Friday, February 27, 2009

Going to help out at the booth at the YOUth Got Heart community service roadshow tomorrow~ anyone interested can come visit me ^^ 1st booth when u enter J8's Top of the 8, Level 3 ^^
my booth is Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore. yeah that's where i'm working at ^^
for more details, u can go to this website:

Super last minute decision =.= yeah one of the committee members just said that she's going to be lonely there. and i just volunteered myself. i'm so good to pei her ^^ yeah nvm i'm just going there 2 gain experience. anw it's so near so i'll just pop by lor. considered volunteering coz i dun think i'll receive any pay ^^ must come visit me ar!!! ^^ hahas...
can tell me if u anyone wanna drop by. though i dun think i'll be there for the whole day also... doesn't matter it's just as good staying for a while alr ^^

-Jia Yi-
this post is published in the office ^^ hahas

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Being ultra naughty again =.=
wad to do, anw i dun have anything to do what... no1 assigned me any work yet. so wad i'll do now is sit here n rot till my lunch returns ^^
alone in the office~ radio's on loud again. glad i didn't go out for lunch. coz it is pouring =.=

hais... i wanna go back for SDR... 2day have. CE and BX are going. hais... my collegue disallowed me from taking leave today. coz there's some interview for GM 2day, n i nid 2 help in some stuff. but like wad? =.= all the stuff are alr prepared wad... waaa i wanna sleep...

actually i can sleep. i'll just have to wake up before 1.45, before all my collegues come back ^^ my excuse shall always be 'i've got nothing to do...' yeah problem is i'm always supposed to ask for more work when i finish wad i have on hand =.= hais... rain slowed down alr~ funny la... if i'm out for lunch, by this time i might have alr reached novena square alr. but point is, this time is super crowded >< how to go out eat liddat... zzz...

yesterday afternoon suddenly super hyper for no reason. zzz... den died down after a few minutes when i continued my work. i'm crazy rite? zzz... last evening saw a rainbow~~ ^^ maybe i'll upload the pic someday. it's in my handphone now. there's 2 rings. 1 is a more faded one~ it's nice la. maybe that's how they reward me for being sooo patient on the bus when it jam. hahas. there was a heavy jam from bishan all the way to my house =.= dun ask me why. it just jammed. didn't see any accidents or wad. anw i slept like majority of the jam so how do u expect me to see the accident if there were any? =.=

bored~ slacking soooo much in the office this month. it's a wonder that the boss still gives me my pay ^^ yes talking about my pay, i think i'll be getting it today~ lalalas~ maybe it'll be more than last month. or maybe not. idk la...w8 i dun think it'll be that much. zzz... i slacked so much this month wad >< yes be glad i didn't break anything that belongs to the office ^^ i just dropped stacks of paper A LOT... ^^ butter fingers always at work~

-Jia Yi-
bored, sleepy, stomach's feeling weird (dun ask me whether it's coz i'm hungry. i can't tell ^^)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

wee~~ time to blog hahas. realised i only blog when i am super bored =.= i don't make blogging a habit. but spamming's definitely a habit. ^^ hahas.

went my cousin's (koni) 2nd birthday party yesterday. celebrated yesterday coz her b'day is on 2nd march~ pictures of yesterday ^^ super cute cousins anw =) very few only 2 bad...

The birthday girl (Koni) with the super super big birthday cake ^^

Yeah the birthday cake is like almost everything is colouring. and it's colouring that stains on the hand la. super scary. imagine that i ate 2 slices of it already. zzz... bleurgh. Played with Koni a lot yesterday. The younger kids always take soo long to warm up to us... well ytd considered quite fast alr la...

grandfather, carrying the birthday girl (Koni), light blue shirt is darren, lionel in the dark blue shirt, small girl sitting there is Lisa (2 1/2 years), Shawn's the boy in front of me, my sister beside me, my grandmother carrying Jordan, who is Koni's 10 month brother ^^

ok a video of Lisa and Koni. beware it's taken yesterday, not chinese new year ^^

funny hor ^^

zzz this video is taking a million years to load... =.=

ok this 1 is the one really taken during chinese new year de. my 2 younger cousins on the paternal side. Yi da and Kit Leong. The 2 big angpows on the 2nd day of CNY! ^^

