Saturday, February 7, 2009

time now ish 3+ am lalalas~ though not the latest i slept at, but still quite late considering i woke up at 7+am =.=

sleepy but dun wanna usual. zzz...

many things happened at my workplace anw. my aunt resigned liaos, so office a bit empty. now even my small boss 'resigned', so office even more empty. =.= suay la recession. onli nvr kana me wad... now the office has officially become an all girl's office. well wif the exception of some of the higher ups that comes along to sign stuff. but anw it is still girl populated =.=

2day so bored at office la... tried to sleep but cant. dun wan 2 do the things i dun lyk so in the end nvr do muahaha. dun care. went off at lyk 5.58pm. who cares. the temp bosses all went home to look aft their kids alr wad (i think). time passes sooo much faster at sch den at the office >< hais... prefer go back sch lehs... dun lyk the way ppl backstab each other hais... i this gullible person shall remain as innocent as ever muahahas. and as clumsy as ever too. zzz...okay not tat u dunno i'm always lame when i have lack of sleep.zzz...

hais eyes slowly closing liaos... zzz real sleepy... wonder wad time shall i wake up tmr. hmm... 1+? muahahas. tat was the time i woke up at last sat. argh i wanna go back 2 sch.... for no reason lor... go back sch talk n drift around is better than typing/filing/letter-sending lor.and almost everyday lunch by myself n trying to finish my food in less than half hour =.= if not then is ppl buy back food for me~ which i seldom doubt so now... pocket got 1 big hole liao. bus fares so ex, food so ex. no wonder i miss sch =.=

hmm shall i go for thinking day?????? hais graduated liao still want go. dun care if i manage find ppl go wif me i sure go de. anw last year's thinking day was lyk boring la. now i wondering whether isit the ppl around de influence. i dun remember feeling so bored during thinking day when i was p4/p6/sec2/sec3 lor... maybe tat time sec 2 coz the batch of seniors damn fun. last year every1 got the sian look. n dey dun allow ppl go buy snacks outside. even more sian zzz... hais... but i wanna noe whether our sch will win the banner competition leh. coz dis time not i help one muahaha. if dis year win tat means my art reali damn horrible =.= muahahas

ok la dunno why hand ache liao la. zzz go sleep liaos~ nite nite -.-
-Jia Yi-
3.20am now~ so i didn't take such a long time to type anw =.=

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