Tuesday, March 31, 2009

argh tmr go back office i sure die a horrible death de. soooooooooooooo bloody many letters to fold leh. hais... n its fold into thirds not half. not like tat time the film show liddat easy fold =.= hais... anw not enuf window envelopes so who cares~~~ if it comes anytime aft i leave le its soooooooooooooo not my business liaos ^^ i sound so evil. hais...

900+ letters which took the poor printer almost 1 hour to finish printing. pro hahas.n the stacks are nicely piled there liaos. hais... sadded la. n i still have my 2 cabinets of medicals undone. so dead~ yeah i tink i better throw the letter sending to the ACSI guys coming tmr to help clean hor. den i go do my happy shredding ^^ tink shredding's better den folding letters. oh sticking stamps are quite nice also. like wad CE says, no-brainer job. ^^ wahahas.

cannot slack tmr in office liao la... ytd slack 1 whole day so shuang... ^^ no1 care wad i doing since my office position dam gd can see wad ppl doing. the files behind me will be the only things tat see my comp wahahas. w8 the sides also =.= hais...

wee~~~ i'm weird =.= some ppl ain't tat excited abt my leaving u noe. esp my poor minimal collegues. n i mean minimal. how much can 2 main staff do? like now 1 going on mc coz of her leg, n d other is like superly overstressed wif her work n home. den left wif no1 liaos =.= sadded la. not my fault. who ask the boss dun wanna hire another staff at least. at least do the chapalang stuff. ^^

wee i crapping. as usual =.= my blog posts have always been crap. ^^

anw i can't w8 for the outing at sentosa la~ wee~~~ but the BA camp comes 1st. i in tat cuento r&b 7 in tat BA camp. dun try to ask me wad the hell does the name mean. i'm completely clueless. blame the camp i/c for coming up wif hard 2 rmb names... zzz...

so sian~~~ 4 more minutes to APRIL FOOL! n 4 ppl whom i noe whose bday falls on this date. hais... wonder who's gonna prank who. i very innocent de wun prank ppl ^^ wahahas. i go post bday tags liaos~~~ lols

happy bday to my maternal grandma wahahahas.
happy bday Qinglin!
happy bday to Jingting!
happy bday to Hamdam! (wee OREO rox ^^)

lols i super lameeeeeeeeeee =)
-Jia Yi-
definitely going crazy, in more ways than 1 ^^

Sunday, March 29, 2009


wonder when will i stop being so high for no reason

well kinda hopes it doesn't stop anw ^^


Saturday, March 28, 2009

OMG i practically 'lost' contact wif my foc campmates liaos! argh irritating. i lazy go ask ppl for their contacts thinking some kind soul would key out everything n send by email or sth. den nvr ask for their no. coz i brought my old fone n dun wanna save the stuff in my old fone lehs... hais... sian la... n none of them added me on msn! ahh!!!! hais...

still wanna go back camp...



now i cant wait for sch to start!!!!!!!!!!

holiday faster end i dun feel like working liaos. sob sob

hmmm... wondering if got the BA camp a not... if have den i have 2 leave work early again. hais... 2 major things not done at work ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call parents n clear out the cabinet. sian la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! should go ask some1 come here volunteer to clean cabinets hor... ^^ big old lazy bum...

bathing time liaos. tatas~ ^^
oh yar i 4got to add tat camp food sux. zzz... the rice is so bloody dry and hard, veggies not exactly very nice, almost every meal eat chicken and egg. even have 1 day all 3 meals are chicken and egg + rice. hais... home cooked food still the best ^^

seriously should change the caterer.

nites all ^^

still crazy though not tat high le. ^^
hahas i posted again~ lalalas~~~ u noe i too bored la. sleepy n dun wanna sleep as usual =.= hais... i crazy de. ^^