They look like monkeys =.=

-Jia Yi-

Keep smiling!!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i really almost 4got =.=
present's already given to u alr, so dun come hounding aft me for it. so now u owe me 1 ^^ hahas.

wondering about 2 things. 1st whether i should go back (again...) on fri 2 help in drill. 2nd whether i should go 4 thinking day this sat. hais... it's sooo sadded la... wadeva. lalalas~ internet sot sot again hais... got tat stupid error popping out. =.=

2day in office my collegues were all like saying tat our company damn cartoon de. ppl cartoon, animals cartoon (esp the cats), things also cartoon. the aircon spoilt and is blowing out hot air making the whole room really like a sauna zzz... lucky i not tat scared of heat if not i'll be sweating like hell in the office le.

yeah i go do other stuff (aka read blogs ^^)
-Jia Yi-

Monday, February 16, 2009

I AM A VERY VERY NAUGHTY KID HERE. hahas. i am like supposed to be working and here i am blogging. Can't blame me I am just tooooooo bored. And I am getting bolder and bolder as the weeks pass by. zzz when i started work i don't even go to other websites la. n now i have like downloaded MSN and sometimes surfing the net. shhhh don't tell any1... wahahahas. ok i am like so lame.

It's POURING outside. How 2 go for lunch?????? hais... anyway I am alone in the office, purposely blasting the radio beside me already. lalalas~ really treat the office like my house hor =.= i wanna be at home i dun wanna work. lols. Oh the rain slowed to a drizzle, and then start pouring again =.= something's very wrong...

hmm... i didn't have time to like continue the previous post. Thur during work, the ang moh instructors finally ask for my name. hahas. They were like saying that I just appeared and stayed from Day 1, and they never knew my name. They just know I am the temp staff. And ang mohs can't pronounce Chi names well so I became JY =.= yeah and take note that there's 2 horses called JP and JC. Oh wells i think I can go live in the stables anytime alr.

Friday went back for Guides. yeah i think i was in a sleepy mode during drill with the sun and all. Being pek chek doesn't help 2 keep me awake too. Only became super zi-high during the last hour of guides. Like i was purposely pestering people by singing campfire songs la. hais... Only can say good luck to those whose ears had suffered. hahas. after guides lingered around school, and went to office ask if testimonials come already. Then on the way out stopped by Selva for 'chit chat'. Doris Lim then came in after a looong while and ask her to do stuff, only then me, CE, PH managed to escape... haha. Went AMK Hub after that to buy bel's present and shopping for whatever stuff i needed to buy for my family =.= wadeva...

Sat went bel's house. Was like a crazy lunatic so high for no reason la. Keep talking non-stop =.= ok i did stop. played with bel's hamster ^^ It shitted and puked out the food in it's cheek while i was holding it. zzz... Lucky it haven't pee on me yet. phew. after bel's 'party/gathering' went bishan for family gathering. Food at that coffee shop sux la. Service sux also. And that coffee shop had like soo little people only. My house downstairs the coffee shop waaay better ^^ Food also much much nicer.

Yesterday slept till 11+ (I think. I 4got alr ^^) then ate breakfast =.= left house at 1+ go temple and pray then went Sakae Sushi ^^ hahas. Celebration for me I think. Dunno whether considered celebration for my sister also...

