Friday, August 29, 2008

2day had Teachers' Day celebration in school. It IS fun! yay 4A rox!
Anyway it is the first ever time students give teacher a wig. and so we gave Mr Fam a clown wig ^^ Sabryna baked a cake that is SOOO nice. and the caramel was condensed milk cooked for 3 1/2 hours i think. with lots of chocolate on top. Vair delicious. haha. yeah and we gave him flowers too. I'm thinking he will go home and give it to his wife anyway. but I really wonder what will happen to his clown wig after today anyway.

Went to school as usual and had morn assembly.then had some poetry reading (?) sessions and i don't remember what else. then went back to class to prepare, while the teachers went for their 'breakfast'. We would have to invite them up though. Had loads of fun in class. the moment Mr Fam open the classroom door we sprayed him with lots and lots of those streamers. he was totally covered with it anw. must get the photos of him like that from lijing ^^. then we gave him his prezzies (the wig, followed by the flowers) and then presented him the cake. but only some people got to ate it during that time coz we were rushed to go back to the hall. in the hall, had some pretty lame stuff which i don't really enjoy. should have given us more time to celebrate with our teachers mah. but after all that celebration we were dismissed alr, but we went back to the classroom for class photos.and cleaning up. haha. b4 we left school compounds went to take a lot of pics in the garden. when i get my hands on the photos i would upload it ^^

went for pepper lunch at AMK hub after all that. as usual i was eating the slowest...Although my food only arrived like the 2nd last one. Jessica ate faster than me even though her food arrived last(and much later than mine). but thanks for w8ing for this super slow eater ^^ haha. went home with my sis coz she was eating at Macs. but bought some food for my grandma coz her b'day is coming soon (i still think it's later than mine...). ehh enuf me talking liao now the pics ^^

Mr Fam in his rainbow afro wig with his flowers~
4A boys with Mr Fam
The guys trying to pull in Mr Fam to do brokeback with them =)
Hong min, You Yue, Jessica, Mr Fam and Win
Lijing's salmon pepper rice
(I didn't take my chicken pepper rice coz i know i will eat very slowly ^^)
-still very high from all that hubbub-
Jia Yi ^^

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

yeah very very bored. so i came in to post ^^
anyways, 2day had amaths and SS. managed to finish both in time =) although i didn't really check it. SS i think i flunk 1 part of the SEQ qns.aiya don't care la...amaths hmm...i think i lost 7 marks or more, coz i skipped the circles question. yea i haven't been doing that chp for exam for like ever since i started learning it?! ^^

Spent the afternoon watching videos and go around reading people's blog. i seriously think i am crazy anyway. Decided to have a whole day of break, so I am not going to touch any books today at all. Better give myself some time for my brain juice and brain cells to replenish after the SS paper ^^

kinda sleepy now. coz 4got to take my afternoon nap ^^ Was too engrossed in watching videos, lingering around the comp practically doing nothing. This is so not the lifestyle a Sec 4 student should have anw. dun learn from me, I'm bad =) and very very lazy. And easily bored. Hais...

Anw i don't think any1 ever reads this blog anymore. hmm...should i be sad? If you're a silent reader please tag still. I don't care if u leave your name as annonymous ^^ or whatever more creative names you can think of.

Ehs, the most important thing now for most ppl out there is don't tear out your hair because of _______fill in your reason____________. Anyway any reason is valid. yeah don't mind me I am still laming. no wonder I'm known for being 'bai ka'. yeah 'bai ka' does remind me of the sec 1 guides camp, and in one of the games i was the bai ka. and being the dumb and gong me i really went around as a bai ka. don't laugh. At least until my seniors start commenting that " wa you really take this game so seriously?". Oh well I am gullible and easily bullied ^^

Not sure how to actually spend time not studying. Weird... I think I should just finish up that library book and try to return it tmr then.

-laming and going crazy, most probably due to lack of sleep-
Jia Yi XD

Monday, August 25, 2008

2day had eng and chi paper 1 prelim... lols no mood 4 exams ^^
somehow i thought that the chi is much much easier than the eng. some weird topic for eng: Accidents. How the hell do i write that? and with that irritating S it makes it all the harder. 2 bad it's the only narrative story topic.what to do... totally no idea how to write discussive or argumentative. ^^ Chi at least i had the idea what to write =)

Ahh bored! Tmr chi and eng paper 2. hmm it is horrible... Basically, i don't think i can finish both these papers, much less say get good grades for that. oh bother...

The only thing i can think that is good about exam is that can go home early. And don't say that coz we are the first batch to use that air-con hall means it's good. It's freeeeeeezing cold in there!!! especially since I'm sitting right below the air-con. plus the weather being so cold. Argh irritating. I think i caught a cold already...

