Thursday, October 29, 2009

i'm sick! lols. i feel so groggy now. i wanna sleep... fever, cough, flu etc. like practically all the illness add together =.= hope it's not H1N1. if not later all my classmates tio then very suay.

Tutorials started this week le. n our class' advisor (form teacher) is the bcomm cher =.= the chinese old lady with a bit of an angmoh accent and also dunno how speak chinese... some of our teachers are very ... lols. this sem the chers all not as good as last sem de. the bmgt cher still rox :)

Monday during lunch break the clique played taidi asshole revolution. yeekhang keep cheating n think that no1 caught him =.= i never play i juz watch. very funny. then the forfeit andrea have to do. like so kelian la. forfeit was turning ur backside towards the cher. eh something to that sense la. Tues aft sch went watch "My Sister's Keeper" with lijing. very nice movie leh. quite saddening lor. Wed SnW badminton. the icebreakers are a bit retarded and it lasted like more than 1 hour =.= we only played for like 20mins to 30 mins of badminton lor. but still my right hand hurts :(

2day attended lecture then ITB workshop. felt damn cold coz i running a fever :( then handed in my MC n skipped bcomm. n went back home to sleep. hahaha. hate falling sick... tmr better not have fever again. if not really chum. no more MC le... next week bcomm oral practice. hais...

throat so itchy now :( n i wanna sleep. but i have to do the ITB portfolio first...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday morning was MIEC lecture. the lecturer that taught us will be our tutor. how great =.= i don't really understand his lectures la. tutorials will be worse... went SP for lunch :) was telling my friends that i hope i better not see any1 i know then in the end saw keeren a few steps after stepping into the school. lols. ate pizza hut. my other friends keep seeing alot of ppl they know hahaha. then went back ourspace play jenga until bcomm start. all those APA citations really bursted our heads. but the whole clique was like super high lor hahaha.

Saturday went Kimberly's house for LYT the great's bday. yeah n i took in a daughter (ahpat) n a granddaughter (kkiimmiiee) juz because i was late. erm late by almost 40 mins :) cookies n cream ice cream plus hershey's chocolate syrup even though i had a sore throat :P ah pat left early :( then played wii n pair up a lot of times wif bel. n i learned how to play bridge from kimmiie. bridge can be kinda addicting lols :) like taidi. hahaha. i'm gonna try playing it on viwawa one day...

nothing much 2day la. juz slept a lot n finally finished my tutorial. lols :) it's always very hard for me to do all my tutorials but i finished everything in a week this time ^^

Ouch stomachache... must be the wang wang i ate juz now :(

Friday, October 23, 2009

my blog's getting dead. zzz...

school's okay so far :) it's still the first week so there's no tutorial and workshop, only lectures. well except for bcomm =.=

so monday had 2 lectures stats and ffa coz i didn't want to waste my 3 hours in sch on thur, tues really waste time coz only 1 hour of lecture. travelling time took at least 3x of that =.= but went yanying's house in the afternoon to collect my cookies. caught up wif a lot of guides stuff i've been missin :) then wed snw and cats. snw chose badminton. which means i have to bring my racket every wed now. they had very limited sports anw. i was hoping that there was fencing and archery but they didn't even have that. cats same class as weini :) snw weini also chose badminton hehehes. more like we choose together la. then 2day only started school at 2pm when majority of the class went for lecture. muahahahas. i'm so smart to organise that lecture on mon :) bcomm was kinda boring lols. but not that boring until i fall asleep. just wait n see.

tmr school from 9am to 4pm. siannnnnn... 3 hours of break in between anw. hais. i wanna go SP n eat :P anw i have bus concession n 3 hours of break. hahaha. wadeva it is i just wanna get out of NP during that 3 hours. even if it's SIM. =P

better go print my MIEC notes now... my FFA is still not finished lalalas~ like after 4 days of doing it =.=
nites :)
i'm being a guai student by doing my tutorials hor. my aim is gpa3.75 :) NOT 4.0 =.=

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sore throat now :x n my mum bought durian also... zzz...
school starts tmr too. mixed feelings... hais... first lecture is FFA (accounting). killer man. i forgot everything liaos... hehehe

