Thursday, December 29, 2011

Post Created Dec 29, 2011 10:23:34 PM

I have a boyfriend. Just tht he's very shy n only appears in my dreams. But i have yet to see what he looks like.

HAHAHA #joke

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Post Created Nov 6, 2011 11:40:31 AM

I have been lonely the previous sem. I'm better now ^^ i guess thats why 2ne1's lonely stopped getting stuck in my head n i have lesser emo thoughts. I'm back to the old me!!!

Internship is still quite fun. Somehow i'm closer to my collegues than to my other NP interns. Maybe coz i went to client's place w yang zhen ^^

I alr received my interim evaluation. I know wad i'm lousy at. Particularly bad at communication. I feel i somewhat speak like a pai. N i like to talk loudly. Who to blame =.= Blame all the frens who impacted me too much? Hahahahaha. Nah i just dun have a strong character. Damn why didnt i pick up my frens good traits rather than the bad ones. I'm an easily influenced kinda girl :x

I gotta rmb i got 60/80 for interim! I love the part about my efficiency. Hehehehe. YAY

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Post Created Aug 20, 2011 2:55:10 AM

I feel like i have missed out on a lot of fun in life. In this (almost) 19 years of my life, i still have lots i want to do but i havent done before. Theres so many things that i should spend my teenage years doing but i just dun seem to have anybody to go with me.

My birthday is coming. But before that is exams first. Anytime before exams = studying or homework. I guess we all dun have much life. I wanna parteh but i'm not really that kind of party girl rite? Haish. Limits because of my character...

I cant even properly list down what i want to do coz i know i dun have the time to do any...

Well for one i definitely need to get my driving license. Then i want to learn korean. But i also want to learn dancing... Conflicting minds and thoughts... N then theres another issue that i hope for but never for once has it been fulfilled...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I hope for dalmatian comeback!!! I think its sept :)

Well in the meantime, officially mssing you will suffice. ^^

I'm officially missing you~! :')

Missing my friends la! N dalmatian onstage :)

2ne1 ugly

Another super addicting song! :) i think this year is 2ne1 year!!

Post Created Aug 9, 2011 2:31:40 AM

I think i am distancing away from my old friends. There's some whom
I havent seen in ages, n whom i havent talked to them in ages. I havent even been online long enough to ask them how they are doing. Coz all these are the early sleepers...

I miss them. As much as how technology is so advanced that it is easy to contact them, but i guess nothing beats meeting them face to face. Everytime i type a message i will be thinking whether i am too blunt or have i said sth wrong. This isnt supposed to happen with close frens rite?

I guess i might no longer have sth very common with them... This is so depressing...

Hopefully words will still flow naturally when i meet them... I think its also coz i had been busy n neglected them as well. Maybe i have been too busy making new friends. N i hope i did not forget to keep my old ones. Sometimes i know life forces u to choose one.

I will work hard to make an effort to meet those i care about! Jia yous~

P.S. Ndp tmr!!! :) bluee sector! Aft the outing i know more peeps alr! Hahas.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

ahh memories...

4a gathering soon! :D

i removed my cbox. it's lousy and full of spam. bye spammers~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

lihe's status

I cant sleep. N i suddenly thought of lihe's status. I think she had a quarrel with her bf. Maybe she patched up alr but idk. She mentioned about whether it was a wrong decision. I am now thinking whether a wrong decision can even happen in a relationship.

A BGR is not like the final deciding factor of your life. Not like u are married already. If u marry the wrong guy then its seriously a wrong decision. But its just a bgr. It should be okay to err and to quarrel. It should nvr be a wrong decision since its an experience. The happy times u have had i dun think its wrong at all rite?

What actually defines a wrong decision then? I dont have an answer to that.

Remember there is always 2 sides to a coin... And it also takes two hands to clap.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my quotes and phrases!

Actually more aptly called my life mottos. Hahas.

The one i practiclly live by: "keep smiling,keep shining". It actually came from a song but idk wad title it is. I rmb tunes but i nvr rmb titles...

