Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Yet another one resigned. And its for less than 3 months. Is my department really that hard?! Whatever happened to perseverence. And loyalty. And faith?! 

Is the grass really greener on the other side? Somehow the grass patches i compare seems to be so much drier. Or I just selectively not want to compare myself to those areas which are really green. 

I just keep on trying to find the silver lining. Don't really understand why would people not even give chance to themselves to even try to find a silver lining. 

I wonder if it is because of the people. I doubt so? Since I talk crap with everyone and we have so many treats and I am delusional that my colleagues are the most fun. Although it didn't start out so fun for me in the beginning, but things do get better. And it indeed got so much better hehe.

I sometimes wonder if it is the curse of me... Ever since I joined, the people who resigned are just increasing so quickly. Before me, there was not even a single person who resigned. Then after I came in slowly one by one people start leaving, new joiners come and go too... And the curse of me is that whatever things I am involved in would have poor attendance. Or lack of people in general. Not that I didn't put in effort, but it is just my luck? I definitely did not directly cause people to leave. 

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