Wednesday, April 29, 2009

sleepy now coz i slept at 2 last nite =.= slping at 2 has become a habit? lols. bad habit anw...

2day's LMS was boring. didn't listen to wad the cher say n didn't exactly concentrate on the movie tat cher played. hahas. instead spend the time playing the games on facebook. wahahas. ppl ard me also playing mah... anw the cher nvr scold. ^^ aft LMS went OurSpace@72 do DSS. doing tat excel thingy as a grp beta la. can ask if dunno =) nxt time aft LMS should always stay back do DSS. hahas.did DSS for like almost 4hrs... now left 1 exercise =)

ytd had BLAW tutorial. got an angmoh for the tutor. tat angmoh have sucha strong accent la. so many ppl dun understand. then he ask the qn super cheem. TA28 has such wonderful class spirit. when the tutor pinpoint 1 person to answer the qn, then other ppl in the class would msn tat person answering the qn the ans if dey know. so funny la ^^ all exited the class complaining abt tat cher. hahas. n we're not the only class complaining. the other classes he teach also complain abt his cheem angmoh. aft BLAW tutorial ytd den was lectures. had 2 lectures which i slept in for both. lalalas~ the parts tat can elaborate urself n not so cheem de i'll be slping. wee~~ 2 tired la... ppl ard me frantically taking notes as usual =.= INFA is quite hard. all those debit n credit really can go crazy de. some more the lecturer so monotone. aiyo...

Mon had 4hrs macroecons wif the same person then 2 hrs DSS tutorial. macroecons will die de. heng the cher let us off early. ^^

nowadays usually lunch as a quite big grp wif the class. fun la. makan place no space (esp hard to find tables for big big grps) den go OurSpace lor :)

oh n i tot poly life meant more relax, but the peeps in poly aren't relaxed la. lecturer alr said tat year 1 is honeymoon year so go relax more. i'm relaxing but the others aren't la. always mug de. aiyo... i tot 4A during O's alr very horrible. now the tests are still like 1mth+ away but the peeps are still mugging like siao. n they finish their homework sooooooo on time... i lazy do n w8 cher give ans. wahahas. me lazy bum~ as usual i shall mug wif them!! wahahahas. motivation to study. only valid in school. when i go home i cant get anything done. =)

better go finish the tutorial tmr. but b4 tat i'll juz go slp 1st. hahas. nites ^^ have to go cook again. 100% sure i'll be the 1 creating havoc de. wahahas :)

-Jia Yi-
nites at 5.31pm~

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ok 1 wk of poly life has past~ yeah it's quite diff from sec sch la. lectures are... boring. as usual. but have so far achieved 1 wk of not falling asleep in class ^^ ok small nods dun count hor? hehes.

wad i like so far is the can sleep late time table. but i think that will only work for the 1st wk. 1 of the days i have lecture only like at 2pm lor. tats the best. but nxt wk when tutorial starts i wun be that free alr bah... n 1 more thing. i feel like i'm back in 4A la. coz there's still so many ppl diligently mugging, like how 4A was b4 O's ^^ nvm these mugging ppl shall influence me to mug also. i'll try to mug as much as i can in sch lor. at home i cant do any mugging wif so many distractions de la...

so far the week's has been gd.(meaning it ain't THAT terrible.) kept seeing familiar places around sch, sometimes i will stop by and talk, other times my brain too slow take too long to decipher who is it that passed by. by the time i realised they walk away liaos =.=

ytd was the DANCE 4 FUND. well of coz i go there only to root for ppl la. not go there to dance ^^ in the end realised that soooo many OREO's danced la. think almost 10+ leh. out of 24 or sth. tats a lot alr lor ^^ then alot of the Cuento performers(gals i think. nvr really notice the guy side) also danced. yeah though i cuento performer but i nvr dance. nvm all the beta. at least i given chance to go OREO spotting... hahas. whichever sch that's supposed to dance we'll all be shouting "BA... BA~! BA... BA~!" hahas. so fun. BA 1st to dance n i still think it's one of the best la! ^^

