Monday, April 20, 2009

back from school~ ^^ wahahas.

ytd i was still dreading it. knowing that i dunno some of those ppl in my tutorials well. but 2day i realised tat at least i know some1 in my tutorials (aka i noe the name n their face =.=), which beats better than having to start from total scratch. nvm i will survive. =) now i'm looking forward to the tutorials alr. but it will only commence like next week. which means nxt wk i cannot come back home so early liaos!!! ahhh... hais... oh yar i kinda 'fainted' ytd at the amt of notes i have to print =.= hais... my poor printer some more no more black ink aft my 1st / 2nd sheet of printing la. sad.

kinda high 2day. maybe coz i didn't have my 8 hrs of slp =.= lalalas~ saw a few familiar faces here and there ^^ quite happy la. i siao siao de. saw Vinlee(tution friend) on the super crowded 74. we were like kind of staring at each other la coz we were quite far apart so we never talk. then aft tat she smsed me sth like 'are u jia yi from stalford' then i told her by mouth 'i dun think i nid reply u hor.' yeah dun wanna waste my sms. standing in between weini n stephenie mah. aft tat did managed to talk to her la. havent seen her for so long liaos~ then went for macroecons lecture. not tat boring la coz the lecturer quite fun de. but at the end my eyes started closing liaos. lucky my eyes only started shutting at like the last 5 mins or so bah.

saw some Oreo peeps around sch ^^ wahahas. so i'm kinda glad i went for the foc n baoc~ if i nvr go i won't noe some ppl liao la. aft lecture went to the cca fiesta. so kelian la. 1 cca only got 1 super tiny booth. then the area each cca have i dun tink can even put 1 canteen table lor. den its quite crowded la. still dunno wad cca i wanna join. maybe join basoc or join some comm service de lor. suddenly not tat interested in the adventure stuff alr. wahahas. walk ard a bit then went atrium buy books. dam heavy la. 3 fat books. the super fat 1 is the DSS (abt excel spreadsheet) de. den some more tat DSS cher upload quite a lot of files all tat on the mel lor. faints. juz hope all the books will be used la. dun be like khalid liddat use 1 time den say bye bye to it for the rest of the year or something.

bus-ed to hub, buy concession den buy mac lunch. so weird la carrying soooo many stuff. bag super heavy then the books also super heavy. hais...

oh yar during 2day's lecture some ppl use their notebk play game la. so bad. heng my laptop heavy so i wun bring it to sch tat much, which means i wun be tempted to do stuff other than listening to the lecture. wahahas.

cont my mac lunch~
-Jia Yi-

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