Friday, May 17, 2013

Intimidating people

I realised i'm intimidated by good looking people. I dunno why i feel the need to distant myself away from them. Is this really what is called being shy?

Perhaps deep down inside i have feelings of inferiority. Good looking people seem to always get what they want. Kind of perfect in a way. I know its not the case, they are humans too and no humas can be perfect. And these feelings of inferiority prevents me from making a long lasting conversation with any of them.

There's the average looking bunch of friends then (Guys inclusive). I talk so much more easily to them. Somehow i'm not that shy around these people.

I hardly start conversations with people. I find me applauding myself when i do (haha). And so the good looking friend(s) i have actually talked to me first HAHAHA.

And there are actions. Somehow good looking people really do exude some confidence that makes their actions bigger and prominent. And sometimes these actions really makes me feel like staying away. Similarly for the words they use. I don't understand the point of using "babe" after every sentence. I'm not even a babe. At all! =.=

So am i the only weird person out here. First impressions really determines whether u will be friends at all. I know that i will never fully enter their league. There's some instantaneous reaction that cues you not to even try.

By choosing friends, you end up involuntarily choosing the activities you have together. Can't blame anyone but myself for the paths I chose. But i don't regret what i chose though :)

And i never stopped trying to enter the league. Which explains why i still continue going to class gatherings despite all the awkwardness involved everytime. Those people there, really belong to an entirely different league... Perhaps i should swear off going to class gatherings HAHA

#lagpost from weeks ago

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