2day supposedly went sch for INFA workshop de. den w8ing outside the classroom for almost 1hr then realised that the lecturer did say something about not having workshop for the 1st wk. irritating la. didn't rmb. lucky met another gal from my class. Lucia. so we juz hung out at OurSpace@72 til abt 12.30 den go makan place for lunch. a bit bit late for class. (so paiseh). then listened to the PBL stuff then aft formed grps. grp-ed wif Jasmine, Li He, PKD n Lucia. they're all nice ppl ^^ PKD's the only guy lols. so evil. wahahas. aft tat left as a quite big bunch. hogged the road ^^ at ard 7pm got HOPNITE la. only i nvr go. hmm 7pm i still slping ^^ coz at 1st didn't realise so many ppl i noe going lor. then only aft the tickets all given out le den i noe tat. so 2 late le lor. anw they said that it's quite boring n not as fun as the FOC de. so nvm ^^ at least i enjoyed once =)

yeah i joined NP ambassaders. think it's something like student council back in MFSS la. let's juz hope i get in coz i got no back up CCA. if really cannot get in den i go join some CIP de CCA lor. i too bored la. hahas. wonder if BAsociety still can join a not. not very sure. anw heard that nxt week got BAenvoys the thingy. maybe i'll join that too. wahahas. i'm too lame la. tmr is NP ambassaders games day. think its a bit like a interview bah. wonder wad we'll be doing...

beta slp now if not tmr cannot wake up la. hais... shakes head.
-Jia Yi-
hopes nxt wk tutorial wun be that stressful.
n beta start mugging asap.
n printing the many many notes.
pity that printer ><

Monday, April 20, 2009

back from school~ ^^ wahahas.

ytd i was still dreading it. knowing that i dunno some of those ppl in my tutorials well. but 2day i realised tat at least i know some1 in my tutorials (aka i noe the name n their face =.=), which beats better than having to start from total scratch. nvm i will survive. =) now i'm looking forward to the tutorials alr. but it will only commence like next week. which means nxt wk i cannot come back home so early liaos!!! ahhh... hais... oh yar i kinda 'fainted' ytd at the amt of notes i have to print =.= hais... my poor printer some more no more black ink aft my 1st / 2nd sheet of printing la. sad.

kinda high 2day. maybe coz i didn't have my 8 hrs of slp =.= lalalas~ saw a few familiar faces here and there ^^ quite happy la. i siao siao de. saw Vinlee(tution friend) on the super crowded 74. we were like kind of staring at each other la coz we were quite far apart so we never talk. then aft tat she smsed me sth like 'are u jia yi from stalford' then i told her by mouth 'i dun think i nid reply u hor.' yeah dun wanna waste my sms. standing in between weini n stephenie mah. aft tat did managed to talk to her la. havent seen her for so long liaos~ then went for macroecons lecture. not tat boring la coz the lecturer quite fun de. but at the end my eyes started closing liaos. lucky my eyes only started shutting at like the last 5 mins or so bah.

saw some Oreo peeps around sch ^^ wahahas. so i'm kinda glad i went for the foc n baoc~ if i nvr go i won't noe some ppl liao la. aft lecture went to the cca fiesta. so kelian la. 1 cca only got 1 super tiny booth. then the area each cca have i dun tink can even put 1 canteen table lor. den its quite crowded la. still dunno wad cca i wanna join. maybe join basoc or join some comm service de lor. suddenly not tat interested in the adventure stuff alr. wahahas. walk ard a bit then went atrium buy books. dam heavy la. 3 fat books. the super fat 1 is the DSS (abt excel spreadsheet) de. den some more tat DSS cher upload quite a lot of files all tat on the mel lor. faints. juz hope all the books will be used la. dun be like khalid liddat use 1 time den say bye bye to it for the rest of the year or something.

bus-ed to hub, buy concession den buy mac lunch. so weird la carrying soooo many stuff. bag super heavy then the books also super heavy. hais...

oh yar during 2day's lecture some ppl use their notebk play game la. so bad. heng my laptop heavy so i wun bring it to sch tat much, which means i wun be tempted to do stuff other than listening to the lecture. wahahas.

cont my mac lunch~
-Jia Yi-

Saturday, April 18, 2009

wahahas its so early in the morn ^^ i sot diao liaos. supposed to slp de la. =) juz hope tmr can slp in~

okie wed went back sch 4 guides aft visiting gran at hospital in the morn. yeah celebrated putri n debbie's bday in advance. got cake. bought from the shop opposite the school. fruit cake which i sliced quite nicely. wahahas. anw i noe why i dote so much on some juniors n not so much on others. wahaha. suddenly ytd i remembered why i hate some particular juniors sooooooooo much because of their permanent bochup attitude on their face. irritating leh. aiya nvm juz noe that so long they not in charge everything can liaos. ^^

thur nothing much. other than staying in hospital n reading quite a lot of 'twilight'. ahh very interesting. lols. i really sot diao de ^^ c la next time dun wan me to be so high dun make me stay up so late. w8 i wanna stay up myself de =.= okok i'll stop crapping.