'work of art' by Chris the GL. he forced this on everyone in oreo =.= gals de all this. i think guys de got some variation... it can't wash off!!! argh. ok it will wash off soon... only dunno how soon =.=
given to us after phototaking~ all the GLs have to do for their freshies~ wahahahas. but quite nice hor...
lalalas~~~ i'll go try to rub off those words on my arms =.=
its 4.50 now~~~~ feels early but its not. maybe coz i 'juz' woke up at 11+ but i sleepy now le la. hais... gonna fall sick liaos~~~~~~~ wee ^^ down water 1st~

NPSU FOC ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




ok. i'm back from a 4d3n camp at np. (i know this post is a bit too 'late' coz it's after my 6 hours of 'aftnn' nap ^^). oh beware of the long post. i tend to be super luo suo.

1st day~
bus-ed wif peckkhee to np. saw a whole lot of foc campers on the bus too. reached np at 10. i won't regard myself as being late ^^ remembered that the weather was rainy.
by the time we reach the sports hall, can alr hear all the ppl cheering inside.
OSIRIS is the group name. OREO is the sub-group's name. ^^ OREO'S GLs: Chris, Jamie(Awesome) and Roderick~ loved by all the Oreos ^^
took like sucha long time to warm up to the ppl. but was like relatively high though dun wanna cheer coz like so paiseh coz no1 else ard u cheering. well i kinda 'overcome' tat fear and became the siao diao 1 amongst the quiet ppl again. well it's in me to always befriend the quiet ppl though i ain't tat quiet =.=
all those cheers really made my head explode u noe. my brain hasn't been used for long n i still sux at remembering stuff (i still dunno my grp member's names ^^) n most of the cheers i alr 'know' though in diff versions~
whacko, some pass the big shirt game n dun rmb wad else. n even aft 4d3n of camp i dun think the icebreakers helped me much to rmb ppl's names. only rmb-ed for like less than 1 hr n everything vanished. i can't even properly rmb the names of the 2 ppl i hang out wif until like the 2nd day la. Venn and Wang Yi~ ^^ yesh it's me in the middle again. shan't elaborate on tat ^^ turn left to speak chinese n turn right to speak english. lols. hope they wun feel outcasted...
some retarded 'cinderella' game, which turned out tat it's to find the mass dance partner. blindfolded n stuff la. damn lame. 1st partner i talk quite a lot. 2nd partner didn't talk a lot den got seperated by GLs alr. 3rd partner dunno whether it's the same as the 2nd a not. see wad happens when u go sucha poor memory? ask for their name n forget it the next 5 mins.
aiya 1st day consisted mostly of cheers la. oh n mass dance that did my head in. esp 2nd part. Shaun's the mass dance partner.
aft dinner went watch movie. then the GLs had alr started the crap on the 'respect the night' juz to kinda scare us n make us not prepared abt the nightwalk ^^ watch most of the 'Scary Movie 2' (not sure whether it's the correct title) n 'Coming Soon', which i only watched the non-scary parts ^^ can hear ppl screaming alot at the end, which i didn't watch =)
night walk with Venn, Ching Yi n DX. we were like the only group which was soooooooo silent la. as in me n Venn being the only gals never even screamed at all la. think partially my fault... ^^ everyone else was screaming their lungs out. yeah those GLs dun find us very fun coz we weren't like every1 else =) but really i applaud their planning for the nightwalk. MFGG muz learn how to plan nice n scary nightwalks liddat!!!! supper which i didn't eat n slept at like 4+ am.

