Saturday, March 7, 2015

How to tell whether a couple will last

Scrolling through facebook, how to tell whether a couple will last depends on how similar they look alike each other. HAHAHAHA. And with social media, those who tends to post like everyday all the time about their couple only, those cannot last. Because social media is a sham, people are just putting up what they think others want to see. Behind that 1 photo where a couple looks close might lie lack of trust, quarrels and fights, infidelity, overpossessiveness etc. 

And perhaps when you do not look alike your couple then you should rethink your decision of staying together HAHA. A relationship can never be maintained through electronic communication. It is of utmost important that an offline relationship be maintained to the best of all efforts. And social media actually destroys lives and relationships. It is because of the easy accessibility to electronic communication which makes it easy to stalk your friends and foes. That somehow results in the wearing thin of mutual trust and respect, which is the bane of all relationships. 

Infatuation only lasts for that super short period of time. Anything beyond infatuation then is the start of the real relationship. That real relationship will be fraught with troubles, fights and all sorts of tribulations. It will all depend on whether both people can overcome it all together; that is the deciding factor whether it will be a make or break relationship. 

Everyone has their own set of insecurities. Scared of losing your loved one, scared of being judged, scared of facing the world for who you actually are, scared of plunging into the unknown depths for fear that you will never be able to float again. Fear: the reason why one will not dare to take the step forward or backward. But once that fear has been overcomed and the past put behind you, you will realise that the fear you once had was really unwarranted for. But of course being totally fearless is not the way to go either. One needs to have that fear to know the difference between black and white, right or wrong. 

I would lament that being a third party and breaking someone's relationship is not an act of fearless. It's an act of selfishness. Wanting the person for your own, thinking only about your own feelings... That's not being fearless. Yes you had chased your dreams, you were not afraid of the rejection come what may be. But admit it, you involuntarily hurt the innocent people, just by being a third party. You deprived the person you like of the person he once cared for. You thought only of your own feelings, instigating the actual couple to break up, using their fights and differences as the reason. But all in all, the third party had been the mastermind. If the third party did not exist, will the actual couple have so many things to fight over? Will the actual couple have so many unresolved differences, which got even worse with the onslaught of the third party? And to the very person who brought the third party into the picture; if you had cared for your actual couple a little more. If you had paid more attention to your couple. If you had stopped your couple's extremities from having the chance to form. If you hadn't kept wanting to leave the relationship, then everything wouldn't have happened in the first place. 

Too little too late. But it is never too late to make the correct decision. I guess something still can be salvaged. Somehow. Unless you are really 100% convinced that a breakup is the best for the couple, then do it. If it really makes the couple happier without each other, do it. But otherwise, please do rethink the decision. All sorts of relationships need some form of maintenance. Effort and heart is really all you need. :')

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