fri went sentosa. wa 1st time i went wif frens la. as in everytime got outing to sentosa then i'll try 2 find a million excuses not to go. but somehow this time i readily agreed to go lor. i'm weird. n 2day's weather is soooo hot. not even a single drop of rain. whereas u compare the other 2 sentosa outings i missed both rained heavily in the aftnn. wa so happy =) anw went sentosa also nothing much la. i'm one of the earliest to reach harbourfront mrt. mainly hung out the whole day wif stephenie n yan ting only. weini working hais... played volleyball at around 12+ 1 bah. tats y kana sunburn. my lunch was 7-11. hahas. sad la. then aft lunch slacked around, trying 2 find things do, stay in sapphire pavillion to avoid being dunked into the sea, n while staying in the pavillion played wif the skipping ropes the SBSCs brought (more like we watch them play ^^). oh yar the icebreakers when we reach siloso was kinda lame. the 'sperm and egg' game (i really wonder who the hell invented the name). i kana forfeited to do indian dance >< everytime so suay =.= n coz i ran barefooted my toe got a blister =( then aft that game played dog n bone. coz of the blister i didn't even bother to run.
ps i know my story jump here n there de ^^ lazy go edit it properly. i wanna slp asap de...
aft stephenie left, den me n yanting got nothing much 2 do. so joined the SBSCs to play lor. they were building sandcastles. wahahas. so i juz joined in n build the mini aquarium ^^ my starfish rox. 2 bad no pics... then started to get bored alr, then we went to busy ourselves with the jap kid at the playground. wahahas. we were like juz playing wif him lor. he's so cute ^^ yan ting took a pic of him hahas. n then the SBs were like trying to use jap to communicate wif him. then wadeva the kid tell us we dun really understand. hehes. but quite funny la. got the huge language barrier. then when they leaving then we realise that the kid actually know english coz the mum said 'say bye bye'. then we were like laughing coz all the while the boy can understand english... =.= left siloso at around 5+ 6 bah.

oh yar i suddenly remembered why my high-ness can be explained. i took too much sugar 2day =.= no wonder i so hyper la. kickapoo then 100 plus then bubble tea... then some more eat sweet. sugar overdose =.= lalalas there i go again zi-highing~

bored. dun think my face will appear too much in the camera la =) didn't take tat much pics.

1 more thing. i totally lost count of how many ppl ask for my name liaos. my name very hard rmb meh? hais... shakes head. either they rmb my name dun rmb my face or vice versa. maybe coz i not all that familiar wif them bah ^^ nvm most of the time those ppl who ask me for my name de i also dun rmb their names. lalalas~ nxt time muz bring a nametag ard le. wee~~

ok beta go slp liaos. wake up at 2pm tmr! wahahas. liddat can run away from household chores ^^ i know i lazy bum.

aiyo sch's starting in like 2 days time! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! headache ar. 4get how study le. 2 long no touch books. ltr lecture sure fall asleep de. gd luks 2 me bah~

-Jia Yi-
shall continue zi-highing
4.42 AM ^^
not the latest time i slept though...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

let's try a 10 minute post b4 i start hanging the clothes to dry ^^

okie. start ytd. supposedly to slack at home the whole day de, but in the end something unexpected happen at home lor. grandma broke her leg when at the sinseh in clementi =.= visited her at nite~ n she got no bed la. slp in the corridor. so evil.

2day early morn (yesh it's EARLY. b4 the sun was even up la.) woke up n sat dad's car to amk mrt. which means i have to wake up at the same time as my sis, den my dad send her to amkss den send me n my mum to amk mrt. bleurgh. mrt-ed to ttsh to visit my grandma(aka stay n take care of her if time allows). so ard 7.45 reached there, n she havent wake up yet. den juz the whole morn ask nurses to attend to her n den talk 2 her pei her lor. quite boring la. tmr have 2 repeat.

left ttsh at ard 11.45 den mrt-ed to somerset. met wif juan an n gene, den mrt-ed back to orchard =.= nxt time i'm not gonna be so early. i reached somerset at like 12 sharp la. den dey said meet thr at 12pm. lunch at wheelock sakae sushi~ u noe my fav place la. only didn't eat as much as i expected myself 2 eat. zzz... go wif family beta. free meal ^^ the other gals camwhored at sakae. u noe me the super non-photogenic de of coz nvr camwhore la. i juz put my face into the photo when i get pulled in ^^ still dun like taking pics. hais...

