Sunday, April 12, 2009

okok tink should be a quick 1. but knowing how luo suo i am i dunno whether its possible ^^

fri went for oreo outing. thought i was the last to reach. but hor people reached later then me la. ^^ met at city hall mrt, b4 getting lost den went to Thai Express to find the others. funny thing is, imagine around 20 ppl sitting at the table, then only like 3 or 4 ppl eating. hahas. think the waitress pek chek liao la. den drifted ard, went burger king to meet up wif those who left while some were eating at thai express, den walked to watch movie. while w8ing for movie to start some went window shopping, while i went to watch some play pool. dunno how play only noe how 2 watch la ^^ watched fast n furious 4. quite nice la. kinda tired so fell asleep a little bit. aft movie then went meet up wif those who nvr watch de, went food court for dinner then went esplanade rooftop. took some pics den ended up playing truth or dare. lucky i only kana once =) den went home at around 11. bus took so long ><

sat went back MFSS. now then i rmb tat we were supposed 2 go back n collect cert de. den i tink coz GO nvr open la. went back for briefing. guides n scouts organising some camp in May for the brownies n scouts of MINDS (dun rmb wad branch). den dey nid volunteers to help dem be station masters bah. wa i alr a bit scared of the children liaos. though at work i met wif some of these kind of kids la. i know how scary they can be coz i rmb 1 kid ran out of the compounds into the road coz he didn't wan to do sth. juz hope tat during the camp the kids wun do tat la. i also dunno wad kinda games they will wanna play la. went home n it was pouring la. ok tats abt all of my sat le bah... ^^

juz now went takashimaya buy my notebk sleeve. have 2 find 1 tat can fit my protruding battery. how irritating. nvm bot 1 alr. later going out for dinner~ i go take prize wahahas. my sis cannot take lalalas~ its something like scholarship de la. get dunno how many As den can get le. not very sure bah... anw it's my last chance 2 take le lor. coz i dun tink dey have the criteria for poly or uni or sth. nvm at least i can take in my last year. lalalas~

go bathe le tatas~ sad cant watch campus superstar final showdown. hais... hope Jarod dun win. wahaha. Ai Jia win! lols. Ai Jia voice really power mah...

tatas~ not tat long hor. considering i post 3 days de...
-Jia Yi-

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