Saturday, December 19, 2015

The workday nearest to Xmas!!

Going on holiday in like 6 hours time!! And I had such a fruitful day at work today! I mean the atmosphere today is so relaxed and fun going and I talked to so many people today. HAHAHA. 

Y'know when I am in a good mood I am an extreme chatterbox! Updating everyone about life. And eavesdropping! And making a fuss out of nothing HAHAHA. 

Really a hapz day today. So Ahmad just got seconded to an Epic client's place, have to go learn everything from HJ in a short span of time. And do the closing in end Jan. Like really HOSEH. It's at least a senior's job or someone high level, and its all going to be done by an INTERN. The life of our interns are seriously DAMN EXCITINGZ. And all these happened in the span of the morning. Too many last minute changes seriously. 

Lunchtime with Gloria was major life updating stories. Like we haven't seen each other in AGES. Soooo many things to update. And holiday mood too! And crashing 4 fingers lunch party too. (Round 2 lunch. Welcome fats. ) 

Then afternoon was spent complaining about life, trying to rush my work before i go on leave, then enjoying life with le log cake. And le fats.

Ohwell today is a damn good day i'm like EXCITEBALLZ everywhere. OC here OC there. Kajiao here, kajiao there. FUN MUCH. Really like to run around like some maniac HAHAHA. 

And Gen gave us 3 a flower each!! Look at the pretty pink flower <3 Le human is not pretty though. Oops. 

YESHH and there's appreciation night today. Free food and drinks at clubhouse. Epic gossip session, digging out ALL the gossip from the top of the department too. And random gossip on miscellaneous auditors. And the single for life status of the team. Juicy much. Apparently, I thought my 23 years of singlehood is extreme enough. Meanwhile a 21 years of singlehood was complaining about life and the girl he liked and failed, and the 30 years of singlehood person chup in to say dont try to compare. SO MUCH LAUGHS. 

And I can't exactly tell everyone that the 30 years is not really straight... Ohwell. This is too much gossip. WHICH CAN RUIN REPUTATIONS HAHAHAHA. 

Its fine whatever stays spoken will remain un-scribed. 

BCO and singlehood has quite a steep correlation... Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all HAHAHA

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