Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Single and crushless


Ok this is me. The less extreme version. But definitely the me where i fantasize myself with everyone impossible. Trying to develop a crush but its just not working because everyone is just wrong. And there's the part about stalking people... Ohgod. So being single is killing me. I know like loads of guys out there who displays these symptoms in a much worse way out there... And the social media symptoms... Trying to attract attention. #refertofacebook #singleandverylonelyguysoutthere #butidontevenknowthem

Dammit. When is my next crush coming. I miss him already HAHAHA. 

Yes I think I got the previous crush out of my system already... Let me see what I feel when I see him again bah

Sunday, August 23, 2015


I teared while hearing Kit Chan sing Home on TV for National Day Rally (╥﹏╥)

I miss NDP so much. Seeing the screencaps of NDP (though not of me) reminded me so much of everything I had been doing. Running around, interacting with people, doing things which I love. Each segment of the parade reminds me of a different experience which I associate with. Like how the plane flypasts remind me of dinner times with NG3. SOKA parade segment reminds me of me running around with goodies for NG3. The finale segment after the anthem where the pioneer army paraded around the stage had drew in huge applause, whilst I had been jumping around with all the NG peeps, leaders and volunteers alike, preparing for dispersal plan. City hall and the padang itself brings back sooooo many good memories and all the funtimes we had. I yearn to see all of them (T^T)

I haven't cried for so long. Those tears and the overwhelming emotions when I heard the song really caught me by surprise. Time to watch sad movies to destress...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



SHE - 明天的自己

Fave song from this album, coz the lyrcis are so damn meaningful. But actually most of the SHE songs have meaningful lyrics~ 

Ytd just touched down in Singapore from Bangkok. And then a bomb rocked Bangkok city at 7pm BKK time. I was in the plane at that time ready to fly back. The scariest thing was that I was in that exact area, outside Central World in that very afternoon. And we initially had intentions to stay until 18 August if not for Juwei needing to start school today. So it was really quite a close shave with death :O

Imagine if I was really at the wrong place at the wrong time... I am thankful to all the friends and family who showed us concern once they had gotten wind of the news. I really thank god that all 4 of us are alive ❤️

This incident had really taught me to cherish my life. I am going to cherish the now because the future is unknown. Cherish the now so that I will still be able to see the me tomorrow :') 

Now to stop thinking of so desperately wanting to get a boyfriend... HAHAHA. Leave it up to fate to decide. God has really been very nice to me, keeping me safe and out of harm's way, blessing me so much with the different aspects of life. I still wonder whats ahead and I'm not going to stop trying~ :) 

Hi guys this human here is still open for applications! Short guys are welcome I 任命了. HAHA

Thursday, August 13, 2015

NDP15 withdrawal symptoms

1. Excessively staring at pictures of NDP15, especially the group pictures. and the fb/insta photos of others too

2. Thinking back and laughing at memories, such as this love letter

3. Declaring your love for NDP15 to your group, the other leaders etc. Miss everyone, hope a meetup will be soon. But meetups tend not to happen as lives get busier... 

4. Singing all the NDP songs in your head, even after National Day is long over. Cue awful vocals and a need to go for K-sessions. Be warned: hearing NDP songs may bring tears to your eyes and make you miss the group even more T_T

5. Non-stop stalking of the people you have met throught the entire NDP journey. A friend request is optional. 

Overall, life just feels so empty and oh so aimless after major events like NDP...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Every person has their story to tell

There's a reason behind everything. Likewise, there's a reason behind every person. There are sooooo many secrets each person has. 

And thats why I love stalking people on social media. Seeing the likes and dislikes of people, the kind of friends which they hang out with, can really speak volumes about a person. Some pictures, some words, can already tell you all about their interests. And sometimes a glimpse into their unhappy pasts. Every person is moulded because of their past. Which is why you see what is in them in the present. 

And then after browsing through the social media so much, it makes you wonder what other kinds of untold stories does the person have. For sure the stories will be waaaaaay more interesting than mine. Makes me wanna talk to the person more and befriend them more~ 

Yeah I totally love to listen to stories. Thats why I'm always so interested in Kuam's stories too HAHAHA. But then again the stories have gotta be interesting and captivating enough uhhh. Which means that the poor person would have went through so much. Awww. 

#lifestories (of others not mine) 
My stories are all #family #somefriends #food Life's 3 Fs. HAHAHAHAHA. 
(I digress...) If not the 3Fs, then it will be #study #boringwork. How mundane... 

Monday, August 10, 2015

NDP actual day! (Delayed post)

As part of my wonderful NDP15 memories, here's the "heartfelt" message that I forced out from Benji~ 

Hahahas tSK tsk ☝☝u ahhhH~ 
Hmms , I will.say , u guys have given lots of encouragement and efforts was taken to bond the group together. There were so many of us with different mindsets , gearing us towards a common goal is nt easy especially with all the different issues every week. You guys handled it to the best of your abilities.
The effort to take time to buy sweets and having a barrier free relationship , random chats and playing around is also wat makes the entire deployment more fun. Ultimately , all the words above will never be able to sum up the entire journey . In the near future wen u recall back  , it will be all the little things we do and been through together as a team that will set u tinking again..

Coz his message was like a one-liner in terrible handwriting, so I just had to do such things to force it out from him. I am always damn evil HAHAHA. But seriously everyone put in at least a little bit more effort than him lor! 

Definitely Sharon's idea for making them do letters. So glad that they got the heart also! But like before lunch already know they preparing things la. So we leaders just kept ourselves occupied with K-sessions and blissfully pretend we dont know anything~ 

But as a normal general volunteer I never even bother preparing anything for my leaders so its really different this year! 

Survived on 3 and a half hour of sleep before NDP, and surprisingly somehow i'm still going strong! Haven't felt really tired yet, still can jump around and dance and zi-high during dispersal and after party~ Totally WOW-ed that I am still alive sia! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Ok I think I still like him. Want to talk to him but dunno what to apps him about. And coz weekdays are like busy days so both he n me got no time to reply properly...

But actually does it really matter whether or not I still like him? NAHHH it doesnt matter. Unless I act on it or he does something. Which is now neither of the above. So it won't make a difference. 

Dammit but I really want to talk to him haish. My whole monday was unproductive coz i kept thinking about him. Or at least my entire working hours were spent thinking about him and all the things we did on sunday, then my non-working hours (aka OT) was spent chionging the deadline. HAHAHAHA. Such terrible work productivity levels. 

And since he doesn't really apps me, so i think this is all a one-sided kinda thing riteeee. Meh thats sad. I really like him but I know this will never last. HAHAHA. K lor one step at a time~ 


On a side random note, I think I'm falling sick soon... So coldddddd D: and sleepy.......