2nd day~
woke up at 8+ i think. breakfast, cheers, n mass dance till lunch. aft lunch was station games~ (mess games) damn fun n dirty n super gross~
1st station: climb up a slippery slope. Chris 1st 1 up followed by a few of ours group's guys. then i think it was Jamie(group member, not GL) tat went up. i did try at some certain point. got my butt full of oil, detergent n water. 1st combi of the day. i didn't suceed anw. ^^
2nd station: walked A LOT to reach. w8 we walk A LOT to reach anywhere. bloody big campus =.= this game is to move the bucket with water using only our legs(no hands~) n the bucket cannot touch the floor.got blue-blacks on my feet whr the bucket was at... anw this game needed a lot of brainpower. when 'photo-taking', they splashed the water at us. n did i say tat the water was the 1 tat we dipped our feets in? eww... damn freaking wet. always so suay.
3rd station: me n a guy's (dun u noe they like to do this kinda things?) wrists were taped tgt, n we had use our hands to fish for the stuff tat the station masters are asking for. yeah the buckets were filled with soya sauce+butter+who knows wad else. but well we did find a squid in one of the buckets... it started to rain, n we washed our hands with rainwater ^^ tat's our grp's luckiness tat it started raining anw =)
4th station: caterpillar walk. of coz its not tat simple. caterpillar walk on the canvas tat soapy water. n its like more detergent than water mind u. soapy butts aft tat. horrible feeling. bleurgh. oh n the gal's chain nvr broke while the guy's broke quite a few times ^^ GLs played too. gogo OREO GLs ^^ they were fast anw...
5th station: pass the pocky. think its quite obvious how this is played. not exactly a mess game la. yeah the camera men had the time of their lives taking pics of those whose lips were almost touching...
aft dinner, game again. no more nightwalk la. but it's called night hunter. aka u need to walk around the whole school n find the famous landmarks of the school. all hot and sweaty n complaining why we can't bathe only aft the nighthunter. but was still quite fun la. ^^
then debrief n games. i like the car one. damn fun. 'hump ah' wahahas. forfeits were funny also. n of coz its not me whose forfeited ^^ donuts for supper like on the 1st day... slept at i think 12+...

3rd day~
woke up at 7+. breakfast, cheers, the usual. mass dance also have. think it was b4 lunch. got better at mass dance alr. can rmb more steps. n also more daring liaos ^^ free time during lunch was like playing peace like a river with the guys. so nice 2 play in a big group ^^ then its wet games! only 2 games la, n i didn't do much for this day.
1st wet game: protect ur mummy. played as whole group. meaning there are abt 400 ppl running around in the field, protecting their mummies, attacking other mummies, picking up used plastic bags, etc etc. threw only 2 bombs. coz at 1st wanna be attacker de. then in the end reverted to being the defender. got bombed 3 or 4 times. damn fun ^^ anw my group's mummy was in one of the worst states. Horus' mummy really really look like a mummy. damn cool. at the end all the GLs splash us with water. n of coz since i'm rite in front, i kana the water. end up being soooooooooooooooooo wet. like they practically threw the whole bucket of water on my head. sad. the interesting part is, i end up being so bloody wet, n Venn on my left was like so dry. defending also. while defending the mummy, i was like standing beside her all the while, n i end up getting sooooooooo bloody wet n she is like so bloody dry. damn suay.
2nd wet game: walked damn dripping wet to np swimming pool. i didn't play this time round. but we did splash ard at the side of the pool. tat is of coz b4 they evacuated us out of the pool. freaking wet n cold. wind kept blowing n i kept shivering. brr... amazing how i didn't get a cold.
dinner time. then aft tat cheer some more at the canteen. think it was canteen 2 la. peace like a river again ^^ i try to sing like so bloody loud. irritating. everytime wan me sing de. like lunch time liddat. ended up screaming through the whole song coz canteen was real noisy with other sub-groups playing also. peace like a river is like sooooooo easy la the lyrics. but super super super super super fun =) then still got some free time left played the 5 animals thingy as a whole sub-group. super lotsa laughs. really enjoyed myself with those brainless things ^^
then crawled through the 'tunnel' to go for campfire. chey i tot they would make it more challenging la. like nid go up n go down tat kind. hais. kept bumping my head(as usual) then they wrote the word SCS in red marker on my arm. dunno wad it stands for.
campfire was lame. whole 1 hr+ campfire is all skits by the GLs of each group. but the skits mostly were damn lame. but quite boring. no real fire. juz sat on the fake n scratchy grass...
thought aft cf den can slp le. but they have a rm in fms then we club there la. soooooooooooooo bloody fun ^^ really really went crazy. n this time is purely zi high. Wang Yi dun wanna dance wif me. den Venn disappeared when she found her friends. so high soooooooo high. soooooooooooooooo very fun ^^ anw was like so random la. they have the smoke thingy then inside very foggy. but still uber fun. waaaaaaaaaa i wanna dance again!!!
danced like from 11+ to 1+. went back at 2 aft supper n found out tat the thing ended. irritated tat it ended so early. hais... then debrief n stuff n went back to the grandstand at 2+am. very little ppl wanted to sleep la. n no lights out leh. all the way is free time! woots. was still so high from all tat dancing. but damn tired. ghost stories n scary experiences, then play game. 'chitty chitty bang bang' den dunno still got wad game den the 5 animals game. then chit chat wif the DH(division head) which i spent most of the time lying down trying hard not to fall asleep. well i did nod off a bit bit. but dun dare nod off too much coz the camp com was like going ard disturbng those asleep by putting toothpaste n dunno wad other stuff. they played truth or dare n i juz tried to fight back sleep. gave up n went to sleep at 5+. hais... didn't see sunrise...

