Sunday, December 28, 2008
stupid cousins gonna come anytime and staying till this year's over. tat's sad. wad pathetic parents(my aunt & uncle then) 2 ditch them here. still wondering if my parents would nid 2 bring them out 4 countdown. hope not coz dun tink dey will manage 2 stay up til tat late...(maybe...)
parents away in malaysia~~~ but the noisy cousins would come. zzz so wads the point. tink i'll prefer my parents 2 stay. at least dey dun snatch the comp away as long as my cuzs do...
lalalas~ this wonderful 2008 is going 2 end liaos... so sad time passes soooo fast >< esp sec sch life... yea sec 1 sux quite alot, sec 2 rox, sec 3 is boring, sec 4 is stressed but crazy~~~ hahahas. tink tats applicable to my guide's life n my sch life...
i miss camp >< dis year nvr attend any camp at all. i noe the rest of the ppl out there might h8 camps coz its dirty, can't get enuf slp, etc etc... but well its fun n i DO get enuf slp 4 sch camps(tho not sch guide's camp), even though i will still end up slping thru the day when camp breaks. ^^ yeah miss camp sarimbun hahas.
wonder if bel will go visit the jnrs during the 1st mtg next year... dunno if i will go. coz i kinda lazy go apply leave or sth. ah bother.
worklife is boring. but i am glad i tink i have a more lenient boss. hahas. at least i am not expected 2 be tottering on high heels, finishing stuff within a super strict time limit, or being on my feet 4 dunno how many hrs straight. suddenly feels sooo lucky ^^ hahas. although i am still stuck doing any stuff that my aunt(diff from the aforementioned 1) calls me 2 do. (since i am her kinda 'assistant' after all). yeah so i told my sister tat i am stuck doing 'zhabalang' stuff.which is doing odd-job. (lucky mopping floor not included haha). tinking back 2 me counting 500++ 5c coins reali makes me crazy. soooo many many coins... spent almost the whole aftnn counting all the coins.(i tink thr is a total of 2000 coins in thr...) bleurgh.
lalala i finally found peck hui's blog (ooh tat is soooo random) ah nvm.
tatas~~~ ^^
-Jia Yi-
(miss guides ^^, although half the time when i reach i kinda regret it... behave la jnrs. zzz)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
aiya hope i'll do well la... ^^ got my own real =.= it's the person whose on maternity leave de table. anw the office is small. but i dun care if i have my own room. liddat less lonely haha. still facing the comp 4 a long time... as usual like at home. doesn't make much a diff la... my eyesight will always be spoilt quarterly a year de...
watching the dno wad show. ch u 10pm de. 4got wads d name liao. dun care. but its so touching. esp the way the boy have 2 treat the mum (vice versa too) in order to protect himself... hais so sad...
lalalas~ watch tv liao. den i want slp le...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
see lor. mum took 1000++ photos. i dunno how many i took. but i onli took on some days. aft tat lost interest liao. haha isn't tat wad i'm the best in doing? 1000++ uploaded alr. those tat i took de havent yet.
yar i am back from taiwan, going crazy 4 idk wad reason... lalalas~ brain's super super damn lag... taking longer n longer time 2 register stuff... zzz my self called illness called brain lag. i hope it's not contagious. ^^
a lot a lot of snacks bot from taiwan. but i seriously dun have enuf souvenirs 2 go round. those who wan more snacks come over n eat ^^ muahaha.
photos lazy upload yet. next time ba =) bored... tmr watch movie~ lalala idk wad movie i watching still. hope tmr got enuf stuff 2 go round la. coz during my ever there brain lag, throughout the whole trip i can onli think of 3 ppl whom i nid buy stuff for. no prizes for guessing who they are ^^ n wad i did throughout the trip next time when i super damn free/bored (hard loh). haha. anw 1 thing abt taiwan, there's super super lot of food... haha. n its 56 times bigger den sg. hey i got listen 2 the tour guide de lor. zzz
yeah tatas. stuff promised will be up next time. n dun ask me when's the next time =)
Jia Yi ^^
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
yeah i onli have 4 to 5 hrs of slp. den i tink nid wake up at like 3.30 which will most likely drag to 4++. ^^ 4 luggages for 5 ppl. taxi's coming at 5am. tats like wee hours >< am =".="">< i dis no meat de person tink kana frozen there liaos... zzz
wondering if i should slp... slp alr ltr cant wake up. n dun reali feel very excited. hais... anw i tink i'm still living in a dream. i'm sleepwalking!!! ^^ yeah like real. i'm not the 'bu liang xiao hua' de jiang xiao hua. haha. anw watching tat drama now. the nicest parts are still the NGs... ^^
nitex~ cya on 11 dec(i dun even rmb wad day its tat =.=)
yeah permission allowed to spam my blog...
happy spamming. got more than 1 wk 4 u all 2 spam =.=
hahas =)
Monday, December 1, 2008
i noe i lame but nvm...