-sniffing and bored-
Jia Yi ^^

Saturday, August 23, 2008

wee~~ Back to this crazy keyboard and dead blog.i seriously suspect noone's reading i guess it will mostly remain dead. oh well what can i do ^^
prelims are like starting NEXT MONDAY! Argh. I'll die soon during those science papers after the Sept holidays. Not sure if i still can finish my chi paper in time too. i seriously lost touch with it... =)

yeah and it's another whole week that i didn't blog. an unearthly time now : it's 3+. The good kids are asleep.all except for this naughty one who took too long an afternoon nap and can't really fall asleep now. Argh i am really going crazy. whether or not it's good or bad depends on how u look at it then.

Let's see...
Mon: 4 free periods which i spent quite a lot of the time trying to fall asleep and also sleeping. and then i would get nagged to start work. ^^ ehs Khalid's lesson i don't remember what i did.then its CE which we have to go to the theaterette for some talk by Ngee Ann poly. a very relaxing day for a school day after all ^^

Tue: had our very very last PE lesson =( oh i think it is very abnormal for me to enjoy PE lessons. i still do hate exercising though. a bit. Powerball was nice! erm 3/4 of the class played?or more than that i think. really made a lot of noise though.spent quite a lot of time idling and watching the game while in the game. if you get what i mean. main job is still guarding the cones after all ^^ really formed a human wall in front of one cone during the last game with pegasus against all other houses.and that game ate into our recess (more like we wanted it to stretch over time) and hakim did chase us out of the hall.only we didn't really bother.

Wed: erm not that very interesting i think.other than the part where Erica and Lijing seems to be reading the same mind; when call for teacher will call at the same time, or even start calling my name at EXACTLY the same time.but i think it was for different reasons. hahas. they made me end up in a huge laughing fit that i think ended 5 mins later or something. people really must think that i am crazy.

yeah and my grandma woke up just to realise that it's going to 3.30 and just might be thinking i am crazy.

back to topic.THUR: erm what happened on thur ar? the only thing i remembered is that Khalid sprang a 'surprise' english test which i doubt he would ever mark. yeah and Mr Ng came in to 'invigilate' a while before disappearing without a trace. maybe there is a curse in this class that teachers like to pull disappearing acts.well i guess the only teacher not affected is Mr Fam... hahas

Fri: double english, which i spent playing with the magnet on the clip, staple bullets, paper clip and a rubberband. whilst the person on my right was dozing off (Khalid's voice is just as hypnotic as Ms Mok's ; only a degree lower i think) and the one on my left was busy reading (and highlighting) her chi newspaper. muahaha. don't even know at all what he went through. it's also the 1st ever time Mr Fam came in empty-handed for maths (with the exception of those markers) and started an interesting CE lesson when CE is supposed to be on Mon.nvm then.finished the maths qn (only about 4 parts left?) then spent most of the time playing with the clip and the rubberband.(and the paper clip too ; i decided to abandon the staple bullets). made a cute 'keychain' with these materials ^^. Sang happy b'day song to you yue(whose birthday is definitely not in aug) and a belated b'day song to Mr Fam (since he said that he only ever have a birthday celebration once when he was 21). As usual, i spent the time laughing through the b'day song again (something's very wrong with me; i always burst out laughing when people sing the birthday song). zzz... oh Mr Fam, being a maths teacher who claims is very poor at remembering dates, wrote only 2 sets of number on the board 2day: the overall replacement rate and the replacement rate for the Chi. which is 1.21 and 1.14 respectively. (It's a miracle i remebered it! hahas)

oo this IS a super long post. oh well i haven't learnt my lesson on not to bore people with too many words. well then happy reading this post. oh i see that u have finished reading it. nevermind then.

-maximise your craziness!-

Saturday, August 16, 2008

oh yay! I broke record. muahahas more than 1 week no post wonder its dead.
the week went in a blur (err i think every week goes in a blur...)
yeah had Eng oral and got my Chi results on Tue. B3 for Chi ^^ and i managed to make the examiners laugh (if my brain havent start failing me, i think i did...) for eng oral ^^. Woots but that still doesnt gurantee me a gd result for Eng, but nvm wads over would always be over ^^
gonna retake my Chi and so seriously hope that i don't get a worse grade. dun mind getting back the same grade anw =) oh i am weird zzz
Wed had compre course aft sch n during maths our class did manage to get mr fam to talk endlessly about his past.anw all the better for him to least we can do our own things ^^
thur i dun rmb anyting
Fri aft sch almost wanted to go together aft w8ing 4 pari for 15 mins for her 2 start chem class.its bad that she's always so late. but in the end she still came.hais...gave us a 2006 chem o lvl paper, and i copied a lot of answers from Ying Thong's TYS ans.40 mcq questions, i took more than 45 mins i tink...
2day got compre course at woodlands library.nth much again but learnt something.damn embarrassing to leave my tution class lyk 20 mins early.zzz...