walked from wheelock to cathay cine to watch shinjuku incident. tat NC16 movie tat jackie chan was in. super gross la. so very bloody. was like sinking lower n lower in2 my seat. n the theatre was freeeeeeeeeeeeezing cold. heng i wear jeans ^^ well jeans comprises of my wardrobe so 2 bad =.=

aft movie which jackie chan died,(wahahas) then went to play pool. yeah almost 10+ ppl went in to the pool area, n only 4 ppl played. idk how play mah so sit n stone lor. den LY camwhoring so juz poke my face in lor. if not i really die of boredom. aft i tink 1 hr of pool, den went to walk walk. some more ppl left liaos then left wif ard 8 ppl lor. went to ngee ann city n kana 'bombarded' by the crows. tats y i still say CROWS ARE BLIND. hahas. always fly straight into ur face de. >< yeah 'AIR SHOW,beware of white stuff tat may land in ur head' wahahas. drifted ard deciding whr to go for dinner. ended up at Yoshinoya. aft my dinner play 'chua dai di', den dey started telling ghost stories. yeah spooked out. in such a bright area some more. wahahas. faster activate the 'delete' button in my head. if not i'll nvr enjoy nightwalks again ^^ still loveeeeee nightwalk lalalas~~~

MRT-ed home wif the North-east line ppl. reached home ard 9.30 bah. dun rmb =.= hahas. yeah i wun have lack of ppl 2 go home wif me liaos. lalalas~

oh ya i in 1.2B(tink so, my stm is getting worser n worser even though i just checked like less than half hour ago). aiya is just tat all the days i start sch at 9 other than wed when sch starts at 8 n end at 12 i tink.

i type so slow =.= maybe coz i watching tv. beta go hand the clds liaos. suddenly feel hungry =.= hais... piggy me. zzz...
-Jia Yi-

Sunday, April 12, 2009

okok tink should be a quick 1. but knowing how luo suo i am i dunno whether its possible ^^

fri went for oreo outing. thought i was the last to reach. but hor people reached later then me la. ^^ met at city hall mrt, b4 getting lost den went to Thai Express to find the others. funny thing is, imagine around 20 ppl sitting at the table, then only like 3 or 4 ppl eating. hahas. think the waitress pek chek liao la. den drifted ard, went burger king to meet up wif those who left while some were eating at thai express, den walked to watch movie. while w8ing for movie to start some went window shopping, while i went to watch some play pool. dunno how play only noe how 2 watch la ^^ watched fast n furious 4. quite nice la. kinda tired so fell asleep a little bit. aft movie then went meet up wif those who nvr watch de, went food court for dinner then went esplanade rooftop. took some pics den ended up playing truth or dare. lucky i only kana once =) den went home at around 11. bus took so long ><

sat went back MFSS. now then i rmb tat we were supposed 2 go back n collect cert de. den i tink coz GO nvr open la. went back for briefing. guides n scouts organising some camp in May for the brownies n scouts of MINDS (dun rmb wad branch). den dey nid volunteers to help dem be station masters bah. wa i alr a bit scared of the children liaos. though at work i met wif some of these kind of kids la. i know how scary they can be coz i rmb 1 kid ran out of the compounds into the road coz he didn't wan to do sth. juz hope tat during the camp the kids wun do tat la. i also dunno wad kinda games they will wanna play la. went home n it was pouring la. ok tats abt all of my sat le bah... ^^

juz now went takashimaya buy my notebk sleeve. have 2 find 1 tat can fit my protruding battery. how irritating. nvm bot 1 alr. later going out for dinner~ i go take prize wahahas. my sis cannot take lalalas~ its something like scholarship de la. get dunno how many As den can get le. not very sure bah... anw it's my last chance 2 take le lor. coz i dun tink dey have the criteria for poly or uni or sth. nvm at least i can take in my last year. lalalas~

go bathe le tatas~ sad cant watch campus superstar final showdown. hais... hope Jarod dun win. wahaha. Ai Jia win! lols. Ai Jia voice really power mah...

tatas~ not tat long hor. considering i post 3 days de...
-Jia Yi-

Friday, April 10, 2009

yeah very very tired. shan't post too long. if not later i fall asleep in front of the lappy (very high chance).

woke up at 6+, only like 5hrs of slp. den rched np ard 8+am. super early in my opinion (everything b4 12 is EARLY!) zzz... then coz a lot ppl havent reach den play game lor. indian poker ar? dun rmb liaos. the put the card at the forehead tat game. i heng nvr change card b4 n dunnid do forfeit lalalas~~~

rehearsed a bit bit den went convention centre. sat around, slacked,forget whether we needed 2 be there a not, den went makan place for elevenses (lunch). chatted n laughed quite a lot. alr familiar wif the gals ^^ aft lunch went back the classroom den played the game weiqing tch. damn funny. we were like there 'd..d..d....da' coz all the nicknames start wif a 'da' (big) mah.