Oh and I injured my last right toe on Saturday. Hurts alot and it bled in the nail =.= hais... 2day only managed to stuff the whole foot into the shoe. It'll hurt when I think about it. hahas. Psychological barrier =.=

Stomach growling!!!! I wan food!!! Ppl faster come back if not I cannot go for lunch without any1 in the office! zzz...
-Jia Yi-
hungry and sleepy...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

short post 4 now~ going bel's party ltr hahas
anw i dunno wad 2 post. at least i dun tink wad i wan 2 post can be finished within 5 mins =.=
need 2 go change n meet ce at bus stop at 1.45 la...
zzz 4get it
i come back den post. wahahahas.

ok lets say ytd den. ytd went guides. literally fainted at the sight of their drill. HOW GO SPEECH DAY LIKE THAT!!!!! zzz... sot sot de la speech day now. only nid 10 ppl go. like wth. 10 ppl how form nice nice squad?? zzz. at least 9 ppl, 1 flag bearer n 2 ic mah. sot sot de leh... ok lor maybe dey wanna break tradition. dunno la. dun care le la. hais... hahas. vday booth dunno whether say sucess a not. non existant booth how can say vday booth hor. zzz hahas. i didn't buy aniting leh. zzz... remainder should have sold out cheaper la. zzz dunno how turn de. beta den leaving the things go rot lor... lucky use fake flowers nxt yr can recycle =.= wahahaa. but sweet cannot recycle de la. zzz... went ntuc buy prezzie for family (my uncle say de wor not me...) ltr evening go gathering at either my grandma house or my uncle house (diff uncle from the previoius 1...) zzz packed the sweets. muahahaha. bored. ntuc sell 1 rose $5. siao de. dey at least make 4x profit la. avg cost price 1 rose nicely packed only the most $1 $2 liddat. zzz. tat time sell in sch like tat pack de onli $2.50 or $3. aiya dun rmb liao la.

aiyo i go change liaos. zzz go bel's house makan!! wahahahas. 2day sure go fat de eat so much =.=

happy vday peeps~! hahas
-Jia Yi-

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

slackest workday~

2day's the slackest workday la. hahahas. slacked practically the whole morning. the other office staff got nothing 2 let me do lor. ^^den was lyk surfing the net and emailing CE and downloading MSN. also anyhow clicked some stuff on the computer. hope no1 knows. muahaha. think i destroyed/deleted some things alr =.= die... like 1 whole day was like staring into the computer screen only lor. really that bored la hais... lucky i was still emailing CE. so i didn't fall asleep. amazingly =.=

only after lunch then got thing do. lalalas. n i still havent completely finish wad i supposed 2 do. left wif filing lalalas~ tmr morn den do la. hais...n 2day office 4 the morning was quite empty. only a few times after or b4 the session got ppl come in and talk n joke. the ang mohs there damn fun la... most of the day the whole big office only got 2 ppl; me and the other 1. wahahahas. no boss around lalalas~ =.= anw they still finding a boss wad zzz...

still wondering when poly will start... all the while thought it starting in 1st week of april. den asked my cuz she say maybe 20th den start. and got some sch closure for YOG. wahahas so gd la. hais... but think b4 tat 1 wk sch closure got orientation~ aiyo cant wait n can wait =.= hmm... shall i quit my job exactly 3 months after i start work??? which is the 17th. hais... den i can slack n 'prepare' 4 sch wad. ^^ hahas lyk real i 'preparing'...

lalalas this post seemed 2 take soo long 2 type since i watching tv. argh y cant ch u show the hk shows in dual sound la. i dun lyk the chi 1 la. hais... sounds weird =.= tat hk show(abt GFS de) the little boy damn cute. muahahas.

sianz~ zzz...
-Jia Yi-
wondering when sch really really reopens...

