Saturday, January 31, 2009

i 4got to post this yesterday.

4 those who don't know yet, i got into ngee ann poly accounting.

n i am not appealing anywhere or something.

i accept my fate ^^ anw it was my 1st choice =.=

oh wadeva

i wanna sleep despite waking up at 1.30 pm 2day.

hais... yawns~~~

hope i recover from shock alr ^^ anw i tink tat tat post was redundant. oh wadeva...
note: this post has a loooot of shortforms. if u're another lijing maybe i would suggest u dun read it ^^

juz now went to surf blogs. wahahahas. tat sounds weird. linked some of muh seniors. some reali like long long time no see liaos. hais. all so naughty nvr come back. muahaha. joking =.= after linking them, i shall wait for 1 fine day when i am lame 2 go tag on their blogs. hahahas. sleepy but I DUN WAN SLEEP YET =)

think i reali blog very little... but it wouldn't make a diff knowing tat. coz i will still continue blogging so little. lalala.

now lets summarize the week(again...) hahas.hmm when shall i start from...

sunday: CNY eve~ ate reunion lunch n dinner wif paternal grandma. cooked up a whole feast again zzz. den went 4 reunion steamboat dinner at maternal grandparents house. didn't eat coz 2 full. played a fun game wif cousins~ its good to have young cousins u noe. but prob comes when u're the oldest. zzz aunt say i pass down the bad habits. muahaha. shan't deny or accept. slept at 2.45 aft watching tv~

Monday: CNY 1st day~ felt a sore throat when i woke up >< dunno why when i didn't touch a lot of heaty stuff b4 CNY... argh all those nice nice CNY food cannot eat. sob sob... went 3 temple in the morn. this year dunno why everything also behind schedule. zzz. mayb coz feet pain coz of the irritating shoe. hais nvr had 1 year whr i have no prob wif the shoe 1... ^^ den aft the 3 temples den went maternal grandparents hse le. start collecting angpao hahas. the day tat i collected the most angpow. lalala. dinner back at my new hse whr food was cooked by my uncle who's supposed 2 b the guest =)

Tuesday: CNY 2nd day~ dun ask me wad time i woke up. tink it was quite late bah. my younger cousins come alr den we go out bai nian... n dey got free angpow as they followed us go nearby bai nian.zzz... stupid flu medicine cause me 2 be so drowsy den lyk falling asleep at my sis's nanny's hse... went home all my aunties, uncles, and cousins reach liaos. slept through lunch den woke up stil groggy. went 2 new house 4 mahjong, me still wif the terrible sore throat... body purposely choose new year 2 fall sick argh. won 2 rounds lalala. quite lucky la. anw we dun play $$ de =) den left at 5+ go compasspoint find my makan ^^ den go my older cousin's house(pls pls dun expect me 2 tell u which cousin is which. i'll seriously faint typing all their names...) 'prepare' buffet. relatively boring. no is damn boring. i dunno my twice or thrice removed cousins(equivalent my cousins' cousins) though some years will see dem. but its still u dunno me i dunno u, every1 do ur own business. muahaha. left quite early(havcnt lao yu sheng yet...) den went 2 my maternal aunt's hse for gathering. onli stayed there 4 lyk half hr =.=

Wednesday, Thursday: juz nid 2 noe i back 2 work. ^^ wed sleepy, thurs boss treat us new year lunch at The Chinese Restaurant at Raffles Town Club(?). food onli ok ok la... but the restaurant damn crowded... lau-ed yu sheng again. (2nd yu sheng this year so far... 1st was chu xi)

Friday: half day leave~ ^^ left work at 1.05 ^^ took 132 to sch. reach i tink lyk juz after 1.30? zzz... onli MFGG alumni tat went back. zzz... 4 new sec 1s and 2 new sec 2s. the curse of guides is fast coming true~~ (long story, dose who wan noe ask me personally ^^) ok maybe it isn't tat long zzz... dey played whacko and butt slide (tats wad i call it. any1 got a beta short n sweet name juz tell me ^^). me juz stay on sidelines n talk n sip water.(my sore throat worsened u noe... ok it recovered on wed n thurs n worsened 2day). i still take 2day as fri FYI. den drilled dem at red brick. so paiseh the drill BFN still wan dem march out 2 parade square. zzz. should have went 2 the ulu ulu road(ok mayb not tat ulu) at PDP(?) area...left at 4.30++ 2 meet ppl go class bbq. w8ed n went around, got lost, found hope, and finally reached the 'mtg' area. zzz. (next time juz dun tell me AMK hospital onli... hais. tell me its at YCK maybe i might noe better...) went bbq at tommy's condo~ very little ppl den anw... ok found out i very luo suo so i cut it short. other details i tink my class ppl will blog de bah.(i tink) anw at the end tink got 20+ ppl dere, ate food, finished all the carbonated n non-carbonated drinks, made a hell lot of noise until got complaint, fed food 2 stray cat, ate damn lot of stingray, had 2 pay $26 for lj's n my food, and found out sooooo many ppl going nyjc. end of a long story cut short. i dun tink any1 persevered through my shortforms n read this far. so i end up blogging 4 my own sake ^^ wadeva... reached home at 11pm. not my latest anw =)