4th day~
woke up at 7+am. thx peck khee for waking me up. if not i really will slp till who knows wad time. hurry pack up n rush to grandstand. breakfast which sux as usual at canteen 1. super long walk =.=
back to grandstand again n more cheer shouting. zzz. every1 was like damn tired. some were like sleeping on the floor n u can hear all those voice break ppl. all sore throat. but i actually am in awe of them la. they soooooooooo pro all so high until no more voice. most of the GLs are all like that lor.
anw it's phototaking, Osiris was the last group. presented the Oreo GL cheer for our GLs. all of them so happy. ^^ hmm should i type out the whole cheer???? *receives a whole bunch of smelly shoes* ok i better not.
phototaking ended at almost 12.30. den head back in2 hall for last last last round of mass dance. i quite high de la. managed to do all the steps quite nicely liaos.
aft mass dance den went to some LT to watch vids n see photos n sing songs. photos quite nice n vids quite funny. heng ar dey nvr take me ^^ den sing song the GLs cried la... hais... esp our GLs. all 3 cried. n some oreos cried too...but really coz it is quite sad la. but as usual u know i dun cry ^^ sth's getting more n more wrong wif my emotions =.= but coz i treat it as a beginning not an ending =)
yeah then went back sports hall get our bags n stuff den did our last power cheer. bid farewell to all our GLs. i told Rod n Chris dun cry ar. wahahahas. i feel so evil... zzz... but it is quite sad la... sob sob *wipes away the imaginary tears* then bus-ed home with peck khee~~ fell asleep on 74 =.= zzz... mac for lunch at 4+pm almost 5pm.

yeah super super super super super super super super super super super super long post by the super luo suo person. yy, i think my post is like 3 to 4 times longer than yours la...
hais... wee~~~ this blog took me almost 3 hours 2 write? =.=

-Jia Yi-
so high still sooooooooooooooooooo high...
living on my memories to while away boredom.


Monday, March 23, 2009

oh yar forgot say i got camp tat starts tmr til fri ^^ hope i survive long enough. n not fall sick. 4days 3nights... argh. goner. go home on fri 100% drop dead. unless the 'kind' n 'thoughful' planners decided to give us more sleeping time. or only wake us up at like 10pm n go to bed at 10pm. how nice. like real tat will happen =.=

going to fall sick n i better not fall sick tmr. predict that i will suffer like hell. w8 i always predict i will suffer like hell =.= hais... so long since i camped liaos... kip thinking i will forget 2 pack some stuff. coz the evil np foc planners didn't give us a full n proper camping list. i've been to enuf camps to spot some stuff missing u noe. zzz... its so vague la. hmmm shall i bring insect repellant???? oh bother.

i better go back to paper shredding b4 any of my collegues come back...

