me endlessly for my outstanding work liaoz. Noone to talk cock and tell me about Mayday liaoz. Hen sad ahhh. 

This one short year of working with her, and we managed to hit off really well. Not sad is fake de :( Is my dept going to kua now that another manager who delivers work is gone? Meh all I can predict is life is going to be hard HAHAHAHA. 

What to do. Suck thumb, accept fate, miss the past, but still move on. Life is like that. Andddddd this kaypo queen cannot go around blasting latest news yet coz its not yet announced leh. Haish. But then again when August nears, this loudmouth of mine will definitely open. HAHAHAHA. 

Less than 2 months left with my manager around. I think I better start accomplishing some big things soon. ie signing up for my SQP. 

But procrastinators love to procrastinate and there is no stopping me from procrastinating. And procrastination just so happens to result in the lack of time to complete important tasks on hand, and then everything is just going to keep rolling over and become a snowball. Good luck to me and thanks eberehbody. 

And now whats left of my to-do list for the year? 
1) get a boyfriend
2) get started on SQP
3) do my work properly
4) learn as much as possible

WOW seems like I can't really tick off anything huh. Can I just focus on the first item and not do anything about the rest? I wishhhhhh. 

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