"eating is a luxury". Not telling u to stop eating. But that food is an enjoyable thing. So everybody should have their basic 3 meals fulfilled. Anything extra is just more luxurious. N people should nvr say that they are fat. As long as they are healthy, everything's good ^^

and "life's good!" LG motto i know. But this helps u to handle the shit life throws at u. Well life will be good if u really enjoy life. Every small thing u see or experience can make u feel good. Rmb two sides of a coin! :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Post Created Jun 27, 2011 5:47:40 PM

Life is amazing :)
It all depends on how u look at things. Really some small things can make me happy. Like seeing friends at odd places. Even though i dunno them that well. I love my sister's friends too! Haha. They are all in front of me on the bus now lols.

I am going to place the massive weight of projects behind me and just enjoy my last 3 months in poly. Nxt sem internship and i wont be in sch surrounded by friends... So i gotta enjoy it with however little friends i already have with me now rite? Since my good friends are already at internship...

I have done a lot of wrong stuff these days. I had pushed back my responsibilities n my friends ended up doing my work. I promise that i will work hard for my remaining sem. The 4 projects plus ndp are not going to keep me down!! Fighting spirit gambate!!

blogging from phone!

Yay i can noe blog from my iphone!!! Smiley face :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

been watching TV quite a lot during my holidays ^^

And I realised why nobody should blame Singaporeans for dressing sloppily. You see, in other countries, let's say Korea, America, Australia, they have 4 seasons. with 4 seasons, people will definitely have to dress accordingly to the weather. Heck even their summers might still be chilly and they have to wear jackets and sweaters.

Singapore is seriously hot and humid all year round. Yes, rain might cause the weather to be a tad more chilly, but it's not like we do have super strong winds consistently. The rain comes and goes, and after the rain it'll still be hot. So might as well dress for the hot part.

But I wonder what's the definition of sloppy. I wonder if people from other countries also label a certain type of dressing to be sloppy. I know that you have to dress for the part. But nowadays this definition is so vague that it's getting harder and harder to distinguish where are the areas that are considered formal or informal. I know for sure cocktail parties are more formal than trips to the beach. Then, how about the ones in between? And also, the once formal office wear is gradually becoming more informal. But again, I do not know how formal or informal it should be.

Hey there's no more pure black and white. There's always that tinge of grey in between everything XD

FYI I don't think I'm a sloppy dresser. I'm just not as fashionista as the vast majority out there. To me, shirt and jeans never go wrong ^^ I even wore that to a wedding dinner once! :$

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Best debut stage ever :D
DayDay <3 Leader Inati <3 Ganji Rapper Dari <3
Smiling Jisu <3 Smurf Youngwon <3 Visual Daniel <3

and the MR Removed! Live! :D

Perfect :D
Dalmatian Doggy Dog Woof Woof Woof!! ^^
<3 <3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

anyway, what am i supposed to say after u said "nah, it's okay"?

no i'm not being sarcastic! i kinda have very bad manners u know.
sorry about posting the elearning things only at 2355. not like i can help it that i'm a slow worker. i know the deadline is 12pm. but it was only until yesterday night then i realised that it is 12 noon. my internet yesterday was lagging badly so i couldn't do anything. it's my grades also so you think i really wanted to post it late?

but really. i am sorry. sincerely sorry. i hope u really accepted that apology i made. accepted meaning from the heart not just words. u said it's okay so it better be okay.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

i remembered why i wanted to be a counselor/psychologist. it's because of all those people around me who seem to have multiple problems. i want to hear them out and give advice. but i'm not studying to be a psychologist though. n so i can't do anything professional to help them out. kinda hurts me coz the people around them are the ones who are more hurt most of the time...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

how to describe me:
Jack of all trades (except sports ONLY!), master of none :D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

2 weeks of year 3 has passed...


TA04 is...

... a quiet class. the DPA peeps, Nigel and Jasper's cliques, Benson's cliques, then plus me, weini and Andy. HAHA. no clique that is fixed ^^ i prefer to go with Alyssa and Weini tgt. Better than going with the DPA peeps. coz they like know the whole school liddat. better connections but very awkward. LOL. the first tutorial (AFA) already proved to me the class will be VERY VERY hardworking. the MA tutor says our class has quite good gpas. so what do you think =.= Bad huh.

