Monday, March 16, 2015


This article about how to be happy is going around in facebook. And yes be very surprised that I actually do most of the things stated in this article. So I am a happy person! 

Or at least happy and very much positive enough to spread it to my friends. I pretty much don't have many worries. I take my time to do everything and anything. I enjoy all the little things in life. I balance both friends and family, spending lots of time with everyone. I don't join in the rat race chasing after money, fame and status. I do take care of myself, knowing what I should eat or should avoid. 

So anywhere I go, I know I have myself to depend on. Knowing that I will not fail to take care of myself, I can now spend time taking of my heartbroken friends. HAHAHAHA. 

But I really don't know what's in me that i love to listen to stories so much. The more interesting dramas, the more fascinated I get by human nature. I really love to analyse all those thought processes behind each action. Especially those dramas which Kuam tells me. Almost every single day there is not a moment of peace. There are always interesting snippets of dramas of all the Elites people. Which is super damn funny I swear. Best. Entertainment. Ever. 

Rachelle told me she really needs to hang out with me more. Coz she needs some of my positive energy. But I am really super worried for her coz of her problems with Chris. Haishhh. She is so emo now but she does not want to show it in front of her family. And she is not telling me everything either. Sighhh. I'll see how. Need time to make her open up  :) 

Hi Kuam you are now happily paktor-ing, even though your relationship is just as wrought with lots of troubles. And well you are not my top priority of concern for now HAHAAHAHA. Coz I know you are handling it well now. I am just the listening ear offering extra advice. Until the day when more conflict and all the nonsense starts arising between u both, then tell me okies. AHAHA. 

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