Friday, November 6, 2015


Yet another friend turned insurance agent. Sorry but not sorry, its the point of time to break friends. HAHAHA. I'm doing it as subtlely as possible though. After all you had been such a good ex-colleague, who gave me a very temporary job during my uni life, and for being such a good mentor (and yes i thank you for giving me that 90% grade for my final internship evaluation). Without you perhaps I won't be at where I am (oh but without many of the people in my life I won't be where I am). So yeah. But considering all this, I am still not going to meet you to do insurance planning. 

My fear of them agents goes a long way back (not that long but when I was 18?).  Over all these years, and many similar experiences later, I have grown much wiser and cautious. At least I know what I want now, and I am definitely not the kind who lusts after wealth. I don't look towards major riches, nor do I wish for an extravagant lifestyle. My life wants and needs are actually real simple, because I don't have a particular interest to anything. Life's simple pleasures can be free or cheap right? ;) 

So when he said that "I see the way You are living a luxury lifestyle", I JITAO LAUGH. Friggin funny. So I told him I don't have a luxury lifestyle, and he told me he saw it from my facebook. And I'm like WTF and asking SY how is my life luxurious at all. Someone enlighten me about this rich life which I am living unconsciously. I would love to have these riches that "exist". 

And then SY was saying maybe the wakeboarding looked luxurious. LOL. Erm it's company subsidised, not a private yacht, and the last I checked, I was not holding an expensive drink or enjoying the sea breeze in my branded dress. Like HELLO? 

Joke of the morning. I am so glad that them friends turned insurance agents are just acquaintances, and not some really  close friend. And then again, I tend to keep some form of distance between friends who I know I will be seeing a lot, vs friends who I don't think I will see them a lot (or again for that matter). 

P.S: I love my interns :) The best source of joy and laughter; those carefree days where your biggest worry will be the  grad trip destination, or even simply their next meal of the day. Interns always teach me a lot of fun, making nonsense jokes, and ensuring my sanity. 

P.P.S: I don't understand how come interns love to squeeze beside me when there are loads of empty tables everywhere -_-# Hello if you haven't noticed, my table is the cosiest being about 1m wide, and there is still that occasional butt coming to squeeze in beside me... Just to disturb me. It's no wonder why I have to OT...

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