-Jia Yi-
happy after holidays ^^
i am blogging from the office again. ^^ anyway my collegue's out for lunch liaos. i have the office all to myself =) my best time of the day~ anw i slacked alot alot today.not in the mood to do work u know. i know it has been like more than a week since i last blogged ^^ lijing is going 2 kill me. wait she always does. zzz...

ok so lets start from last week. sunday bought new hp. ok not exactly bought. more like 'loan'. coz of the plan in m1. so i got a new hp. ^^ then monday i dun remember wad happened. it isn't gd to have a super short term memory u noe. n then tues got class gathering. can go to janice blog read. i lazy explain. if not ppl come complain i 2 luo suo again ^^ nvm its a habit. habits die hard u noe. =) wednesday n thurs also dun rmb wad happen le. coz its all work n work wad. fri morn at work finished making a flyer in 10 minutes. =) copy n paste from the website n then added 2 of my sentences n voila! its done ^^ fri aftnn went np to config laptop. ppl come by themselves or wif 1 or 2 of their frens, i came wif another 4 ppl. if it was only my mum n my sis tat came i dun mind la. but imagine having 2 'aunties' in tow. n these 2 irritating boys kept fighting n quarelling. pek chek ar. stupid cousins. but they were quite comical in their own way. hahas.

oh i rmb wad i was doing on wed n thur at work liaos. i was shredding papers =.= clearing out the papers in the cabinet. see next time i'm not going 2 suggest anything more. coz i will juz end up doing all the things at the end of the day. sob sob it's so sad how they bully the temp staff
=( hahas.

still have to shred more papers. 1 half done liaos. have 2 half more to go. n its more paper shredding time! argh. juz shred like less than 1 column then the bin is full alr. look how much useless papers there are in there. zzz... there are like records dated all the way back to year 86 la. or 85 also have. =.= 20+ years ago. i wasn't even born! oh god...

yeah i chuck the staple bullets into the shredding machine so wad? its an old sturdy machine u noe. i have faith in the machine ^^ i havent start chucking those rusty paper clips in so u better be glad.

hais i love n hate this workplace =.= u noe they like to backstab ppl alot lor. hais... i dun exactly take part in it. gd i'm leaving in 2 weeks time. ^^ n lets see how cluttered this place will get if they hire me back next hire. =) i kinda find myself more n more indispensable. wahahahas. yeah there's sooooooo many things n bad stuff n who noes wad else in this office. n this is a small organisation n yet 1 of my collegue always say tat there are many complicated matters in this confined area. oh well i'm not staying long u know ^^ being assigned stuff by collegues, volunteers, and instructors. oh well i can n cannot be efficient u know. depends on my mood n level of boredom ^^ hais... more paper shredding awaits...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

wee~~~ not supposed 2 slp so late since i have to wake up at like 8am tmr =.= (or 2day since it's past 12)

had quite a lot of fun this week wahahas. u know the holiday mood is quite infectious... ^^ although i'm still holiday-ing, but since every1 else have a 1 wk hol i also in holiday mood(aka dun feel like working) but cannot dun work la. if i dun work, no money den no $$ go seoul garden eat. hahas.

lets see since 2day is Sun, tmr would be the 16th and that'll be lijing's bday~ yeah last year i totally forgot n asked some qn regarding homework. lj really killed me =.= so i write this earlier in case i forgot again on Mon ^^
Happy (advanced) Bday Lijing!!! u're 17 in less than 48 hours (i lazy go count the exact)!!! wahahas.

bought my laptop~ ended up buying lenovo coz the other screens looks 2 glossy. but anw they are all juz as glary =.= $1809 i think. dun rmb. should be ard there la. i dun even think tat aft working 3/4 mths i'll be able to save tat much $$ =.= signed up for the np foc liaos. better hope n pray tat it will not be those sabo kinda camps. argh. anw juz going 2 make new frens hahas ^^

Sat's party super sucessful la ^^ we really gave the 2 bday gals a surprise. sooooo fun ^^ omg havent laugh so much since sch ended alr. really felt like some crazy old lunatic. pichors are wif lijing. she said she'll upload it. so i'm not gonna post pics here~ lalalas~ though i did get 2 pics of the cake cutting ceremony. not like as if the cake cutting was super grand la. ok so let's start from the beginning of the party.