going taiwan on 3rd dec. coming back on 10~ but i dunno wad time come back... zzz
i onli noe tat i have 2 wake up at like 3+ am on wed...zzz might as well dun slp ^^ so far the latest i slept at is 4.30... i tink tats like not tat chum rite...
bored and going 2 slp... lj tat pretty much answer ur qn ba
-its known tat i will b lame when i have lack of slp =.= -
Jia Yi
Monday, November 24, 2008
yy n joey 's blogs all no update de... they 2 busy watching dbsk la. hais... crazy fans ^^
then LJ is working so maybe she no time update. nvm i dun blame her.she put up a funny enuf post liao. okie muz be my brain got problem everytime not funny things also laugh like hell...
some ppl going overseas, so maybe there goes their blog.
then theres some ppl who havent been updating their blog since millions of years ago haha
left that some who still updates ^^ thank goodness =)
oh and ISABELLE TEO dunno MIA until dunno where liao. wonder if her internet still sot sot de.
worse comes i'll be pressing the next button to read blogs =.= tats real sad... haha. if not i'll be randomly typing in crazy addresses and randomly reading.
oh i am crazy... nvm... supposed 2 be slping liao.woke up at 9am. tats so early ><><
and now my sister's friend is spamming her msn. 2 bad it's not mine...
back 2 point. after the breakfast at 11++, then went back home and start packing. zzz. kinda feel sad while throwing away the books. then nid seive out those 4 my sister and pack it in2 boxes. how irritating. dun tink she'll ever touch those stuff inside the boxes 2 years later...then eat lunch at 4+. hahas. kana forced de >< i'm not the thinnest but dunno y my parents juz love 2 stuff me wif food... then gamed and watched the gala nite thingy.quite nonsensical and boring anw. haha. but i laughed the loudest =.= (when was i not doing tat? zzz)
still here, eyes half closed, but not willing to sleep yet. tired of packing liao. tmr nid 2 pack the wardrobe. 2 many things alr =.= n i'm not finding any jobs i think ^^ my parents + grandma says stay at home wash window and paint the house. i dun mind painting but its best i do the brushes and not move away all those heavy stuff...
tink i'll go slp now...
-spammed cheryl's blog ^^ wonder if she will kill me... anw i kinda nid spammers 4 my own blog...-
Jia Yi
Thursday, November 20, 2008

same as b4, but now wif me and joey pinching each other's cheek ><

ehs i still hate the theme a lot ><>
see this is wad happens when i'm sleep-deprived. gonna wake up at 1+++ later ^^ i still dun feel lyk sleeping...hais...
yeah highing coz i saw funny pics. or at least ppl wun think it is funny but i'm laughing lyk shyt. hais. tats how crazy i am now. lalalas~
-nite nite ^^ tag ar i lyk ntg 2 do liaos...-
Jia Yi
(that's that 4 my 'long' psot ^^)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
ytd was farewell. the 1st ever farewell (in my 4 years in guides) that it didn't rain, the 1st ever year where all the graduating seniors(ME!!) made it (4 ppl ain't that hard to coordinate...), and also one of the fastest year where the BBQ fire was started... (when i was sec 1, the sec 2/3 batch in charge of the fire didn't manage 2 start it. end up it was mdm ng's husband who finally started the fire. last year, i was the one who started lighting up the fire using pathetic matchsticks, standing in the rain, with isabelle holding the umbrella. how sad i sight...). oh yeah it's also the 1st year (out of my 4 years) where the farewell is not held in pasir ris. BBQ farewell held in AMK... wad a refreshing(?) change. (i'm not being sarcastic...). kinda a lot of 1sts huh? anw i'm the only person(so far) who went 4 all 4 years of farewell ^^. and without fail being behind schedule 4 almost every year ^^
started of going with CE to AMK hub NTUC buy some tidbits for the juniors.(i'm so kind... as if ^^).but mostly coz bel bought some stuff 4 them so decided 2 juz buy 4 the jnrs lor. bought a pack of chocs which contains 20 pkts inside. only later found out from lian yi that there were 21 ppl present. but i still had leftovers coz some didn't want. either that or the 21 included us 4...
'ushered' to the BBQ location by aishah, yh and jh. me, CE and bel looked lyk pink retards (the theme was pink ><) standing outside hub. vair embarrassing. was thinking that some1 would think we are trying to promote awareness 4 breast cancer =.= ended up when we reached the location, almost no1 wore pink >< (point is when was i not gullible? zzz)
Jia Yi ^^
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Farewell's on tue. thx peck hui 4 reminding me tat the need 2 bring an extra set of clothes means that the juniors are gonna sabo us... sad...very sad... think i got some clues to the farewell alr...maybe they're gonna throw us in2 the sea or throw water bomb or shoot wif water guns. ouch... =) worse is all 3. =.=
anw tmr's the prom night and I'M NOT GOING!!! ^^ hahas.i always sound so spoilsport...zzz. there's this big pre-prom madness that i am somewhat involved in...okie maybe i am not that involved in.wadeva la.