oh ya 1 more ting. ^^ i seriously feel lyk camping at the bus stop at my blk's void deck n say hi to those at NYJC. muahahas. if not u can come up 2 8 floor find me. lols. if i free enuf i'll give u a personal tour around neighbourhood(well maybe...). muahahas.i noe i m still so lame... but reali reali muz come find me if not i bored. 1 day u wun juz see me w8ing at the void deck liaos. u juz mite see me blocking the dun worry i m not till tat stage yet. =) oh another limitation. after work i'll onli reach home at 6.45 (usually). so anytime b4 u'll onli find my sis n my granma. hahas. i dunno why i am saying dis much nonsensical stuff. hais... lets juz generalize tat i m senile n going very crazy, n yet still slacking as much as possible ^^

lalalas i lyk blogged 4 almost 1 hour liaos... tink this post should be enuf 2 feed ppl reading(if there IS any) for 1 whole week bah. muahahas~ anw i tink i more active in tagboard zzz

sleepy n yet still dun wan sleep =) hope tmr i can wake up at 12. lalalas~~~ sianz...
-Jia Yi-
its lyk 2.52am now la =.=
i still wanna go surf blogs n see the unbelievable. lols i weird =.=

i got a shock


Friday, January 23, 2009

hmm under request of lijing i am here to blog =.= even if she won't read this she asked me to blog... hais where got like that 1...

lets summarise this week:
monday was a bad day since i was late to work coz of the irritating 156 that doesn't seem to appear.
Tuesday was a 'dreamy' day and i spent the whole day thinking about the stupid dream i had.which is just as irritating.
Wednesday... i dun really rmb. only remembered that i got stuck in the traffic jam on the way to work. reached office at 9.15 and yet i was only the 2nd one to reach. everyone else was also stuck in the jam =.=
Thursday... i spent the whole day dozing off at work. who ask me to sleep at 1am the previous night. hais... n can't really blame me also. the work given was just tooooooo boring... ^^ yeah n ytd we went ntuc, then got some nestle thingy where u can win prize la. then my aunty helped the other collegue win a hamper. like damn lucky la. zzz
2day i had enough sleep so i didn't doze off. but actually 2day is a relatively boring day... hais... went botanic garden 4 lunch. like 10 mins+ drive away from office. n our boss was like driving 80 on a road that said slow =.=

bla bla bla bla bla bla... i am still sooooo bored... my sis camped at the dairy farm from mon to wed. she didn't know where she left her socks, and ended up through the rest of the camp sockless. blisters were of course inevitable. but serves her right. muahahaha. just not enough camp experience =.= hahas

bored bored bored bored bored bored... i go read other blogs liaos tatas~~~
-Jia Yi-

Sunday, January 18, 2009

lalalas~~ camp ytd was sucky, so lets all not elaborate on the bad parts. and 1 more thing...


went CH for camp 4 the 1st half of the day, telematch was haywire when they all started playing wif the flour n throwing it at each other. its soo bad tat ur black tshirt gets all white okay...anw i dunno who cleared up but whoever cleared up is going 2 have a hard time. coz flour wif water is soo hard 2 clear up... ^^

helped at the obstacle course, onli 4 our guides. gotta guide dem thru wadeva it is and the boys juz wanna scare the girls enuf. ended up i seriously dunno wad has happened to my eardrums when they kept shrieking when the boys brush the broom past their legs. anw there was 1 or 2 boys b4 the gals who also screamed like the gals did. damn funny la.

games back at MF was total havoc. wads wif all the flying water bombs wif the bad words is soo not a gd way 2 enjoy the war games la. cant they juz learn tat this is juz a game whr ppl are supposed 2 have fun, not juz go around finding more ppl 2 agitate. 1 min they were all screeching n den the next their faces turned n started the argument wif the peeps who threw it at them. are they like untouchables? zzz ppl cant throw at them n they can throw at them... zzz

oops this was supposed 2 be a more positive post. zzz

okie then it was dinner n then campfire. i am soooo annoyed that no1 high-ed wif me la. its sad when u're the onli 1 singing loudly (n out of tune ^^) n den u feel tat the ppl beside u all fell asleep. zzz cf's supposed 2 be fun la dun shhh me behind the parents ^^ i'll juz noe 2 shift my butt away from the parents n juz go somewhere else 2 talk. zzz anw u can't seal my mouth when i am like high la =) so i juz went to pester joey n yy. hehes. they're like sooo tired n also cant get high... isabelle's not there n there is simply no1 whom i sucessfully managed 2 influence them 2 get high... nvm wadeva anw it wasn't the best of campfires. muahahas. w8 i dun even rmb which cf was damn fun zzz...

