Saturday, April 18, 2009

wahahas its so early in the morn ^^ i sot diao liaos. supposed to slp de la. =) juz hope tmr can slp in~

okie wed went back sch 4 guides aft visiting gran at hospital in the morn. yeah celebrated putri n debbie's bday in advance. got cake. bought from the shop opposite the school. fruit cake which i sliced quite nicely. wahahas. anw i noe why i dote so much on some juniors n not so much on others. wahaha. suddenly ytd i remembered why i hate some particular juniors sooooooooo much because of their permanent bochup attitude on their face. irritating leh. aiya nvm juz noe that so long they not in charge everything can liaos. ^^

thur nothing much. other than staying in hospital n reading quite a lot of 'twilight'. ahh very interesting. lols. i really sot diao de ^^ c la next time dun wan me to be so high dun make me stay up so late. w8 i wanna stay up myself de =.= okok i'll stop crapping.

fri went sentosa. wa 1st time i went wif frens la. as in everytime got outing to sentosa then i'll try 2 find a million excuses not to go. but somehow this time i readily agreed to go lor. i'm weird. n 2day's weather is soooo hot. not even a single drop of rain. whereas u compare the other 2 sentosa outings i missed both rained heavily in the aftnn. wa so happy =) anw went sentosa also nothing much la. i'm one of the earliest to reach harbourfront mrt. mainly hung out the whole day wif stephenie n yan ting only. weini working hais... played volleyball at around 12+ 1 bah. tats y kana sunburn. my lunch was 7-11. hahas. sad la. then aft lunch slacked around, trying 2 find things do, stay in sapphire pavillion to avoid being dunked into the sea, n while staying in the pavillion played wif the skipping ropes the SBSCs brought (more like we watch them play ^^). oh yar the icebreakers when we reach siloso was kinda lame. the 'sperm and egg' game (i really wonder who the hell invented the name). i kana forfeited to do indian dance >< everytime so suay =.= n coz i ran barefooted my toe got a blister =( then aft that game played dog n bone. coz of the blister i didn't even bother to run.
ps i know my story jump here n there de ^^ lazy go edit it properly. i wanna slp asap de...
aft stephenie left, den me n yanting got nothing much 2 do. so joined the SBSCs to play lor. they were building sandcastles. wahahas. so i juz joined in n build the mini aquarium ^^ my starfish rox. 2 bad no pics... then started to get bored alr, then we went to busy ourselves with the jap kid at the playground. wahahas. we were like juz playing wif him lor. he's so cute ^^ yan ting took a pic of him hahas. n then the SBs were like trying to use jap to communicate wif him. then wadeva the kid tell us we dun really understand. hehes. but quite funny la. got the huge language barrier. then when they leaving then we realise that the kid actually know english coz the mum said 'say bye bye'. then we were like laughing coz all the while the boy can understand english... =.= left siloso at around 5+ 6 bah.

oh yar i suddenly remembered why my high-ness can be explained. i took too much sugar 2day =.= no wonder i so hyper la. kickapoo then 100 plus then bubble tea... then some more eat sweet. sugar overdose =.= lalalas there i go again zi-highing~

bored. dun think my face will appear too much in the camera la =) didn't take tat much pics.

1 more thing. i totally lost count of how many ppl ask for my name liaos. my name very hard rmb meh? hais... shakes head. either they rmb my name dun rmb my face or vice versa. maybe coz i not all that familiar wif them bah ^^ nvm most of the time those ppl who ask me for my name de i also dun rmb their names. lalalas~ nxt time muz bring a nametag ard le. wee~~

ok beta go slp liaos. wake up at 2pm tmr! wahahas. liddat can run away from household chores ^^ i know i lazy bum.

aiyo sch's starting in like 2 days time! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! headache ar. 4get how study le. 2 long no touch books. ltr lecture sure fall asleep de. gd luks 2 me bah~

-Jia Yi-
shall continue zi-highing
4.42 AM ^^
not the latest time i slept though...

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