oh 2day's my bestie's b'day n i almost more pro can i get. think i sleep 2 much until my brain is not working properly.either that or i have studied 2 much. that's 2 far-fetched anw.
so HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO CAI ER, AND HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO HER SISTER XIANG YING ^^ dun think they'll see this anw =)
yea u can continue saying i'm too lame 2 be true... oh n i cut my hair must always tie it up... coz when it's let down its like exploding(in a straight way, not the curly way. if u get wad i mean... =.=).
ah bored. since lijing wants me 2 blog so i blogged. okie even if she didn't ask me 2 blog i might have blogged. now lets have a slightly longer post since i am bored. say i'm lame lor... =.=
memory's failing so i can't remember wad i did ytd. tat is really symptoms of STM. nvm. went to the agency 4 briefing 4 the trip to taiwan. wonder if there is any kids who are going. if younger than me then all the is those kindergarten age ^^. i won't complain that they are noisy (maybe...) the guy says there are a total of 13 ppl going.minus our family(which is 5), i think there are some couples or families going. hope the remaining 8 would mean 2 families.preferably wif a lot of kids. oh i'm evil =.= w8 how can this be evil? zzz
2day went whampoa(?) eat n buy fish(dunno ask my granma). then went to my other grandmother's house(maternal grandparents) n play wif my younger cousins 4 an hour plus. the 2 toddlers ran to their respective mothers upon seeing us. how sad. they so shy. well can't help it they dun see us that much. so left with my youngest cousin who won't run ^^ very good coz he's only 6 months old n dunno how 2 sit yet.much less to say walk. n he's so cute n chubby. he keeps laughing when we play wif him ^^. yeah one day i'll upload their pics. =)
then went to a japanese foodcourt at quite nice but some stuff are overpriced. hais doesn't matter la.then my parents and my auntie n uncle wanted 2 go hunt 4 ah kun kopitiam coz they don't like the sweetened coffee at the foodcourt. ended up the shop was nowhere 2 be found. the whole place was under renovation so it was very messy.and stinky.ah nvm.
hmm is this post 2 long? aiya dun care la. haha.
-bored... very bored. wanna go watch tv liao ^^ -
Jia Yi
Friday, November 14, 2008
exited from exam hall at 9.05.considered quite fast mah? but still were deciding whr 2 go.ended up going 2 hub. and caused me to walk until my leg pain >.< much =" going"><
the moment i reach home kana pestered by my cousin who keeps complaining about wanting to on the computer. so irritating. didn't reply him and went straight to the room. he ended up throwing a tantrum.(yeah and throwing soap on the floor and in the basin...wasteful) still allowed him 2 play in the end.n forced my 6 year old cousin 2 learn how 2 read the clock.if not he cannot play throw tantrum lor...hais somehow boys are irritating...esp my cousins...
*the cousin who pestered me to on the computer is the elder brother of the 1 who dunno how 2 read the clock. i noe i have 2 many cousins ^^*
4 *celebrating* the end of O's, play comp and watch TV the whole day. hahahas...
-legs soooooooo very numb...hais old liao =.= -
Jia Yi
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
be happy 4 me hahas.
lalalalalala~ last paper last paper last paper last paper last paper...
tmr aft 9 it's my holiday time!!!yay yay yay yay...
supposed 2 slp now.but i heck care coz TMR'S THE LAST PAPER!
i noe i lame...
-LAST PAPER!!! GAMBATE! the last paper's bio anw. BIO MCQ~!-
Jia Yi
siao liao~
play time tmr!!! ^^
Friday, November 7, 2008
still wondering how i'm gonna spend my hols... should i juz slack at home or go out and work? argh.i wanna slack at home... but thinking how boring it might be... oh crap. hais... nvm lets w8 n see (yeah by the time i finish w8ing i tink sch's gonna start liao...)
lalalas so bored... 2day is my cousin's graduation concert. anw it should be kindergarten graduation concert.sent him to the CC. he had 2 change there, so i was lingering outside the boys' toilet. he went in carrying the bag wif his clothes, then came out again, complained a bit, then went in again, and came out again, still unchanged...ended up dragging him into the girls' toilet. and he's so tall 4 his age. i wonder wad the other people inside the toilet thought...
it's still damn funny. his costume even got a bow so cute la.
after that went to the 5th floor and sent him into a room(exhibition hall, dun ask me why). among all the other K2 students he looked so tall.and fat.he's almost half a head taller then all his classmates. haha. yeah and his face still had that permanent sulk, especially when the teacher/parent started rubbing his face(most lykly wif foundation i think).
i noe i'm lame. nvm i noe i dunnid 2 say tat. but yeah i am bored.and sleepy. no wonder i'm lame...hais...