so went back home n i reali dropped dead... hahahas

end of ytd's story? ok wadeva. ^^
-Jia Yi-
(getting sleepy again liaos zzz)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

6 days since i last posted~ i noe it isn't tat long. ^^

got 14 for L1R5... n its still not up 2 my expectations... having a lot of trouble filling the stupid jae form... argh... parents nag n nag n nag n nag n nag like practically non-stop. i tink i suffering more stress in filling up the jae form den during my o lvls =.= wee~~ tink i going 2 try apply for poly liao lalala. i sot sot de.

my mind's not as crazy n mixed up as ytd liaos la. tinking whether i cold-blooded de... i m screaming n saying supposedly 'angry' words while laughing n smiling =.= den every1 around me all quite quiet de. hehes sry 2 all if i made waaaay 2 much noise ytd during results. haha. feeling more n more sot as the days go by =.= hais... tink its juz not very me 2 keep quiet familiar frens =.= yea lets juz say i am quiet and noisy, sane yet insane. hahas. soo extreme =.=

i'm trying 2 figure out whether there are more disappointed ppl or happy ppl wif their results. i guess got more disappointed ppl ba. though i not sure whether i can be categorized under any =.= most classes definitely a lot of disappointed ppl ba. but i tink 4E's the most happy so far ba. coz i didn't go take note much hehes. lalalas still sooo bored...

dad's gonna use comp liaos. n i nid 2 go try refilling all the options. zzz hais...
-Jia Yi-
PS i lyk wrote dis post at midnite ytd, n onli cont lyk now =.=

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sooo bored. w8 when was i ever not bored? zzz
falling asleep...

2day made a lot of phone calls. almost a whole aftnn making phone calls. gonna develop a fear of the phone alr. n my boss says its just the appetiser. kill me pls. haha. everytime make the call sure kana reverted 2 secretary/PA. n there's always the irritating un-updated addresses tat makes everyting else futile. so sad.

msn-ing and blogging at the same time...

OMG sooo much changed ever since we left sch... prem is no longer the discipline head liao. he got promoted 2 sci yong become sec 1 discipline coordinator. hahas. a bit unbelievable although he got more fierce last year alr. den now can bring hp 2 sch n can wear sports shoes liao. hais wad kind of world is dis... the big changes always occurs after we step down or leave the sch... so sad...

laughing at my jnr in 3A (aka yy) regarding her subj teachers. haha. her class got the chers tat i tink are horrible de. i feel soo lucky. ^^ at least the gd teachers taught us in sec 3 and 4 ^^ lalalas~

yay i can go for cca exhibition liaos. n i can go 4 camp inspire liaos. yayayayayay. =) i seriously hope the jnrs will not piss me off. point is i am not easily pissed. most of the time i get pissed is coz i kana influenced by others de. ^^ hope my snrs would be thr also. lalala playtime! wee~~ i still sound soooo slack... ^^

lalalas i suddenly feel so busy 4 no particular reason. its either very busy or nth do at all de. hais...

Jia Yi
PS i ended at lyk 8.10pm =.= i took 1hr ++ 2 blog! oo-er

Sunday, January 4, 2009

watching css 3~
soo scary the opening song is hong dou >< n i still rmb all the steps. zzz.yeah y wun u rmb it when u have 2 teach it... hais.

weather soo cold. idk why even it not raining... tinking i getting sick soon le la. cleaned windows and packed stuff 2day. soooooooo dusty. felt so proud of myself while cleaning windows coz i cleaned away a lot of dust (and sand which idk how it got there) >< other ppl clean also not as much dust i tink. the cloth all black black de. pack stuff through away a lot of things. the box also got so much dust.

zzz hais tmr nid go work again. getting boring le la if everytime do filing and key particulars. sianz i rather go seal envelopes muahaha. sot diao liao.

i wanna go camp inspire!!! zzz den on tat day company got event also. charity film show. showing red cliff 2. 1 tic cost $50. prepare faint ba ^^ dunno whether they will nid temp staff 2 be thr. anw dun mind going 2 event 2 help. but i dun wan go there watch. i wun understand la...
den cca exhibition coming on fri. i oso wan gooo. zzz i tinking take 1 day leave 2 go 3 places. den still nid 2 go open houses. hais...

css3 make until lyk 'xing guang da dao'. doing tat kind of PK thingy... hais. but i tink it nicer. hahas how i dunno y i suddenly sooo high. tink my family got fed up wif me commenting 2 much abt css3. hahas. den i d onli 1 talking >< how typical. n i still wondering y alot of the contestants all same hairstyle. liddat very hard differentiate who is who la. zzz

-Jia Yi-
ended 9:31 coz type n watch tv ^^

lalalas~ i go watch tv liaos.