Friday, December 29, 2017


I really dont know what happened between us, issit that we are becoming sour over each other now?

Am I too controlling? Tell me which girlfriend will like the boyfriend to still use Tinder to look at girls?! That is definitely one thing I really don’t like. Hello if we are official and you still wanna look at girls, then might as well just go date them and not look for me??

Thats rather screwed up. Now I lost faith in men. Again. Argh.

Indeed we need to talk. He is like blowing hot and cold on me now. I guess he really is confused and doesn’t exactly know what he wants? Physical intimacy I might not be able to give, physical body I can’t satisfy his wants either, character-wise we might make a rather good match, but did we really manage to connect that emotionally?

I just want someone who can give me his 100% and treat me well. Is that really very hard? I can do without some physical intimacy because foreplay is definitely not everything. Am I really that hard to  get along with? I am super serious about this relationship, with the thought of marriage in mind in fact. I feel he is someone who can be the father to my children, someone who really places family above all else.

We meet too much and thats a problem. Meet too little also potentially a problem.

Forget I said anything about meeting. Then i’m not gonna mert you until you make up your decision whether or not I am still worth it.

This shit is so upsetting. I am super affected by his words and his weird decisions. For a moment in the morning he happily says he can’t live without texting. Next moment he says he is going silent.

But I still hope his decision will be still to be with me... SIGH.

He told me he has no intention of breaking off with me. YAY. I forgot what I am angry about! HAHAHAHA. -too easily satisfied-

Just he is going through a rough patch with many uncertainties about love and work I guess... which resulted in his emotional roller coaster.

Now I’m thinking, does he lack confidence in himself to make this relationship last? Hmmmmm.

I should lay the ground that we are in this for a real long term relationship.

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