Monday, August 25, 2008

2day had eng and chi paper 1 prelim... lols no mood 4 exams ^^
somehow i thought that the chi is much much easier than the eng. some weird topic for eng: Accidents. How the hell do i write that? and with that irritating S it makes it all the harder. 2 bad it's the only narrative story topic.what to do... totally no idea how to write discussive or argumentative. ^^ Chi at least i had the idea what to write =)

Ahh bored! Tmr chi and eng paper 2. hmm it is horrible... Basically, i don't think i can finish both these papers, much less say get good grades for that. oh bother...

The only thing i can think that is good about exam is that can go home early. And don't say that coz we are the first batch to use that air-con hall means it's good. It's freeeeeeezing cold in there!!! especially since I'm sitting right below the air-con. plus the weather being so cold. Argh irritating. I think i caught a cold already...

-sniffing and bored-
Jia Yi ^^

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