-yeah soooooooooo bored-
Jia Yi
Monday, October 27, 2008
so sian stay at home study nvr go out at all... more lyk study until bored la hais... dun care how many hours i sleep still will sleep when i studying... yay tmr got no paper but its still boring. phys boring, maths is boring, SS is boring. aiya everything is boring la...sianz.
8 more days to go, 9 more papers to go... phys paper 2, emat paper 2, bio paper 2, SS paper, chi paper 1 and 2, phys MCQ, Chem MCQ, bio MCQ. (now u see how bored i am)
zzz... cant w8 for after 5th nov.although papers end on 13 but since last 3 papers all MCQ so dun really nid study ba...hahas i bad...and lazy...and bored... zzz
-rotting in front of the textbooks and papers and etc-
Jia Yi
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
nvm its juz 4 fun hahas.
yeah O's in 2 weeks time. argh die. really slacked a lot after prelims. which is so not supposed 2 be. oh i'm so gonna die in humans.havent study yet...
last sun went cuz's bday party again. played uno wif my cuzs n kept accusing him tat he cheat coz he finished d game 1st. so he kept laughing. n he's only 6 years old and he won those older than him zzz. ate a lot. again. hahas. wad can i do my extnded family seems to cook so well. esp the guys. so it shows guys can cook muahaha. yeah n i tink i'll upload the photos only aft O's...
-yeah still bored watching tv... 12.38 now hahas. dun care anw i slept alr-
Jia Yi =)
dun go crazy ar! hahas
Saturday, October 4, 2008
You Should Have Been Born Under: |
No worries, you're not really pig-like in your personality. (Though you have been known to have a healthy appetite!) You are highly intelligent - forever studying and gaining knowledge. You have a heart of gold and you are appreciated by many. You are most compatible with a Rabbit or Goat. |
oh crap... supposed 2 be born in the year of pig?!?! maybe that can explain why i love food...zzz. i'm wondering if it is really my stomach growling now...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
yeah 'studied' if u considered opening the tb and stare blankly. tats wad i'm gd at. whenever mum left the room i fell asleep. yay i am so dead in 3 wks 2 come.
argh can't wait can't wait 4 O level's 2 be over!!! w8ing, w8ing,w8ing very impatiently... almost 1 1/2 mths more till it gonna celebrate on the last day, but nothing's in plan. zzz
bored so shall end here
Jia Yi
(it's a public holiday spent by most for mugging... sad...)
Friday, September 26, 2008
people, BE GLAD I AM STILL SANE!!! muahahaha. the person sitting usually at my left is one of the worst muggers i've seen. and the more she mugs, the more irritating she gets. zzz... and the more qns she ask me, the more irritated i(and lijing) get ^^ the vicious cycle. anw the qns she ask are mostly those that she will always manage to solve after opening her mouth to ask me. and i never ever managed to give her the correct answer, coz i seriously just dunno how 2 do ^^.
everyone is hanging on something that would keep them sane, well, i'm banging on more hours of sleep =) so people are sleep-deprived coz of mugging, i'm sleep-deprived in the mornings (+afternoons) coz I took too long a nap that I can't sleep well when i am supposed to sleep. the other vicious cycle...
so damn bored. can't find many things to do... don't like to do homework and revision stuff at home during the weekdays u noe. thats like 5 days wasted liao. will only do my work like on weekends and sometimes in school. prefer to just stare at the computer screen, maybe for no apparent reason, except the want for elongating my eyeballs even more (i'm joking if u cannot see ^^) hais... by the time my juniors' EOYs end, i should be already doing hardcore mugging. i think that the pathetic one week 'holiday' b4 the O levels i gotta spend it outside like what i did during the sept holidays. it's sad i just can't seem 2 be able to study at home. with the tempting comfy bed and all...
khalid's lesson tmr, and i am STILL going to continue timing how long he takes to ever ever finish a question. well so far he used 2 periods to discuss 4 simple qns, and all other people in the class have most likely zoned out. i spent a happy time reading my book ^^ haha. anw going 2 finish that bk alr, so dun think it would last 4 another 2 periods tmr (or 2day?). hais... bored with all the bloody things and wadeva 10 year series and wadeva school paper etc.
-got scared off by all those serious muggers, and made a vow not to end up with depression ^^-
Jia Yi
(well exams can never stop me from being lame u noe ^^)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
thinking about tmr...argh its the start of another week. and i'm still stuck in Khalid's class. what a nice surprise.zzz i so hate him. got it planned out that i will sleep in his lesson tmr. or maybe play with eraser dust again. hahas i am that bored. the last lesson was partially spent by timing how long he took to explain the meaning of ONE word. thats about 6mins per word. imagine doing that during O level. definitely cannot finish the paper in time. hahas
next one, I MISS GUIDES! so i am so gonna go back and torture u juniors. muahaha. like as if i will torture them. b4 i start torturing them they would have already tortured me terribly. hais...