(cont on sat~)
ok since i so bored i shall cont ^^
aft tat game den went convention centre backstg den found no1 dere. den walk out to the road there n waited for more green 2 appear. hahas. went back backstg again n cont slacking. practised the dance 1 last time (like no music cant dance properly. hahas) kept missing the steps. ah bother. our grp was the 2nd to perform. den 1 all the ppl in the cc liaos den can hear them kip cheering. then the mascot performance i wanted 2 see de la. den we opened the door den kana scolded. hehes. den in the end nvr watch lor.

yeah saw samuel n kumar daniel. they were in the grp b4 us 2 perform. dunno wad dey performed. sad we missed their performance. then 2nd grp perform i all the while v nervous de la. i nervous in the thief part n not the dance part =.= den can hear the crowd dam high. can hear they kinda enjoy our show a lot coz of their laughter n all tat la. true our grp de dam funny ^^ so many grps i still tink ours the best wahahas. so should i type out the whole skit? lols. dun care juz type. u all read until u all die not my fault ^^

Started out in a kindergarten grp, so the kids & cher exited wif the 2 male n female leads.(alicia n stevie, who are childhood sweethearts). Teacher says sth like 'lets ask alicia n stevie to come n perform the barney song!' (which is like kinda lame la.) den barney song plays n they do the actions. After tat kids n cher exits, left wif the 2 leads. alicia tells stevie sth like 'i have to go overseas and study so i'm leaving u.' (not very sure la i dun always pay tat much attention). Then alicia runs out 'weeping' n stevie is left heartbroken.
-next scene-
Stevie sits at the centrestage, den Stevie's mum comes out n exclaims sth like 'omg Stevie u can play the guitar! come come lets enrol u in the music lessons' (ok the mum said sth way longer than that) then they enter the house. then 3 gangsters come n make trouble. each carrying a diff weapon, a gun(really nicely made!), a giant knife (lols) n a small chopper.Stevie comes out of the house not knowing wad happen. then the gangster says 'ur mother owes us a lot of money...bla3'. then they start kicking Stevie n then blinding him. (yeah the 1 acting as Stevie really is a dam gd actor. rolled so many times on the floor when they kicked him la). aft gangsters leave, mum comes out of the house n says sth to Stevie (i 4got la!) then brings him in2 the house. (dun rmb whether Stevie got bang in2 the house coz during rehearsal he did). narrator says ' coz Stevie's mum has to pay off the debts, the sold the house' then the housing agents goes out, shakes hand wif the mum, n den says some magic word (yeah i 4got wad was it again) then the house will move out of the stage.
-next scene-
Stevie has to busk at Orchard road, n his money got stolen by the thief(mememe!! lols). aft his money is stolen, he gets knocked down by a bus which bangs him all the way into American Idol. emcee welcomes him 2 American Idol n bla3, then Stevie starts singing n dancing. 4 judges comment stuff (dun ask me wad dey comment usually this is the part i am freaking out abt the dance alr). but 1 of them says sth bad abt Stevie's performance n the crowd started boo-ing, but the judge adds sth on n they cheer. (really DUN ASK ME WAD DEY SAY) then the emcee invites the other contestant out, and declares Stevie the winner. Alicia would be asked out as a special guest n we go out n dance lor. girls 1st, den guys, den tgt. so paiseh de la. wahahas. we screwed up our dance lalalas~ totally forgot wad dance steps le. nvm it's over le ^^
-end of skit-

then aft the whole performance we were cheering our way out la. when we entered the hall again they were playing games alr. the guess the song game la. den aft tat was refreshments which we used the time to go chg. other performances i nvr pay tat much attention since i really was very slpy... fell asleep abit ^^ only woke up at the dancing part hoping other grps screwed up also. but never la sad... den took pics n went home le lor. idk who has the pics but i tink its on photobucket. dunno where the link la have le den i upload the link ^^

yeah the remaining was posted on sat. i go post on another post wahahas. wee luo suo de me~ ^^ wadeva. free de den read. not free de as usual advised not to read wahahas. lalalas~

-Jia Yi-

Thursday, April 9, 2009


ok had 2 go sch like kinda early. tink nid reach at like 8.30 or sth? abit late so took 74e. nvm juz more expensive only. den aft dunno wad time den went to convention centre lor. listen dem talk abt the stuff. me n weini were saying tat stephenie's bound to one of them there going to give the long speeches/talks/personal experience etc next year. ^^ yeah n somewhere through whr they were intro-ing sth abt the signing up of ccas i fell asleep. damn tired la wake up at 6.45 =.= hais...