Monday, February 9, 2009

argh juz reached home from the horrible bus ride. someone next time remind me not to board the 6.10pm bus, or else i'll be a sardine inside the bloody smelly bus. if i waited for another 5 mins for another bus, i dun think i'll be that cramped inside the bus. stood throughout the whole journey inhaling in the damp smell, staring at the man with dandruff who is sitting and pretending to sleep for i think more than 10 mins, got stuck at the jam after turning out of thomson road into bishan, which just meant more time standing and smelling armpits. then thought i would get a breather when many alighted at bishan mrt. Wrong! another batch boarded and there i was standing with an indian boy's biiig (and heavy) school bag squeezing the blood out of my fingers. how sad that was. yeah and there was this super tall sec 3 guy who was there counting of the schools that 156 passes by. yeah n now i know the terrors of not ever taking such a horrible bus to np. i think 156 passes by at least 7 to 8 schs la. zzz... suffered motion sickness, only i didn't puke. be glad my stomach was growling like hell or else some pathetic person's gonna suffer from another sour smell =.=

hmm but i did see my cousin from RI on the bus. n i think i saw yong qing at the bus stop opp bishan MRT... if i wasn't wrong... coz he was wearing the NYJC uniform... hais... i thought i'll reach home at 6.30 if it wasn't for the stupid jam...

yeah had an unlucky lunchtime too. zzz... after alighting the bus i kept bumping into ppl. then almost went up the wrong side of the escalator. argh why must they go change the direction of the escalator??!!! zzz... ate korean chicken noodles (remind me not to visit that stall again its expensive!) and sat at a corner listening in to other ppl's convo. muahaha i'm evil ^^ then on the way back to the bus stop almost knock down by the crow that was flying sooo close towards me. there's some tendency about crows that likes to charge towards ppl then. argh... coz lijing once got almost knocked down by a crow too. hahas. maybe it's the same crow =.= yeah remembered that the 851 back to office was also super crowded. zzz. next time when i'm suffering an unlucky streak it's best to stay still n sit down. (though the bus rides are unavoidable. zzz)

starving and still havent eat yet la... 2day yuan xiao muz w8 everyone come home den can eat. hais... hungry la!!! argh...

-Jia Yi-

Sunday, February 8, 2009

hais... i am back here again liaos lalala~

ok i am really really feeling like scrapping my crazy idea. yeah i don't usually persevere that long u know... ^^ hais... but its best to finish it la. hais tmr got to go house visiting. slacked the last weekend so tmr's schedule feels busy =.= ok well maybe not compared with past year's...

seriously don't want the internal conflict to happen. let's just hope that this time round the conflict won't be as great. it's still so important to stay together la. at least for mine maybe there was some conflict whatsoever before stepping up. and it died down after we stepped up. well if there really was some conflict i don't think i was in the light. oh wells it's always sooo much better to stay united you know... and both sides should always learn to give in to each other. if you know each other's character well must learn how to use it appropriately lor. don't end up seperating sides and making it the -THE END- of your friendship. it's really really not worthwhile... (to the person, you know what i'm talking. i always suffer from severe brain lag, so sensible and non-sensible words always comes waay after =.= especially for the sensible ones ^^)

now let's think about why internal conflicts always happen in sec 3 and not in sec 4. hmm maybe sec 4s are just to busy with studies they don't remember that they are constantly at war with each other. but the end of the day they always happen to be enemies on talking terms. zzz guess that's better than nothing already... and the sec 3s are still adjusting. ahh it's just always sooo sad what... friends are meant for keep, not meant to make you weep... (well that doesn't sound very correct also zzz) now suddenly i feel my simple-mindedness does work wonders. and no my butter fingers never work wonders =.= hahas. at least i know that my brain don't always feel things immediately. and it doesn't make sense of some emotions and things immediately too... now there IS something sooooo wrong with this retarded brain of mine... hais. what to do??? zzz

okays this laggy brain can't think much already ^^ it's going back to the sleep mode after this. not sure when this brain of mine would finally be awoken from the sleep mode anw =) i don't make sense most of the time too ^^

and i am also going to sleep already. gotta wake up at 9 argh. wonder if i'll wake up... hmm... 7+ hours of sleep should be enough right?? ^^

nites all~~ it's a SATURDAY!! ok Sunday in fact. since it's past 1 now. took quite long to type this post coz was watching TV. lalalas~
-Jia Yi-
woah i practically didn't use any of those horrible short forms of mine that many hated!! muahaha achievement~ ^^