-bored and sleepy from a day's study-
Jia Yi
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
went to clarke quay on saturday (that eve of mid-autumn festival that day). a lot a lot of tourists there. had a lot of fun with my sister even though the lantern decorations wasn't that very very nice. just normal nice. kept threatening my sister whenever she made a senseless remark that I would spray water at her. this is how my nike bottle comes in sooo handy ^^.
then on sun celebrated my b'day, my 2 cousins b'day (lionel and lisa. lols double L. anyway they are not twins or something), and my mum's b'day. had a BBQ party.yeah even though it was raining. the rainy weather when we were fanning the fire reminded me of last year's farewell party. more like it is a yearly tradition for it to rain at that time of the year, especially during farewell. hehe. my uncle prepared a lot a lot of delicious food. and we didn't manage to finish everything. I might have been able to eat more if my stomach wasn't that stuffed with too much fizzy drinks. oo i regret drinking so much of that sweet drinks... left me with indigestion that only went away when i fell asleep. and also coz it was raining, we had to move the BBQ stuff from the vehicles in the car park downstairs, then into the lift and up to my grandmother's house, then when we realised that the rain wasn't that heavy, we helped to carry it down again to the further end of the block (kinda like a holding area). Then when the rain stopped to a drizzle, we shifted the stuff to the other end of the block (that block is soo looong!). no wonder i awoke to muscle ache in the arms the next day...
yeah got back some prelim results already. shan't say coz its no use in crying over spilt milk. but i don't think i did very very badly.anyway i am happy for Cai Er who passed all her subjects first time in her secondary life. ^^ jia yous jia yous. hahas
played floorball during PE on tue. very glad that PE is still in our time table anyway ^^. i'll so bore myself if i need to face the books/papers/whatever else for more than 6hours everyday. hais... i hate phys anyway. very irritated with the ten year series. practically copying all the answers of the answer booklet. muahaha.
-very bored (like when was i not)-
Jia Yi
lols i tried out this test from qing lin's blog. haha i wanna try again ^^ lets see if i can beat that score again.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored breod bored
I miss guides =( too bad CCA stand down liao if not i sure go back. hahas. actually the part i miss about guides is b4 all those bad things happened this year. which means i wish i was back in the past, back to last year... hais... but i can't wait for farewell too!! muahahas. i wonder where would it be held. sure pasir ris again. ^^ and i wonder who would go too.better it not be like last year. haha
-very very very very bored-
Jia Yi
Friday, September 12, 2008
1 thing 2 say:
hahas. i think i going 2 flunk my phys. followed by SS/geo. then amaths. then chemistry. or maybe i am going 2 flunk everything! ^^
watching 黑糖群俠傳 hahas. its funny.
the feeling of exams finishing is... YAY! haha. but there's still O'lvl. zzz.
New timetable's out. there's still PE. that means we can still play powerball. =) its nice although i am not really a sports lover. but at least i am assured that i dun need to run 2.4
oh my birthday that day. I really spent the whole afternoon sleeping. since after that day only left the paper 1s (3 sciences' MCQ, and emat paper 1). didn't celebrate anyway.coz i kinda celebrated it on the previous sunday. and another time this coming sunday, which is for all those people born in sept (includes my mum and my 2 cousins). ahh so long never see my cousins already! i don't think the young ones still remember me =(
Jia Yi =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
went to a different spot with different people for almost everyday. yeah i'm weird. totally not a single hope for my sciences. especially phys. oh well... didn't mug phys at all this hol i think... i don't remember (oh blame my STM ba).
yay my b'day's coming! and my bday prezzie by the school is amat paper 2 and phys paper 2. bad bad prezzie. i prefer the MCQs than those open-ended stuff then... and the amat's gonna have plane geometry every1's all time worst ^^
bored bored bored bored bored bored...
dun wanna hit the books already. it is really very very boring 2 mug everyday. better not make this too much of a habit ^^ scared later after O's will still mug for no reason. haha. kinda impossible anw.
*lunching (homecooked wanton mee!!!)*
Jia Yi
Friday, August 29, 2008
Anyway it is the first ever time students give teacher a wig. and so we gave Mr Fam a clown wig ^^ Sabryna baked a cake that is SOOO nice. and the caramel was condensed milk cooked for 3 1/2 hours i think. with lots of chocolate on top. Vair delicious. haha. yeah and we gave him flowers too. I'm thinking he will go home and give it to his wife anyway. but I really wonder what will happen to his clown wig after today anyway.