Met up wif them all at mos burger in amk hub (yesh it's hub again. argh) then bus-ed to kim's house, which is somewhr near mandai (i think). the moment pat entered the house, she 'ran' to the piano. so we got a pianist throughout the whole aftnn. wahahahas. anw she plays nice la. n Y PAT TEO DUN WANNA TAKE GRADE 8?!?!??!?!?!?! pat's super pro at piano la =.= her ear's super gd. zzz... den played wif kimmy's hamster which is like kinda tiny compared wif fei zai. the difference is huge la. hahas. the hamsters are all growing to be like their owners. ^^ then ate bee hoon. thx kim's grandma for cooking ^^ n all throughout the meal we have a free pianist at service. hehe. anw since pat ate sooooo fast =.= like i'm only 1/25 of her eating speed?? or maybe even lesser... yeah den laughed alot while LYT n bel were like doing the 'evil' look wif the background music =.= okok i dun really no how to explain how tat small 'drama' was... den it'll be the drama wif the most NGs... wahahahas. vid's deleeted liaos 2 bad~

then sat around, chit chat, listen music, 'dancing' like idiots, browse through DVDs, lj n kim 'quarreling' over wad DVD to watch, n ended up not watching anything, anw juz laughed alot. until i heard kim 'remind' LYT tat she needed 2 go to the toilet. like lols la. once i heard tat i know wad will happen next liaos. bday gals (lj and pat), 1 was too busy playing piano to notice anything happening in the kitchen, the other too busy browsing through the DVDs, n didn't even see the flicker of candles in the kitchen. bel busy playing wif hamster. n tats when the big argument started. basically between kim n bel over the hamster. yeah they were really quarelling big. hais... lj heard them n started getting worried n kept asking me if i should go over n stop them. pat heard n then changed her song to a more light-hearted one. n as lijing approached, followed quite closely behind by pat, n then me the last(no w8 i was still sitting ard), n lijing saw the cake(s). kim n bel start 'haa....' indicating the start of the bday song. pat was like shocked la. cont was another bday song for lijing. it left her even more shocked. yeah n aft the bday song lijing was like staring daggers at me liaos. ok maybe tat was a bit exaggerated. anw juz noe tat lijing wanted to murder me. not the 1st time ppl wanna murder me liaos ^^ kim had to do the explanation tat its not her farewell party n all tat.

bday gals blew out the candles and then we started giving presents. lj was like so shocked tat she received presents la. all the while she only expected pat to get prezzies.
then took pics as reminded by lj~ yeah now u got ur pics even w/o any digital cam ^^ took pictures 4 quite a long time, kinda hard to co-ordinate coz there's bound to be some1's head covered. it's on timer mode la so the pics ain't tat nice coz we weren't as prepared. but still had a lot of laughs la. then dug in to the cake. the super fast eater (pat) really really needs to learn how 2 eat slowly. less than 1 min her portion of cake was devoured alr la. hais... my teaching her how 2 eat slowly failed terribly. ^^ sent julie to the door since she got tution, then spent the rest of the stay chit chatting some more, listen to pat play more pieces, then played wii. my 1st time playing. won 1 tennis match. no winner for the other match i played wif bel. coz the screen blacked out coz of the lightning outside. den dey played boxing. it's like so very tiring la. i play less than half a min my hand super tired liaos... kim when play boxing she reallly jump lor. she kept jumping n jumping. quite cartoon ^^ (no offence) played bowling when the 'boxers' were super tired. halfway through then carpooled in kim's dad car to khatib mrt.