den aft tat convention centre den games lor. 1st game is go canteen 3 eat lunch. wahahas. but still nid coomplete some tasks all tat lor. den went ard the sch, play game. dun ask me wad games i played. i cant really rmb. ok i can only rmb 2. 1 is the 1 at basketball court. den nid turn 10 rounds holding the wooden pole, den duck walk along a line den hold the bottle wif water in between the legs n walk to the table. 1 plate of flour wif polo sweet n use wooden chopstick to move the sweet to another plate. not exactly dirty games la. only the chopstick damn gross leh. all got saliva de. bleurgh. so many ppl go b4 me. then wet wet de. yucks. den aft tat nid carry the tallest person using the rafia string they provide. hehes n we are the 1st grp to finish out of 3 la ^^ yay.

den another game is like throw big water balloon la. 1st pass the balloon using our legs, den 2 ppl use black trash bag take the balloon, den aft run n throw it to another 2 person holding a tshirt. n dey have 2 catch it. so juz kip repeating lor. competed wif another grp. we won again ^^ n d other grp smashed the balloon tat almost hit me. heng i move away fast enuf wahahas. ^^

oh ya now i rmb another game. got 1 plastic cup in the middle of the black trash bag den muz fill the cup wif water den (only touching the trash bag) move to the bottle as a whole grp n pour the water in2 a bottle. in the end we like kinda cheated. kept laughing n laughing non stop. wahahas. coz really dam funny. the way we kip screaming at each other 2 aim properly. hahas. yeah we won also. seems like we always win ^^ but this time is win coz we kinda cheated la. tink still got other games. but hor stml suddenly everything cannot rmb le. nvm

aft all the games, our grp since we like got no more activity le, den go the makan place sit ard talk talk. more like blow aircon anw. den slowly make our way to the cc n let our eardrums get blasted. cheering competition mah. so damn noisy lor. anw me n weini there zi high in the bimbo/confused cheer. wahahas. 'the sun, i swear, is bleaching up my gorgeous hair' lols. i belong to the 'confused' side. well beta den the bimbo side. wahahas.

then stayed back for performance la. ard 5++++ dey dismiss us. den we went the acc blg 3rd carpark n gather n put our bags, den went makan place eat dinner at ard 6. no wonder i'm hungry now. argh. ok back to topic. i ate jap food ^^ nice leh. wahahas. n some more $3.50 only. student price mah. go outside eat sure above $5 de. zzz... back at ard 6.45 to the carpark n kana shoo-ed to the cc again aft abt half hr to practise skit. oh the skit is like so kinda retarded la. damn funny. oh ya my role gd i dunnid say aniting. lalalas. but hor i still insist tat i dun look like a thief la! zzz... my role juz run in, shake the cap in front of the 'blind' stevie, n run out again. wahahas shuang hor. juz hope n pray i dun trip n fall or wad la. tats wad i'm gd at doing =.= zzz... den entered d dance at the end of the skit. n still wasn't so sure abt the dance moves. anh tikam.

went back carpark at ard 8.02pm (i rmbed coz i kept doing time reporting!) den practised n perfected n re-arranged ourselves in the gals indiv dance. while the boys were slowly learning their moves. bo bian la who ask their dance more harder than ours... ^^ yeah n saw another grp's dance. quite eh retarded. ok not exactly. but their moves are like so much easier than ours la. den aft loads n loads of practises, den cont learning the couple dance moves. lucky the couple dance part only quite short. den all becoz i chose no. 7, n my pathetic partner juz joined in 2day, so he had 2 learn all the dance moves like 2day, so i practised couple dance wif the SB. hehes. kinda getting used to the steps alr. not tat hard la. hehes. juz dun get stage fright aniting also gd de la. yeah n i only like anh practice wif my partner for like 3 or 4 times only? =.= cant. get. the. last. turning. part. i think i only get like 1 or 2 turns when i'm supposed 2 do more? ok lets juz w8 for tmr's practise...

yeah ended at ard 10.30, gals swapped roles wif the guys so the guys were shouting the gal part in the cheer, n they looked really like bimbos, (LOL!) n like hell lot of laughing fit la. suddenly very high when i tired de =.= n I CANT FIND ANY FOC CAMPMATES IN MY CUENTO R&B PERFORMING GRP... hais... if they were, they'll be dancing the mass dance during the 'just dance' tat song le la. hahas. but really damn fun la. the gals all quite enthu de ^^ dey dun complain tat much la.