I miss my clique!!! I miss the project chiongsters who force me to stay back at space to do projects! I miss the whole class! I miss the lunches where we take up 3 or 4 tables just for our class. I miss the noise! I miss the people! I miss year 2's lesser workload! :((


It'll be one full year before I get to see them. Well at most though. I want to cry already la!

I thought I will miss Rachelle and Lihe more. But they both are like too busy patuo-ing or to-be-patuo-ing. I miss Rachelle who goes to school with me almost every morning and all the crazy acts she do! I miss Lihe always being earlier than me and even all those problems she manages to get into! I miss Jasmine's impromptu song sessions, her chiongster-ness, and her sense! I miss Kumar's "wo bu hui jiang hua yu" and us always teasing his about his Praveen's Prata House! I haven't figured what I miss about Lucia yet though. But I'm thinking its all her swear words HAHAHA. not that she swears oftenly or excessively though. (Whenever I see 52 pass by, I'll be thinking about Lucia. ^^)

SERIOUSLY MISS THE TA28/TA27 FOREVER PEEPS. sorry for not being in the same sem as you all for the last semester in the whole of Ngee Ann. Without you all, all my grades would long have suffered. Our awesome team work and class spirit will be in my heart forever. ^^

Monday, April 11, 2011

reading Breaking Dawn...

.. and i'm laughing like crazy over the part where bella is lunging for Jacob's throat! SO FUNNY!

the parts about imprinting and the loch ness monster. HAHAHA

ok. very random :D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I think I need a motivation post! or a relieve stress post. whatever it's called.
it's not that i'm very stressed now. i'm just preparing for the future ^^

i predict the future to be more lonely. but lonely will mean that i have more time for me to concentrate on my studies. i want a this sem gpa of 3.9 for my last sem in NP!! i got gpa 3.875 for this semester (sem 4) ^^ i beat like A LOT of ppl with this i guess. i'm happy!!


First, the reasons why i'll be stressed:
2) no ppl pei me :( i hope i join gene's clique. but that will depend on whether we're in the same class not
4) the year 3 IS are like so hard!!
5) I'LL BE JOINING NDP!!!! :D wif my sis. so that means all my saturdays are booked by a NATIONAL event
6) i'm aiming for bronze for cca! 20 more points!!!!!!!!!!!! argh.

WOW it's like a lot. ouch. n here are some things i need to follow to organise my time:
1) FINISH all tutorials on the SAME day as lecture.
2) DO all projects timely. take effort to find out the information yourself!! u can't rely on jasmine liao :(
4) sleep early everyday. YEAH I KNOW! but early = 12am ^^
5) on saturdays with NDP, u have to wake up earlier and do homework!!
6) minimise eating time. THIS IS LIKE THE HARDEST TO ACHIEVE.
7) reach home then do homework first!!

my list is just getting longer. wadeva. =.=

n the main point; how to attempt to relieve stress...
1) MSNNNN :D but u must find willing parties who are going to do this wif u...
2) audi-ing 150bpm~ songs!! impossible but quite fun!
3) blasting music. ESP DANCE HITS ^^
4) MAD WOMAN DANCINGGGGGGGGGGG. songs like shy boy, that man opposed, breathe, b2st's beautiful, etc.
6) watch videos. BUT LIMIT YOURSELFFFFFFF!! oh my school, all my love, khuntoria, DALMATIANNNNN

oh well. good luck for my year 3!!! I HAVE AN AIM NOW!!! UNIVERSITYYYYYYYYYY~~~ must be in Singapore also!! :D

Saturday, March 5, 2011

while playing audition, a guy's random question set me thinking. what kind of outdoor sports do u play?

i dont play tat many sports. i have hated catching from when i entered pri sch. i will rather stand at the side n watch. i always came in the last few for 1.6km. so its no surprise i failed 2.4 for at least 2 years.
i was the frisbee casualty in sec2, only person who failed 2.4 in sec3 n 4. badminton for snw in yr 1 was spent picking up shuttlecocks more than actual playing.

much as i dislike sports, there are a few which i do. swimming once in a damn long while (aka millions of years?), cycling when i go to any parks for wadeva family events, badminton only when i feel like it (which is like errr very seldomly?). so that pretty much summarises the kinda sports i do =.=

i'm still hopeless in sports. but i still like to have fun though :D i know i'm not a full indoor-ish person coz i still love camps and nightwalks! xP