Went to school as usual and had morn assembly.then had some poetry reading (?) sessions and i don't remember what else. then went back to class to prepare, while the teachers went for their 'breakfast'. We would have to invite them up though. Had loads of fun in class. the moment Mr Fam open the classroom door we sprayed him with lots and lots of those streamers. he was totally covered with it anw. must get the photos of him like that from lijing ^^. then we gave him his prezzies (the wig, followed by the flowers) and then presented him the cake. but only some people got to ate it during that time coz we were rushed to go back to the hall. in the hall, had some pretty lame stuff which i don't really enjoy. should have given us more time to celebrate with our teachers mah. but after all that celebration we were dismissed alr, but we went back to the classroom for class photos.and cleaning up. haha. b4 we left school compounds went to take a lot of pics in the garden. when i get my hands on the photos i would upload it ^^
went for pepper lunch at AMK hub after all that. as usual i was eating the slowest...Although my food only arrived like the 2nd last one. Jessica ate faster than me even though her food arrived last(and much later than mine). but thanks for w8ing for this super slow eater ^^ haha. went home with my sis coz she was eating at Macs. but bought some food for my grandma coz her b'day is coming soon (i still think it's later than mine...). ehh enuf me talking liao now the pics ^^

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
anyways, 2day had amaths and SS. managed to finish both in time =) although i didn't really check it. SS i think i flunk 1 part of the SEQ qns.aiya don't care la...amaths hmm...i think i lost 7 marks or more, coz i skipped the circles question. yea i haven't been doing that chp for exam for like ever since i started learning it?! ^^
Spent the afternoon watching videos and go around reading people's blog. i seriously think i am crazy anyway. Decided to have a whole day of break, so I am not going to touch any books today at all. Better give myself some time for my brain juice and brain cells to replenish after the SS paper ^^
kinda sleepy now. coz 4got to take my afternoon nap ^^ Was too engrossed in watching videos, lingering around the comp practically doing nothing. This is so not the lifestyle a Sec 4 student should have anw. dun learn from me, I'm bad =) and very very lazy. And easily bored. Hais...
Anw i don't think any1 ever reads this blog anymore. hmm...should i be sad? If you're a silent reader please tag still. I don't care if u leave your name as annonymous ^^ or whatever more creative names you can think of.
Ehs, the most important thing now for most ppl out there is don't tear out your hair because of _______fill in your reason___
Not sure how to actually spend time not studying. Weird... I think I should just finish up that library book and try to return it tmr then.
-laming and going crazy, most probably due to lack of sleep-
Jia Yi XD
Monday, August 25, 2008
somehow i thought that the chi is much much easier than the eng. some weird topic for eng: Accidents. How the hell do i write that? and with that irritating S it makes it all the harder. 2 bad it's the only narrative story topic.what to do... totally no idea how to write discussive or argumentative. ^^ Chi at least i had the idea what to write =)
Ahh bored! Tmr chi and eng paper 2. hmm it is horrible... Basically, i don't think i can finish both these papers, much less say get good grades for that. oh bother...
The only thing i can think that is good about exam is that can go home early. And don't say that coz we are the first batch to use that air-con hall means it's good. It's freeeeeeezing cold in there!!! especially since I'm sitting right below the air-con. plus the weather being so cold. Argh irritating. I think i caught a cold already...
-sniffing and bored-
Jia Yi ^^
Saturday, August 23, 2008
prelims are like starting NEXT MONDAY! Argh. I'll die soon during those science papers after the Sept holidays. Not sure if i still can finish my chi paper in time too. i seriously lost touch with it... =)
yeah and it's another whole week that i didn't blog. an unearthly time now : it's 3+. The good kids are asleep.all except for this naughty one who took too long an afternoon nap and can't really fall asleep now. Argh i am really going crazy. whether or not it's good or bad depends on how u look at it then.
Let's see...
Mon: 4 free periods which i spent quite a lot of the time trying to fall asleep and also sleeping. and then i would get nagged to start work. ^^ ehs Khalid's lesson i don't remember what i did.then its CE which we have to go to the theaterette for some talk by Ngee Ann poly. a very relaxing day for a school day after all ^^
Tue: had our very very last PE lesson =( oh i think it is very abnormal for me to enjoy PE lessons. i still do hate exercising though. a bit. Powerball was nice! erm 3/4 of the class played?or more than that i think. really made a lot of noise though.spent quite a lot of time idling and watching the game while in the game. if you get what i mean. main job is still guarding the cones after all ^^ really formed a human wall in front of one cone during the last game with pegasus against all other houses.and that game ate into our recess (more like we wanted it to stretch over time) and hakim did chase us out of the hall.only we didn't really bother.
Wed: erm not that very interesting i think.other than the part where Erica and Lijing seems to be reading the same mind; when call for teacher will call at the same time, or even start calling my name at EXACTLY the same time.but i think it was for different reasons. hahas. they made me end up in a huge laughing fit that i think ended 5 mins later or something. people really must think that i am crazy.
yeah and my grandma woke up just to realise that it's going to 3.30 and just might be thinking i am crazy.
