Monday, August 10, 2015

NDP actual day! (Delayed post)

As part of my wonderful NDP15 memories, here's the "heartfelt" message that I forced out from Benji~ 

Hahahas tSK tsk ☝☝u ahhhH~ 
Hmms , I will.say , u guys have given lots of encouragement and efforts was taken to bond the group together. There were so many of us with different mindsets , gearing us towards a common goal is nt easy especially with all the different issues every week. You guys handled it to the best of your abilities.
The effort to take time to buy sweets and having a barrier free relationship , random chats and playing around is also wat makes the entire deployment more fun. Ultimately , all the words above will never be able to sum up the entire journey . In the near future wen u recall back  , it will be all the little things we do and been through together as a team that will set u tinking again..

Coz his message was like a one-liner in terrible handwriting, so I just had to do such things to force it out from him. I am always damn evil HAHAHA. But seriously everyone put in at least a little bit more effort than him lor! 

Definitely Sharon's idea for making them do letters. So glad that they got the heart also! But like before lunch already know they preparing things la. So we leaders just kept ourselves occupied with K-sessions and blissfully pretend we dont know anything~ 

But as a normal general volunteer I never even bother preparing anything for my leaders so its really different this year! 

Survived on 3 and a half hour of sleep before NDP, and surprisingly somehow i'm still going strong! Haven't felt really tired yet, still can jump around and dance and zi-high during dispersal and after party~ Totally WOW-ed that I am still alive sia! 

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