Tuesday, January 19, 2016


This post won't be divulging any secrets. Well at least not my secrets. HAHA.

Some things are better kept unknown, especially if you know that it can ruin a person's reputation, and how everyone will eventually look at the person when the secret is made known. People can be very judgemental, and pounce on the earliest chance to expose and defame the person. I think I am gifted in the sense that I can see pass a person's facade, and usually what made them. I like to know a person's past, how it affects the present, and how the future might be like. What makes a person tick, what life had put them through. I tend to think that everyone has a reason why they are the way they are, and besides, there is a reason behind everything. People aren't just bitchy for a reason. There is something that they need, and the person is unable to cope with it, henceforth putting through expectations to those around them, as a form of venting frustrations.

Back to secrets. I admit I have my own ways of stalking people. (Oops) but nothing beats actually talking to the person directly and asking straight up what you want to know. I can see into your past, and know what are your likes and dislikes. I listen to what the people around knows about you, matches them to what I already know, and derive at my own conclusions of why you are behaving in certain ways and your insecurities. With all the advancement of social media, it's really hard to keep a completely clean record of all that you have been through. (Unless you are me, relatively you don't have much of a thing to pick on hehe). Everything is nice on the outside and may not be that fantastic on the inside.

And the judgements. Secrets are kept because humans are afraid of people using their exposed disadvantages to place incorrect judgements on themselves. Feed them an information not to your favour, and everything that you do wrongly will be because you are so and so. And then these incorrect judgements will stick with you wherever you go. It's like that and it will be hard to shake off.

Another note to self: when I don't judge, doesn't mean others will not judge too. So I better keep some things to myself... Like erm partner's son because I just realised he may not like the whole world knowing that he is here because of certain special connections. Ahhhh it's bad when you know things and you cannot expose them :(

That's why it always sucks to keep secrets.

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