back to topic.THUR: erm what happened on thur ar? the only thing i remembered is that Khalid sprang a 'surprise' english test which i doubt he would ever mark. yeah and Mr Ng came in to 'invigilate' a while before disappearing without a trace. maybe there is a curse in this class that teachers like to pull disappearing acts.well i guess the only teacher not affected is Mr Fam... hahas
Fri: double english, which i spent playing with the magnet on the clip, staple bullets, paper clip and a rubberband. whilst the person on my right was dozing off (Khalid's voice is just as hypnotic as Ms Mok's ; only a degree lower i think) and the one on my left was busy reading (and highlighting) her chi newspaper. muahaha. don't even know at all what he went through. it's also the 1st ever time Mr Fam came in empty-handed for maths (with the exception of those markers) and started an interesting CE lesson when CE is supposed to be on Mon.nvm then.finished the maths qn (only about 4 parts left?) then spent most of the time playing with the clip and the rubberband.(and the paper clip too ; i decided to abandon the staple bullets). made a cute 'keychain' with these materials ^^. Sang happy b'day song to you yue(whose birthday is definitely not in aug) and a belated b'day song to Mr Fam (since he said that he only ever have a birthday celebration once when he was 21). As usual, i spent the time laughing through the b'day song again (something's very wrong with me; i always burst out laughing when people sing the birthday song). zzz... oh Mr Fam, being a maths teacher who claims is very poor at remembering dates, wrote only 2 sets of number on the board 2day: the overall replacement rate and the replacement rate for the Chi. which is 1.21 and 1.14 respectively. (It's a miracle i remebered it! hahas)
oo this IS a super long post. oh well i haven't learnt my lesson on not to bore people with too many words. well then happy reading this post. oh i see that u have finished reading it. nevermind then.
-maximise your craziness!-
Saturday, August 16, 2008
the week went in a blur (err i think every week goes in a blur...)
yeah had Eng oral and got my Chi results on Tue. B3 for Chi ^^ and i managed to make the examiners laugh (if my brain havent start failing me, i think i did...) for eng oral ^^. Woots but that still doesnt gurantee me a gd result for Eng, but nvm wads over would always be over ^^
gonna retake my Chi and so seriously hope that i don't get a worse grade. dun mind getting back the same grade anw =) oh i am weird zzz
Wed had compre course aft sch n during maths our class did manage to get mr fam to talk endlessly about his past.anw all the better for him to least we can do our own things ^^
thur i dun rmb anyting
Fri aft sch almost wanted to go together aft w8ing 4 pari for 15 mins for her 2 start chem class.its bad that she's always so late. but in the end she still came.hais...gave us a 2006 chem o lvl paper, and i copied a lot of answers from Ying Thong's TYS ans.40 mcq questions, i took more than 45 mins i tink...
2day got compre course at woodlands library.nth much again but learnt something.damn embarrassing to leave my tution class lyk 20 mins early.zzz...
hmm blog reviving needed. ^^
Friday, August 8, 2008
Woke up especially early 2day morning.hmm weird...not normal 4 me at all ^^
reached school at around 8.30+.damn hyper already ^^
celebrated in school for quite some time.some parts were pretty lame.
but the NE decoration i think 4E de is very creative.
one note i think stuck outside the door: "The spirit of National Day does not lie in the decorations, but in the flames of our heart" or something like that. hahas. Just like in our classroom on the block of cracked wall, is written "We may not have a window, but we have our imagination". =) interesting...
Had community singing.vair vair high throughout everything.keep forcing lijing and erica to join me ^^ hmm i guess they were just so not used to me being very high. Usually high during guides only, and seldom or practically never in front of my classmates. Yay no face le! ^^ didn't care whether i reached the pitch or not too.
Then we started out to get to our stations for the Connect Singapore thingy.Kept shifting and moving around.but overall pretty high. 'picnic-ed' on the pavement and kept singing whatever songs we knew. The guys in our class were very high too; and the wave they started sure was fun ^^ hmm but the wave somehow always get disconnected at the sec 1s area (I think...) sad...
Relatively very fun day 2day anw. watching the olympic opening ceremony now. I so pity the dancers! they stood for like practically 2 hours already! so sad... hahas
Haps National Day to all!!! ^^ and enjoy yourselves during the long holiday
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
You Are a Night Person |
For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early. In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set. So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault. You just weren't meant to do anything during the day! |
What Khong Jia Yi Means |
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. |
2day played 1 period of volleyball and the last period played bball(horribly).
yeah i am the worst at sports. any type of sports. so again i was helping my opponents hahas ^^
pro right? just like what happened in the foosball game i played quite long ago. just kept scoring own goals =)
Parimala didn't come 2day so free period.2day mass girls' spot check. not very serious to me though.guess Prem was in a good mood. gonna get spot check again tmr.Sianz la.Tmr everyone sure damn nerdy go school de lor. Well i'll turn up normal ^^ Anw that person is damn bias. should have rolled our eyes at her and give attitude. but must do it as a whole =) hahas
gonna do more blogthing liao.2 bored. ^^
Sunday, August 3, 2008
2day is Sunday
Yeah i think every1 would know that anyway...
No Chem tution again =) i think the teacher MIA-ed
Anw next week would be 3 hours of Chem tution then.
Oo-er. Nxt Sat is National Day liao.
Prelims coming very very soon.
And i lost the mood to study.
How crap.
Wonder how the School Celebration would go...