hmm blog reviving needed. ^^

Friday, August 8, 2008

2day had National Day Celebration. Part of the connect Singapore chain.
Woke up especially early 2day morning.hmm weird...not normal 4 me at all ^^
reached school at around 8.30+.damn hyper already ^^

celebrated in school for quite some time.some parts were pretty lame.
but the NE decoration i think 4E de is very creative.
one note i think stuck outside the door: "The spirit of National Day does not lie in the decorations, but in the flames of our heart" or something like that. hahas. Just like in our classroom on the block of cracked wall, is written "We may not have a window, but we have our imagination". =) interesting...

Had community singing.vair vair high throughout everything.keep forcing lijing and erica to join me ^^ hmm i guess they were just so not used to me being very high. Usually high during guides only, and seldom or practically never in front of my classmates. Yay no face le! ^^ didn't care whether i reached the pitch or not too.

Then we started out to get to our stations for the Connect Singapore thingy.Kept shifting and moving around.but overall pretty high. 'picnic-ed' on the pavement and kept singing whatever songs we knew. The guys in our class were very high too; and the wave they started sure was fun ^^ hmm but the wave somehow always get disconnected at the sec 1s area (I think...) sad...

Relatively very fun day 2day anw. watching the olympic opening ceremony now. I so pity the dancers! they stood for like practically 2 hours already! so sad... hahas
Haps National Day to all!!! ^^ and enjoy yourselves during the long holiday

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

hmm... i enuf liaos nxt time den continue ^^ time for makan! :)

You Are a Night Person

For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early.

In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set.

So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault.

You just weren't meant to do anything during the day!

What Khong Jia Yi Means

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.

You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.

People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.

You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.

Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.

You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.

You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

hmm... kinda true though. maybe except for the perfectionist part.lols. ^^
hahas. hmm i thought periwinkle was purple not blue... ^^
2day played 1 period of volleyball and the last period played bball(horribly).
yeah i am the worst at sports. any type of sports. so again i was helping my opponents hahas ^^
pro right? just like what happened in the foosball game i played quite long ago. just kept scoring own goals =)

Parimala didn't come 2day so free period.2day mass girls' spot check. not very serious to me though.guess Prem was in a good mood. gonna get spot check again tmr.Sianz la.Tmr everyone sure damn nerdy go school de lor. Well i'll turn up normal ^^ Anw that person is damn bias. should have rolled our eyes at her and give attitude. but must do it as a whole =) hahas

gonna do more blogthing liao.2 bored. ^^

You Are Periwinkle

You're very intuitive and sensitive. You often know other people better than they know themselves.

You're also quite optimistic, and you think well of yourself and others. You know your dreams will come true.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

okay I admit i am very lame to do that ^^
2day is Sunday
Yeah i think every1 would know that anyway...
No Chem tution again =) i think the teacher MIA-ed
Anw next week would be 3 hours of Chem tution then.

Oo-er. Nxt Sat is National Day liao.
Prelims coming very very soon.
And i lost the mood to study.
How crap.
Wonder how the School Celebration would go...
I better go and get high on that day =)

Time to hit the books again...
No i am not talking about literally 'hitting' the books
okay I'm lame
hahas ^^
Very Very Bored.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tiredness can impair one's judgement...but sometimes it can be a good thing. but it would cause one to be more ignorant of things, and do things quite rashly without thinking...

Yeah most know when i get tired i am usually very very lame ^^ So very opposite than most people who would usually get very agitated with lack of sleep. hahas.

I think i am one of those crazy ones who goes back for CCA although prelim is only like 20+ days away.I don't think a lot would believe that anyway.muahahas. well i can't deny that i am not crazy. so yeah i went back yesterday for about 1hr+. managed to come at exactly the drilling part. and see how the new commander is doing.muahahahas. only one comment: the new commander is doing pretty much badly. Blame me zzz... Lunch...i don't want to talk about it.very pissed off by what they did to me anyway. Maybe i am just too lenient and too easily bullied, people just climb on top of me.but i am not angry with them...

I think my brain just works too weirdly.My facial expressions never was able to tell what i am feeling. I can be very sad and angry inside, but my face just betrays me with a smile. 2 bad 4 me then. I can't help it though. Maybe this is what made me learn how to forgive and forget.

I think i need to learn how to be stronger.(well at least i don't cry ^^ that's another weird thingy about me...) I think i just should. It'll be nice to turn back time too :) Back to the books for now...