Thurs was my last day of work~ n only until the last few days then we know that we are only supposed to eat lunch n dinner between 2 to 7. lol. so went lunch n dinner wif lihe lor. eat a lot leh hahas. last day of work i slacked. well i dunno whether u can say i slacked a not. hahaha. no customers i sat there n slept. then of course kana scolded :X suay. keep getting scolded on last day. hahahas. but nvm it's last day liaos so who cares~ n thur night i missed a stop to alight la. so stupid of me. overslept then woke up finding myself at my house bus stop already. took a long time to get my bearings then faster got up. climbed down the double deck then the bus move off liaos zzz... in the end had to bus back from cai er's house bus stop...

ytd went out wif the 4A peeps~ didn't go on friday. wonder who went on friday anw. so kpool wif lj, rx, emanto, cj, kwang yong, joshua, tommy at amk. then fish n co at amkhub. my sore throat already started ytd :P n i still eat so much junk food. aft dinner went tommy's house play taidi n stress coz i dun wan go rx house as i got no direct bus home. muahahahas. i'm so lazy.

tmr 2 hours of accounting. damn sian. first day of school got sucha heavy lecture. where's my deepavali holidays? sob sob

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2day off day :P if not u won't see me here at this time of the day~

worked so far for 3 days le. quite ok la. other than my heel very pain and my legs a bit baika at the end of the day. but at least it heals after a night's sleep :) the 1st day was terrible coz i worked for 14 hours. like i don't even get to sit down. the most is juz squad only. the only break i had was half hour lunch&dinner break at 2+. only had 1 break coz not enuf promoters n there quite busy.

Sat went my grandma house celebrate my cousins bday. Shawn's n Darron's. lazy upload pics. muahaha. the 3 youngest cousins all so cute lols. Jordan (youngest), keep walking around asking for food, then my mum say he walk like a penguin. HAHA. but quite true la. another time Lisa was laughing for no reason, then Koni see then she also started laughing(well more like screaming). yeah laughter is contagious :P

Sun back to work, 12 hours, quite busy. lol. saw Mervyn at night while working. Ytd saw Lai Yee n Mei Hua. n also Vania when she walk past. ytd very very slack. coz no customers. maybe customers got monday blues so stay at home n sleep. hahahas. at nite the cashier help me persuade a customer to buy the green shirt coz the black one out of stock. it's like very funny la the way she persuade the customer. hahas.

back to work tmr n thur~ n then have to start preparing for sch le. zzz... sch starts next week...
Friday got 4A gathering ar?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

holidays ending soon le... hais. now time seems to pass so fast haha. i like haven't play finish yet :) i better stop playing n get myself to start studying. hehe

tmr starting work. working for 1 wk as some sales promoter bah. i also not really sure. :X i sure will be like very weird on the job hahas. nvm there's a first for everything~ dunno whether i feel scared a not. i thin more of excited la~ :)

since i'm working i only have nxt sat n sun free loh. hais. tmr marking day for mfss. haha. actually wanted to go out wif yanying de. but hor if i working then tmr can't go le la.

lalalas~ i'm so bored... zzz...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

lalalas~ no more photos le la i lazy upload :)

Friday went Sim Lim Sq wif lihe to buy her laptop stuff. coz her keyboard tat area spoil then she have to buy those things to 'sub'. flexible keyboard, usb port n optical mouse. now i hope my laptop won't ever spoil. coz there's no way am i ever going to lug all those things to sch... :P

Ytd went Pasir Ris for Mid-autumn festival celebration. BBQ la in other words. my aunt's friend's bbq n she invited our family too. lol. It was raining when we reach there. well it practically rained the whole time we were there. but at least our bbq still can carry on la. we found a nice biiig shelter wif no light =.= played games too ^^ lighting up lanterns the fastest, 猜谜语,blow balloons. quite lol but quite fun la :) even my grandma participated haha :) mid-autumn festival must of course have the festive goods la. mooncake & pomelo. mooncake was nice la. all the weird but nice flavours :P that's about all of yesterday ^^

2day nothing much la. slept at home the whole day lor. that's what i'm best at :)

jiayous everyone for exams. well exception of the poly people ^^

i wan my guides cookies~~~ :P