Sunday, July 19, 2015

NDP15 - NE2

I didnt give new updates on my crush hor. Well, i stopped crushing on him already. So it took me like less than 1 week for my crush to end?! HAHAHAHA. I am so hopeless. My emotions really got switch can turn on and off. 

But still he is around during NDP. And he is damn nice to disturb. AHAHAHA. Can just shoot and laugh at him for his height deficiencies (stunt growth). And his skinny jeans so he kept kneeling to me because he can't sit properly. And him wanting an XS NDP shirt while here I am still wearing an M shirt. Well he still is a fun person but i really just treat him as a normal friend and go crazehhh. 

Hope that next time NG3 can still meet up!~ coz all of them are fun people who are a bit of crazy (under influence of yours truly) All 14 of them are super nice people who stick with me. Those who have never got deployed to schools, when I ask them whether they want to go schools, they were all like both also can coz our group quite fun. SO TOUCHED RIGHT. Really love die them sia <3 

3 more shows to go! Then it will be farewell until fate brings us together or something :') the thought that its all going to end soon... T_T 
My all time favourite photo of half the peeps so far. Because of the high level of photobomb of Jamie, Muighern and Raymond plus their group de volunteers. HAHAHAA. Shows how fun we as a sector can be~ They just photobomb us so peacefully and nonchalently. Yesterday was just so damn funnnnn! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My manager is leaving :(

My manager has tendered... :'( 
WO HEN SAD. Noone go home with me liaoz. Noone pei me OT and then cab home together liaoz. Noone will be pressing me endlessly for my outstanding work liaoz. Noone to talk cock and tell me about Mayday liaoz. Hen sad ahhh. 

This one short year of working with her, and we managed to hit off really well. Not sad is fake de :( Is my dept going to kua now that another manager who delivers work is gone? Meh all I can predict is life is going to be hard HAHAHAHA. 

What to do. Suck thumb, accept fate, miss the past, but still move on. Life is like that. Andddddd this kaypo queen cannot go around blasting latest news yet coz its not yet announced leh. Haish. But then again when August nears, this loudmouth of mine will definitely open. HAHAHAHA. 

Less than 2 months left with my manager around. I think I better start accomplishing some big things soon. ie signing up for my SQP. 

But procrastinators love to procrastinate and there is no stopping me from procrastinating. And procrastination just so happens to result in the lack of time to complete important tasks on hand, and then everything is just going to keep rolling over and become a snowball. Good luck to me and thanks eberehbody. 

And now whats left of my to-do list for the year? 
1) get a boyfriend
2) get started on SQP
3) do my work properly
4) learn as much as possible

WOW seems like I can't really tick off anything huh. Can I just focus on the first item and not do anything about the rest? I wishhhhhh. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Its just after the first day of NDP, and I am already having withdrawal symptoms... Only CR3 has passed and I already miss running up and down the stands, darting through the crowds, screaming :x at people to move in. And this year my extra special role: being a leader and giving everyone I know and not know encouragement. I really like this duty. I thought I had forgotten all about ushering, but the moment I'm in there, my mind goes into over-run. I am stubborn, unstoppable, carefree, and fun-loving. All at the same time. And of course image-less HAHAHAA. But this time it is especially fulfilling since I can take part in the planning, make decisions,  not be constrained to my duty areas, and so much more. I felt so proud when my volunteers are doing the job correctly; ushering and guiding people where to go. I felt so proud of myself when I could handle the queries of the public, sometimes soft sometimes hard, and thanking them so profusely when they decide to move in. This kind of fulfilment, I haven't had in such a long time. 

Anddddd I have a crush now <3 I thought I was on the rink of becoming devoid of emotions, as there was noone whom i fancied. But this guy, I have no idea what was it that attracted me, but there I am, wishing that he will text~ He was super damn formal initially. All those exchanges were full of cheem words and formal greetings. But now we are better, less formal and more jokes. I miss disturbing him sia. I think he's one of the reasons I look forward to NDP too~ :x