Thursday, March 28, 2013


Chances of them being together and for long are high.

Yes jia yi is here to predict the future ^^

Should i continue to believe in the impossible or should i take the bull with its horns now?

Butttt i'm so curious now about how events are going to unfold!

Ohno more friends as couples means more feelings of loneliness. Poor me. But what if LJ's worst fears become true as well? Ohno ohno ohno

And i'm liking my blog dead :) in the sense that noone ever reads it~

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Phantom - Come as you are

Phantom - Come As You Are

New release today! (or more like yesterday)

Lyrics are mainly about how the guys like their girls plain, without makeup and exaggerated forms of dressing. So ladies, just be yourself :)

Horoscope - Virgo!


Only the chinese horoscopes are more accurate HAHAHAHA

Oh so true~
When reading point 5 I was like that's not true. but the 2nd sentence in point 5 i really LOL-ed. Love being late and dislike waiting for others :D

Yeah and that stay calm, keep cool image. But lots of things are happening internally that noone knows. 

I like no9. Kind, and will stand by my friends and family~

Saturday, March 23, 2013


To all my chingu, u have made my day today ^^ it has been good and funny~ all those tweets and whatsapp msgs really are jjang. <3

Hope tmr will be a good day too!~

Stomach aches

Somehow it feels like my stomach that hurts when its my heart T_T
Should i happy or not? He's my friend, and she's my friend too. Both are good friends... And obviously i'm the middle man again.

Too tired of this. Too tired of being the middleman. When will it ever be my turn to be the lead? *le sigh* and keep sighing... Waiting doesn't seem to lead me anywhere.

So do i hope that his confession will fail and she rejects him? Or do i hope that he and she gets together, and poor me forever stuck in the middle? Hais. Why oh why does things work like that.

There's a limit to the jealousy and envy that 1 can tolerate. I know its the age where people get together, had lasted for a long time, and perhaps a few years down the road it'll be all the pretty weddings.

I seriously hope I won't be the only one left on the shelf, unappealing and rotting, when all those around me, though imperfect, get handpicked and living happily ever after...

I should start investing my trust, and hope for better returns. But what is a reliable investment? Such a difficult question.

I need some release. Any sad videos for me to cry with? 😥

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Virgo Star Sign


揭下面具以后的处女座处事冷静、沉着、内敛、稳重;容不得别人的背叛,对背叛自己的人绝不原谅,对敌人下手狠毒,冷血至及。 面具下:多疑、没安全感。他们用情至深,在爱上一个人之后是绝对不会轻言放弃的。但他们只会默默的爱着,悲情暗恋者的典范;内心其实非常的脆弱,非常敏感。


处女座很害怕孤单 。处女座懂得浪漫 幻想 。处女座人细心 温柔 大方 善良。处女座很讨厌别人骗他。处女座常常被人说是忽冷忽热。处女座常常让人觉得他们闷闷不乐。处女座对陌生人无视,对不熟的人外热内冷。处女座是不用对别人放电却可以将人电到的唯一星座~~




This is the first ever description of a Virgo, that so accurately describes me. Can't say about the love part yet, but the rest are really accurate. After this I'm further convinced that I am a true Virgo! :D 

Perfectionist mindset. Noone can ever tell that I have a perfectionist mindset because I just don't show it. But it's in my character actually... Besides, there are manyyy things about myself I had given up on. But I do excel to be the best, if not in school then in my work. If not my appearance then in my character. I know not to demand too highly of others, but I still do demand highly of myself. I do think that once I put my heart into something, I will really do my best.

I believe in miracles. I believe in the unexpected. Perhaps too much of this beliefs make me exceptionally lazy. 

Maybe this shows why I prefer to change others but not myself. I know I am not the best to start with, but if i see others becoming even better, I genuinely feel happy. 

I like to create perfect people in my head. Perhaps that's the reason why I prefer books to drama. Because the people acting in dramas will never ever be better than those i create in my head. Expectations, as many would say. 

I like being alone, or is it because I hate to disturb others? That's why I hardly make the first move. Without a reason, I won't do it. I just feel really bad when i disturb others. Or did I already outgrew the stage of disturbing people, since thats what I did a lot in Sec sch?

My thoughts: if I was to tell anyone about what i think or feel, it usually gets processed in my head a thousand times over. So most of the time I end up chickening out and losing the courage to do it. A simple sentence can be phrased and rephrased countless times, until it makes perfect sense in a way others will not misunderstand. Yes the Virgo mind is really complicated. Especially mine. 

I'm simple on the outside. In fact, I don't take care of my appearance. I don't see the need to. That's why half the time I end up being so crazy and out of place, until I stand in front of a mirror. But once the mirror is gone, I'm back to being image-less. I'm still slowly giving myself more reasons to take care of my image more, but it's going to take a lot more time and self-persuasion in order to see the change in me. You give me a comment about myself, I'll take days, weeks or months to process it, then give myself more advantages than disadvantages, before I slowly start to change.  And the more often you give me those comments, the more I tend to ignore it and push it even further back. 

Change to me is self-realisation, not because of someone else prodding you, or insisting you to change. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Best dream ever

Why am i blogging so much these 2 days? Hehehe. But at least this time shall be a good thing bout me ^^

I dreamt about me on my first date at a tzi char stall. Well i woke up very happy after that ^^ but if only it was true...

Anyways, the dream was quite realistic hahaha. I was being so shy throughout the whole dream LOL. N before he even told me to be his gf we got interrupted by another friend. HAHAHA.

If dreams were representative of my thoughts during daytime, this pretty much explains what nonsense i usually think about. At least the male lead in the dream is someone real and not an idol.

And this makes me feel like making the first move even though i still wouldn't dare to. Dilemmas forever...

Smart sis

Continuation from what i posted just now...

Smart sis went out in nice dress, came back in tshirt and shorts. Fully prepared huh. 1 year liao still dun want let parents know. Humph. Baddddd. This kind of secret relationship is baddddddd!

Maybe i should make it a habit to stalk my sis regularly. But nvm at least i have my ally aka cheryl kam. She will retweet or reply certain tweets my sis have with grayson ah. N since his account locked i cant be too stalkerish and stalk him. I shall stalk my sis! Heh heh heh *evil laugh*

Butttttttt i haven't ranted enough... I'm like locked at home coz i need to study for exams, and i'm like sooooo deprived of going out. Moreover noone asks me to go out ㅠ.ㅠ I need my good food! RAWRRRR! Poor me with no friends ><

Drifting apart, further and further away... I really miss my friends, though i don't have many to start with... And those who used to be the closest proximity is now miles apart overseas! WAAAAAA

WHY WHY WHY CAN'T I TALK TO MOST OF THEM PROPERLY... I need to kick the habit of receiving and not giving 😢