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

boredom kills so this is my 3rd consecutive post. hahahaha. went through some of the blogs in my links. i realised most of them stopped blogging in 2009. so since 2009 i havent been looking through blogs. most of the links are either moved, private or removed. it's 2011 now. i'll be 19 this year. but my memory seriously stopped at 2009. that transition year from sec sch to poly is one of the more memorable ones :D

I miss guides. I miss all my juniors. well i miss those juniors who were more innocent. the ones I had taken care of when i was a sec 4 and they were sec 1. Sure they were a hell of a handful. but it was fun watching them mature. they didn't turn out the way I hoped them to be. there's guides politics Round idk what already. in 2009, i was still so active in guides; attending meetings once a month, camps, cca exhibition, anything when i'm free. in 2010, i only attended very very few meetings (or did i even attend any?), guides annual camp and farewell. in 2011, i bet i'll only go for the camp and the farewell. i wash my hands off drilling already. besides i'm expired :D

Guides politics just gets more cheem. and all the consequences seem to get more severe. and once again, Doris Lim appears~ which actually spells doom since it involves a lot of signing of idk wad "promises" that kind, lots and lots of tears, parental involvement... u name it. and mdm ng also washed her hands off too. and the root of the politics come from the very sec 1s i had "brought up". I doubt it has anything to do with my "upbringing" of them.

yeah freedom of speech only comes from expressing your views in such a way that won't get you into trouble. and also expressing your views in a way that don't directly pinpoint anyone in particular. and it's because of this assumed "freedom of speech" that blew up the wave of guides politics. what's wrong with the people who can't swallow their pride? it's not the end of the world just because someone you don't exactly like interfered with certain matters. but both sides are at fault still. I clearly remembered how i suffered and how i saw people suffering. it isn't and will never be a nice feeling. but it'll definitely give u a preview of what life's to throw at you.

my best-est memories have stopped in year 2009. it's no wonder why i think i'm always 17 :D i can't even remember my 18...

when exams are nearing, i happen to play more fb games than usual =.= what a bad sign. i foresee dark clouds looming above especially for my exams...

anyways, i'm bored o.0

studying at macs wif lihe, rachelle and kumar 2day. idk whether its a conducive environment to study a not ^^ but every single study break is like crazy only. of course laughter is always impt :D a lease within a lease (inception of lease) and the stupid female lead in titanic. nice way to pass valentine's day huh. HAHA.

idk how i'll survive when they all go for attachment and i'm in school studying... :( i'll miss all the craziness la! hais... 2 years with jasmine, lihe and kumar being the awesome group in all the projects. about 1 year of studying with rachelle at macs. i wonder how i'll survive next sem's exams!! hais... i want my study group with me next semester's exams... :( emooooooo...

Monday, February 14, 2011


well happy vday with your loved ones and the not so loved ones (erm aka books and work).
exams are starting next week! i'll be spending my vday with 5 "bfs", namely cost, rfa, tax, fit and econs :D

n whoever's nice enough can gimme chocolates :D i never get bored of chocolates. HAHA.

cheers to singlehood :D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I shouldn't complain that my sec 4 class isn't fun. It's just that i haven't socialised with the fun ones that much. I got stuck with the nerdy ones. Well, the nerdy but fun ones were always around though.

But i didn't exactly regret. Idk why i can't remember that much stuff about my class. but I certainly remembered lots from guides. talk about bias-ness :D I only rmb certain camp things that happened to my class. As well as some of the more memorable events like teacher's day with mr fam :D

I need photographs to remind me of past events. I can't help it that my STM is really that short. Well, but remembering the amount of laughter i had in class, i think I did have a good time.

I ain't going to say that my x3 sci class is nerdy anymore. It's fun! n the amount of gatherings we have compared to the other classes shows that they are all willing to keep in touch with each other. that's good!!

4A Loves~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rachelle has her theorems;
Lihe has her language;
I have my weirded logic :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rachelle: "Argh the wisdom tooth is pushing my nice teeth outwards"
Me: "Orh. i not smart enough so i got no wisdom teeth :D"
Jasmine: "Not smart still take dip plus!"
Me: "Who says dip plus need to be smart ppl de =.="

Keep smiling :)