Sunday, February 28, 2016

Desperate family

Yes my family is way more tense about me getting a boyfriend. Hello do I look like I chose the single life?? The single life chose me! 

Its not like I have a lot of choices right? I mean all the guys out there have millions of choices who are way better than me! And men being aesthetic animals will hardly see beyond how I look. Just take a look around the girls at level 31. High heels, short skirts, makeup gao gao. Confident, pretty, great bods, people who actually look like they have a life outside of work. Then there's me. Plain, pimple outbreaks all the time, too lazy to care about how I look and dress. And I am nowhere near being that high self-esteem sorority kinda girl, who is actually really competent behind that beautiful face. 

Well not that I am not confident. I think I can still manage to face the world. Just a tad on the extremely clumsy and slow side. I say the wrong things half the time. And I can't carry a proper conversation for shit. Unless it revolves around me being a klutz. And I foresee that this part of me will never die away, because I have been like this my whole life. 

There's only so much that can be changed right? Nice guys finish last, and I am pretty sure I am the girl version of a nice guy. Peaceout and cross my fingers, that Mr (doesn't even need to be right), will come!~ 

PS guys that I actually talk to are still on the countable on 1 hand side. Trying to think if it even exceeds 1 finger...

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