Saturday, February 7, 2009

time now ish 3+ am lalalas~ though not the latest i slept at, but still quite late considering i woke up at 7+am =.=

sleepy but dun wanna usual. zzz...

many things happened at my workplace anw. my aunt resigned liaos, so office a bit empty. now even my small boss 'resigned', so office even more empty. =.= suay la recession. onli nvr kana me wad... now the office has officially become an all girl's office. well wif the exception of some of the higher ups that comes along to sign stuff. but anw it is still girl populated =.=

2day so bored at office la... tried to sleep but cant. dun wan 2 do the things i dun lyk so in the end nvr do muahaha. dun care. went off at lyk 5.58pm. who cares. the temp bosses all went home to look aft their kids alr wad (i think). time passes sooo much faster at sch den at the office >< hais... prefer go back sch lehs... dun lyk the way ppl backstab each other hais... i this gullible person shall remain as innocent as ever muahahas. and as clumsy as ever too. zzz...okay not tat u dunno i'm always lame when i have lack of sleep.zzz...

hais eyes slowly closing liaos... zzz real sleepy... wonder wad time shall i wake up tmr. hmm... 1+? muahahas. tat was the time i woke up at last sat. argh i wanna go back 2 sch.... for no reason lor... go back sch talk n drift around is better than typing/filing/letter-sending lor.and almost everyday lunch by myself n trying to finish my food in less than half hour =.= if not then is ppl buy back food for me~ which i seldom doubt so now... pocket got 1 big hole liao. bus fares so ex, food so ex. no wonder i miss sch =.=

hmm shall i go for thinking day?????? hais graduated liao still want go. dun care if i manage find ppl go wif me i sure go de. anw last year's thinking day was lyk boring la. now i wondering whether isit the ppl around de influence. i dun remember feeling so bored during thinking day when i was p4/p6/sec2/sec3 lor... maybe tat time sec 2 coz the batch of seniors damn fun. last year every1 got the sian look. n dey dun allow ppl go buy snacks outside. even more sian zzz... hais... but i wanna noe whether our sch will win the banner competition leh. coz dis time not i help one muahaha. if dis year win tat means my art reali damn horrible =.= muahahas

ok la dunno why hand ache liao la. zzz go sleep liaos~ nite nite -.-
-Jia Yi-
3.20am now~ so i didn't take such a long time to type anw =.=

Monday, February 2, 2009

someone should just give me more blogs to read...
or else i might go crazy n randomly treating other ppl's blog lyk my blog
spamming lyk there's no tmr (well there is tomorrow sad to say...)

2day spent the late morn and early afternoon at the khong clan association.
dun ask me wad isit. it's juz it... hard to explain anw
the elderly there are like so funny. and very friendly. ^^
yeah n one of the elderly joked saying tat my sister's the phillipino maid
she can't help it that she's too dark la. muahahas

den went home and started blog visiting part 1
went to familiar blogs waay more than twice
then mum kinda 'forced' me go cai er's house bai nian
so went lor. cai er got new handphone so spent majority of my time there playing her games ^^
since my parents wasn't there i self-serviced to the new year goodies
pray that i won't get sore throat again tmr... my last antibiotic ends tmr morn lalala~
exchanged angpow, mandarin oranges, and got another big bag of oranges from CE's mum
went home and my parents n grandma got shocked by the oranges
muahahas not my fault i kana force to take it home de ^^

den went blog visiting part 2
then dinner, bathe and watch a bit of chingay
this year seems to have a lot of other country ppl... like all the other SEA countries got involved

gonna continue my blog visiting part 3 liaos.
aim to sleep b4 12.30
hais tmr still nid work sob sob
wondering wad will happen tmr...
i dun wanna noe in fact
why must my parents force me to work waaaaaaaaaa
4get it i earn more money instead of rotting at home muahahas

gd luks to those going jc de. my sis says if any1 wan go neighbourhood visiting can ask her to bring u around also.(applicable to those in nyjc then hahas) wonder how's the orientation gonna be like. zzz
^^ nites