mrt-ed back 2 amk and went walking around amk hub. again. zzz... fri went once liaos sat went again. hahas. pat 1st 2 leave, then 4lowed by lyt, then bel. n it was left wif me n lj. back to how fri was. hahas. went around amk hub for the millionth time. legs numb from all tat walking liaos. zzz... bought a pair of shoes~~ i better dun get blister. argh. rched home at ard 7.30. same as fri. hahas. tat's abt all for sat la. this wk somehow qutie lucky kept seeing ppl i noe ard. saw tania at hub on fri mah. den on tue saw fang yin at my hse downstairs the bus stop. aiya juz saw a lot of ppl la. so dis wk kinda like super high =.=

omg 2.32 liaos. alamak. liddat how wake up at 8?!?!?!?! die liaos die liaos. tink tmr nid go sao mu leh. argh i soooooooo luo suo write sucha super long post... zzz... i must be crazy. oh ya i didn't mention the super super super lame impromptu card i made for pat at 2am on fri nite/sat early morn. yeah i told her to quickly read it n murder me if she wants. haha. its like all black n white la. nvr decorate or anything. juz the bubble font in front is nice ^^ yeah how much can a person wif such bad art do? ^^

okok gtg sleep liaos~~~ nites all~
next time i should put disclaimers for super long posts. so ppl can choose whether dey wanna read a not. haha. free den read bah~
-Jia Yi-
2.37am (?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

hihis~ i know i haven't been blogging like since i dunno when. dun point arrow at me i'm just quite lazy. or more like pre-occupied with something other than blogging. u know i always lose interest just as quickly as i gain it. zzz...

so for now i'll just try my best then. =.= I completely forgot what i wanted 2 write alr. actually had almost everything mapped out in my head then i clean forgotten it. zzz...

still working now... going quit at end of march... hais... sooo boring... wondering what to do next. oh yar i'm supposed to go to bed =.= zzz... okok i'll try not to be sooo lame...

Laurentia that paralympic rider who won the medal in the equestrian thingy came today lor... grats me from being able to recognise her ^^ yeah only after sooooo many ppl pointed tat photo out to me then i was able to... nvm i dun understand the way she speaks. the point is i dun understand wad a loooot of ppl are saying. i'm always zoning out. tats y sometimes my reflexes are faster when its written. i noe i'm abnormal ^^

ok since my last post was about that Youth Got Heart thingy, let's say it was a so-so event only. the ppl walking around mostly are the RJC ppl. or the RJC ppl's parents. or teachers. so basically the whole event (well only when i was there) was all RJC students, and the volunteers from other booths. sad enough. yeah kept being mistaken as a RJC student u noe. since i'm the same age, wearing almost the same tee(except RJC ppl got the word 'CREW' behind, mine's another sentence) and all. its very irritating when the co-ordinator comes over and start asking u questions that are soo not related to wad u're supposed to know...

everytime i come to this page my mind just goes blank on what else i wanna write. zzz... so that's it for now. 933 the new DJs for this time is crazy la. zzz... they're like making lame jokes and laughing themselves. funny leh. wahahas.

ok sooo bored. time for me 2 sleep. if not i'll wake up at 8 tmr. ^^

yeah class gathering's coming. again it's gonna cost me sooooo much. irritating. why's it that we have to like pay sooo much for a gathering. but u know i'll still go. kinda miss 4A... school's more fun than work lor... argh tmr more slotting of newsletters all that leh. zzz envelopes await... more paper cuts also... zzz...

yeah done. it's not that short. i know. lalalas~~ when i suddenly remember what i wanna write then we'll say later. gonna change phone soon~~~ but i dunno what hp i wanna choose leh. any suggestions?? hahas. got budget one hor. =)

it's 11.39~ wee~~~ i'm wondering whether i'm hungry a not =.= zzz...

lalalas~~~ ok go liaos ^^ linger here long enough le. argh reminds me of that campfire song linger again. zzz. 'mm hmm i wan to linger here, mm hmm a little longer here ...'

oh i am crazy. zzz beta go slp 1st if not i'll be even more lame =.=
-Jia Yi-