ok now i got like a voice break, my voice went lower again. well i think i find myself in the same state as last year's guides orientation. sth wrong wif the voice box la. throat still very well. ^^ beta dun scream 2 much tmr. if not fri really no voice liaos. i reached home at ard 11 la. lucky i ask parents come n fetch. if not i'll reach home at like 12 =.= sad-ed. so now i wanna sleep liao la. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the tired. hais... tmr have to wake up at like 6.20 la. die liaos die liaos. nite nite. 'wa buay tahan, wa buay tahan'. lols i really zi-high liaos ^^

-Jia Yi-
still so luo suo ^^
n uber tired.
so nite nites.
look forward 2 tmr though i'll have to perform.

ps when i say 2day, it means wed 8th apr, not thur 9 apr... ok i still suffering from brain/mind lag, so dun even think of trying to correct me.

zi-high continues~

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

sooo tired.

baoc camp 2day. Cuento R&B 7 rox ^^ weini's in the same grp as me. at least i have some1 who pei me hehes. saw a lot of MFians. my group ldr's also from MF la. 1 of the super few who went to poly in the 07 batch. wahahas. yeah n i became 'CCA ldr' for 1 day while wearing CE's shirt. lucky the embroided name super small cannot see wahahas.

kinda boring 1st day anw. nothing much 2 do. reached there at 11 (quite sharp) n den the SB & SCs (student buddy and student co-ordinator =.=" super lame) started trying 2 get us to cheer. ok i cheered a bit only when there's a whole lot of other ppl cheering loudly. wahahas. it's no wonder i always manage to save my voice n not get sore throat ^^ hahas. den on the way to convention centre the gals(6 of us) in my grp started talking lor. den found out one of the gal's is my pri sch bus-mate. though i sooo dun recognise her... yeah i noe i have a super bad memory. i'm proud of tat wahahas. ppl can recognise me coz my face hasn't changed much like since 3 years old?? =.= err.... zzz...

stuff in convention was kinda boring. performances, n cheering n speeches. tats abt all. den aft convention centre went to some place in the acc blk(?) den started learning cheers, icebreaker n stuff. ok ice breakers they played the 5 animals again. this game is getting sooooo famous in np. wahahas. played the plaster which we learnt in foc but nvr played, and some 'sa' game. kinda lame. n funny. hahas. lunch at canteen 2. 2 gals went back liaos. so left 4. juz as sad in any way la. food there not very nice. hais...

den went FMS 8th floor again ^^ tat foc clubbing nite tat room. hahas. but hor no lightsticks no loud music la. go there do flag tingy de. kinda proud of the small section we did. hehes. coz i being the person wif no9or very little) artistic talent chipped in 2 draw n paint la. n made a mess~ ^^ i tink la. but no1 blames me. who cares. dey dun even care tat much abt the flag la so 4get it.

got selected to do the performance thingy. i tink dey actually selected 1 of the gals who left during lunch time de la. hais... tat learning of dance moves all tat took 2+ hrs leh. sian la. but hor its not a lot of dance moves la. n they also choose ppl for the skit. like wth DO I LOOK LIKE A THEIF???? in the 1st place why do they even have a theif role? =.= nvm i'll concentrate more on the dance la. though i look like some 'wu chi' (dance idiot) ^^ who cares. i'll juz avoid the front. bleurgh. nitemares rushing back again =.=

reached home at 9.35. sooooooooo late. den tmr still nid report at like 8.30?!?!?!? hais... have to wake up at 6.30 la. sians... better go slp liaos. nite nite. though i not sure whether i'll fall asleep.

yeah n i will FORGET ALL MY DANCE MOVES! wee~~~ i'm sucha pro~ ^^ Caroline(my dance partner) beta help me. hehes. poor memory here... =)

-Jia Yi-
Nites~ it's kinda early >< zzz...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

yeah laming a lot now ^^

you know i just realised that most of my posts are either me laming or me being way too bored beyond description. hahas

ok i'm bullying whatever readers i have by giving them a hell of a hard time reading.

that's why i don't exactly recommend ppl to read

but if u read i'll just applaud u ^^ n thank you too.


bored hence the lameness.

ooo i found the link!! oh i'm really crapping.

nvm if u never ever understand what i'm talking.

4get i better charge my lappy.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

2day(more like ytd) is my last day of work ^^ wonder if i'll still go back n volunteer... i so guai la the whole day i in office 'mai tou ku gan'. really. rushing all my work so tat sat class will be in order. cant help it if it's not very much in order la. there's the lack of informing the parents anw. lets see how they will cope. not gonna wish them the best of luck ^^ wait better wish them gd luk if not they headache ar. all the ppl there overstress liaos. so should i say it was gd tat i left earlier if not the stress will also come to me. but hor dey have 2 survive on their own la. not going to bother ^^

thx sarah(my collegue) for treating me lunch at polo club. i'm soooooooo not gonna go back to polo club to eat. hate the food there. too big serving cannot finish. hais... hahas. n its ex la. but considered cheaper than other clubs le la. ate the dunno wad u call tat. hahs. super cheesy. bleurgh cant even finish. hais...

