Friday, August 29, 2008

2day had Teachers' Day celebration in school. It IS fun! yay 4A rox!
Anyway it is the first ever time students give teacher a wig. and so we gave Mr Fam a clown wig ^^ Sabryna baked a cake that is SOOO nice. and the caramel was condensed milk cooked for 3 1/2 hours i think. with lots of chocolate on top. Vair delicious. haha. yeah and we gave him flowers too. I'm thinking he will go home and give it to his wife anyway. but I really wonder what will happen to his clown wig after today anyway.

Went to school as usual and had morn assembly.then had some poetry reading (?) sessions and i don't remember what else. then went back to class to prepare, while the teachers went for their 'breakfast'. We would have to invite them up though. Had loads of fun in class. the moment Mr Fam open the classroom door we sprayed him with lots and lots of those streamers. he was totally covered with it anw. must get the photos of him like that from lijing ^^. then we gave him his prezzies (the wig, followed by the flowers) and then presented him the cake. but only some people got to ate it during that time coz we were rushed to go back to the hall. in the hall, had some pretty lame stuff which i don't really enjoy. should have given us more time to celebrate with our teachers mah. but after all that celebration we were dismissed alr, but we went back to the classroom for class photos.and cleaning up. haha. b4 we left school compounds went to take a lot of pics in the garden. when i get my hands on the photos i would upload it ^^

went for pepper lunch at AMK hub after all that. as usual i was eating the slowest...Although my food only arrived like the 2nd last one. Jessica ate faster than me even though her food arrived last(and much later than mine). but thanks for w8ing for this super slow eater ^^ haha. went home with my sis coz she was eating at Macs. but bought some food for my grandma coz her b'day is coming soon (i still think it's later than mine...). ehh enuf me talking liao now the pics ^^

Mr Fam in his rainbow afro wig with his flowers~
4A boys with Mr Fam
The guys trying to pull in Mr Fam to do brokeback with them =)
Hong min, You Yue, Jessica, Mr Fam and Win
Lijing's salmon pepper rice
(I didn't take my chicken pepper rice coz i know i will eat very slowly ^^)
-still very high from all that hubbub-
Jia Yi ^^

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