Tuesday, April 14, 2009

let's try a 10 minute post b4 i start hanging the clothes to dry ^^

okie. start ytd. supposedly to slack at home the whole day de, but in the end something unexpected happen at home lor. grandma broke her leg when at the sinseh in clementi =.= visited her at nite~ n she got no bed la. slp in the corridor. so evil.

2day early morn (yesh it's EARLY. b4 the sun was even up la.) woke up n sat dad's car to amk mrt. which means i have to wake up at the same time as my sis, den my dad send her to amkss den send me n my mum to amk mrt. bleurgh. mrt-ed to ttsh to visit my grandma(aka stay n take care of her if time allows). so ard 7.45 reached there, n she havent wake up yet. den juz the whole morn ask nurses to attend to her n den talk 2 her pei her lor. quite boring la. tmr have 2 repeat.

left ttsh at ard 11.45 den mrt-ed to somerset. met wif juan an n gene, den mrt-ed back to orchard =.= nxt time i'm not gonna be so early. i reached somerset at like 12 sharp la. den dey said meet thr at 12pm. lunch at wheelock sakae sushi~ u noe my fav place la. only didn't eat as much as i expected myself 2 eat. zzz... go wif family beta. free meal ^^ the other gals camwhored at sakae. u noe me the super non-photogenic de of coz nvr camwhore la. i juz put my face into the photo when i get pulled in ^^ still dun like taking pics. hais...

walked from wheelock to cathay cine to watch shinjuku incident. tat NC16 movie tat jackie chan was in. super gross la. so very bloody. was like sinking lower n lower in2 my seat. n the theatre was freeeeeeeeeeeeezing cold. heng i wear jeans ^^ well jeans comprises of my wardrobe so 2 bad =.=

aft movie which jackie chan died,(wahahas) then went to play pool. yeah almost 10+ ppl went in to the pool area, n only 4 ppl played. idk how play mah so sit n stone lor. den LY camwhoring so juz poke my face in lor. if not i really die of boredom. aft i tink 1 hr of pool, den went to walk walk. some more ppl left liaos then left wif ard 8 ppl lor. went to ngee ann city n kana 'bombarded' by the crows. tats y i still say CROWS ARE BLIND. hahas. always fly straight into ur face de. >< yeah 'AIR SHOW,beware of white stuff tat may land in ur head' wahahas. drifted ard deciding whr to go for dinner. ended up at Yoshinoya. aft my dinner play 'chua dai di', den dey started telling ghost stories. yeah spooked out. in such a bright area some more. wahahas. faster activate the 'delete' button in my head. if not i'll nvr enjoy nightwalks again ^^ still loveeeeee nightwalk lalalas~~~

MRT-ed home wif the North-east line ppl. reached home ard 9.30 bah. dun rmb =.= hahas. yeah i wun have lack of ppl 2 go home wif me liaos. lalalas~

oh ya i in 1.2B(tink so, my stm is getting worser n worser even though i just checked like less than half hour ago). aiya is just tat all the days i start sch at 9 other than wed when sch starts at 8 n end at 12 i tink.

i type so slow =.= maybe coz i watching tv. beta go hand the clds liaos. suddenly feel hungry =.= hais... piggy me. zzz...
-Jia Yi-

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