1st time in so many months i stayed until almost 6.30 la. hais... see i soooooooo hardworking stay til 6.30 n finish work. hais... n its not as if i finished ALL my work la. heck care. unpacked medicals: 1 half+ more cabinets. faint... who so free can go volunteer themselves n juz help my collegue shred paper. wahahas. juz 2 say paper shredding's a supeeeeeer gd destressing method ^^ but its super troublesome la. wads wif cannot put staple bullet inside n i have 2 end up cutting up the paper. super irritating. hahas. nvm i dunnid work anymore i shan't care less ^^ left ferroro roche on my collegues n temp boss's desk. left 3 pkts of cup/bowl noodles on another 1 of my collegue's desk la. wahahas. she nvr come in so everyting throw on the table. tats how it goes lalalas~

aft leaving at 6.30 den took 132 to bel's house for ICE CREAM PARTY! wahahas. cookies n ice cream for dinner. no wonder i'm hungry now >< again =".=">

oh yar the 2 ACS volunteers on Thur was like sucha great help la. 2 of them quietly folded ALL the letters leh. they came at ard 3.45 n started folding until when i went home at 6.05 they were still folding la. dam guai. heard from my collegue tat they left at 6.30. tats y i kip on saying i bully volunteers ^^. i only folded less than 150. ACS boys on Wed folded less than 200. 1 retiree on Thur morn folded almost 300. den that 2 ACS boys on thur folded all the remaining la. super pros. oh n the 4 of them on Wed were a joke la. u noe the stamp booklet is slightly more special wif stickers behind all tat n only 10 stamps there, then 1 of the 4 stuck the stickers thinking it was stamps la. lucky i checked ar. if not ltr all kana bounce back.
wee 4th of april, TAN PECK HUI'S BDAY LEH! wahahas. tagged on her blog at 12.08, smsed her at 12.14, n msned her when she came on9 at ard 12.30. 1st time i kip wishing ppl happy bday =.= wish her here again hahas. juz for the fun of it.
aiyo tmr got so many things like going on leh. w8 not just tmr. i almost everyday also so busy =.= hais... liddat how go out wif CE? hers is the wk b4 poly start she busy. i nxt wk busy. everytime liddat de la our schedules always clash ^^ she also quit her job 2day liaos~~~ though she waaaaaaaay more hardworking dun always take leave n work OT alot. not like me ^^ exact opposite. some more msning at work. wahahas i'm sucha super pro. ok i'm laming =.= yeah back to point. tmr late morn lj ask me go library wif her do research. well lets see if i can wake up 1st. ^^ coz i dunno wad i'll be doing there anw. no hw or wad. go thr read storybk only ar? hais... den aftnn got osiris outing. dun feel like going tat 1 so skip. anw i still tinking whether i very familiar wif my campmates a not. hais... nvm lets juz w8 n see ^^ den evening still got st andrews cf. dunno whether i should go 4 tat 1 since ce, bel n peck wun ever go. everytime leave me liddat. the super free yet busy person =.= hais... so lets juz w8 til tmr den say. wahahas. u noe HOL SUPPOSED TO SLACK DE LA!!! zzz...
sleepy liaos... i still so luo suo ^^ heck care la wan read de den read dun wan read de den 4get it. i always write 4 fun also. =) if those who read til here then grats u for ur kind attention (n much strain 2 understand wad crap i talking). wahahas.
no pics as usual since i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not a camwhore~ despises cameras tat wants to snap candid pics. i'm soooooo not a candid pic person la. coz i have the gong dai (spacey) look. ok i dunno wad kinda crap i talking. juz 4get it. ^^
SLEEP TIME!!! a bit early for a fri nite la. rmb for me, anytime less than 12 has always been considered early for me. if sleep b4 clock strikes 12am its early, if wake up b4 12pm its also early ^^ big old lazy bum here~ hahas
-Jia Yi-
any1 wanna gimme anti-lameness medicine? wahahas. w8 better not anyhow eat the things u all gimme. always trying to gimme the most special-est treatment =.=
sth's going wrong wif dis. aiya heck care la. if it nvr come out the appopriate spacing then gd luk to those reading lor. suggestion maybe u wan 2 enlarge the screen. waahhas. i cant help u~~~ ^^