Friday, June 5, 2009

i decided to blog like after soooo many days not blogging ^^

INFA test (accounting basics) on sat. stupid day to have a test. n the best thing is, this whole wk i have mostly been rushing to tutorials and projects, didn't exactly study for it. dam sad den liddat tmr nid to chiong the whole thing in 1 night. hais...

nxt tue MAEC, nxt fri BLAW n then it's GUIDES CAMP!!! ^^ omg so excited la~~~ zi-high... hehes. but better study hard then play... didn't study at all for econs n law.yet. hahahahas. i'm so slow =.=

i take ages to do my tutorials anw. aiya dun care la. nvr was efficient. nowadays like so hard to concentrate =.=

ohmy tmr got tat stupid excel presentation. hais... siannnnnn... some more my grp decided on wearing quite formal clothes. i'm still wearing my sandals coz i have no other shoes lalalalas~ dun care. i dun wanna get blisters u noe...

hais i like see so many ppl stressed out n freaked out =.= n its making me want to freak out coz i'm not studying hard enuf. zzz... i nid study group!!!! any1 wanna join me???? hehes. n most importantly cannot have distraction of any sort de. omg i miss those sec 4 times we stay back aft sch n mug de... (ok i didn't mug tat much too =.=)

is sec 4 really easier than poly??? for me it's not much la... other than tat dress code, lectures n tutorials. n a smaller class. hw is like not as much though it is always taking up ages of my time =.= maybe the travelling time's the horrible part. hahas. but i always sleep on the bus. it's amazing how i haven't miss any stops yet ^^

oh yar. projects really suck. hais... esp if u're rushing it last min. it's waaaaay worse. hais... wonder if i'll have any time to do any non-project stuff during the 2 wk break =.= n i was thinking go back to work again during tat however short holis la. my aunt ask me n i told her i was like kinda busy so 1 wk mostly can only go a few days. so i think there goes my games n wadeva else. hais... saddddd. nvm i should cut down on all tat anw =.= but i wanna read the new moon la. later no time read. zzz... my sis borrowed it from her fren n den i aim to finish it by holis la. hope i can ^^ lalalas~

seriously crapping =.= nvm better go back to INFA. bleurgh. it seems like theres nothing much to study but actually theres loads n loads of it... zzz... delusion-ing hahahahas.

oh to all those peeps who are stressed out 4 wadeva the reason, juz go get a break. stop thinking abt ur work n all those things bothering urself for juz a few hours. dun think tat u wun catch up if u relax for that a while =.= the person who won't catch up is me. muahahahas. yeah advice from slacker = good advice. lols. very lame now i noe...

better go study/sleep. think sleep better hahas. if not tmr cant wake up =.=

oh yar i think i nid exercise. but the lazy bum juz dun wanna exercise n sweat all over. hehehes. ok maybe aft exam... nono too late maybe this wkend ask my sis whether wan go play badminton. hahahahas. okie i noe 1st time for this person who hates sports. but hor like really sleepy nowadays so better get the blood rushing to my head. maybe i'll study better. hahahahas.

dam random
ok nvm

Jia Yi ^^
lameeeee n slackkkkk


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