I better go and get high on that day =)
Time to hit the books again...
No i am not talking about literally 'hitting' the books
okay I'm lame
hahas ^^
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Yeah most know when i get tired i am usually very very lame ^^ So very opposite than most people who would usually get very agitated with lack of sleep. hahas.
I think i am one of those crazy ones who goes back for CCA although prelim is only like 20+ days away.I don't think a lot would believe that anyway.muahahas. well i can't deny that i am not crazy. so yeah i went back yesterday for about 1hr+. managed to come at exactly the drilling part. and see how the new commander is doing.muahahahas. only one comment: the new commander is doing pretty much badly. Blame me zzz... Lunch...i don't want to talk about it.very pissed off by what they did to me anyway. Maybe i am just too lenient and too easily bullied, people just climb on top of me.but i am not angry with them...
I think my brain just works too weirdly.My facial expressions never was able to tell what i am feeling. I can be very sad and angry inside, but my face just betrays me with a smile. 2 bad 4 me then. I can't help it though. Maybe this is what made me learn how to forgive and forget.
I think i need to learn how to be stronger.(well at least i don't cry ^^ that's another weird thingy about me...) I think i just should. It'll be nice to turn back time too :) Back to the books for now...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I noe i very lame.2 bad. hahas. i noe dis is 1 post lijing sure wun read de
tests till numb already.but it still shows i am very very bad at lots of stuff.3 tests 2day, all quite nothing much...
yeah starting 2 bear a serious grudge wif Mr Fam. hahas ^^ he really does nag...
p.s. Can someone teach me how upload songs??? hehes thx in advance then ^^
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hais my mum is just so creative...somehow i didn't manage to inherit the creative gene.My sis did though hehe.
Realised only yesterday that Mdm Ng is pregnant for 3 months imagine that i only got the that she is pregnant only a few weeks wonder she already started wearing those maternity clothes. yeah i found out that she is 3 mths pregnant only after reading my junior's blog ^^
Just went with my grandmother to see the doctor to wash her ears. the doc didn't manage to get a lot of the ear wax out despite the medicine given to drip in her ear. Have to go back again tmr, but i can't accompany her coz tmr got 2 sup lessons.zzz sian ar...totally lost the mood to do anything.Is this the after-effect of too much stress? weird... anw i don't think i am really that stress... but the point is this time the stress would pressure me to study. which is what i am not really doing now. Maybe too much tests gave me this numb feeling towards stress already...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Fri was ROD 4 guides.All the GG stand in the drizzle for less than 1hr i think.we formed a horseshoe formation with Cai Er and the teachers at the opening end.Peck Hui didn't come so its sad =( Anw, me and isabelle was communicating with our facial expressions and i am still amazed that i managed to understand what she is talking least most of the time.We had to communicate like that as there was this big big area that we were seperated by.Its a formal occasion so yeah we cant talk or scream across. i kept smiling so i must have looked retarded...
Aishah is the CL, Lian Yi the ACL and i am very glad that our commander is Fong Ning ^^ (coz she's from my patrol muahahas). So far 3 years consecutive is Bougan as commanders.Next year sure cannot make it de.
After the ceremony was celebration time, which is Pizza from Canadian Pizza.(It's a yearly affair). Quite predictable who ate the most pizza ^^ (ME of course ^^) total 4 flavours, i ate one of each, + another one of the BBQ chicken ones with lesser toppings (Hui Shan took my toppings!) I think the best was the turkey thingy, not Hawaiian. Yeah and once again i got the grand job of getting the 1st slice of pizza. Make me sound so much like a greedy bum. De-brief now conducted by the new heads + Ms Tang and Mdm Ng, while we 3 sat on the benches behind talking about the old times (woah we sure are old...) talking a bit too loudly, so we didn't pay attention to what the teachers were saying.suddenly they started clapping so we just joined in, totally clueless. Then they clapped again, and i am still clueless. hahas. The last time they clap was for the seniors(us) so we cheered ^^
The new committee had COH, while the retired committee and non-commitee people fooled around behind.(that includes me ^^) Bad juniors stuffed me with more food(tidbits!) hais...No wonder i didn't manage to eat any dinner that night ^^. the Auntie (Samantha ^^) was saying we are all ahmas alr. Racial Harmony was on that day and we were still making quite racist jokes...Then we started saying what type of ahmas are we. Well, Cai Er would be the 1 suffering from oesteoporosis, Isabelle the back problem one, Me the bai ka one (lame mah), and Peck Hui the senile and mental prob one (she sure can go crazy sometimes!). then played with my bottle again. Its my only weapon against their 'pump'.oh well...when COH released, Hui Shan came over and she started sparring with isabelle,chasing each other around(with my water bottle!).then i was saying 'later OM come' and he really appeared.zzz...He chased us home so we went home laughing like idiots.hahas.
It was fun. The most boring part that day was during lunch time.started gathering around already, and so sad i am the only Sec 4 amongst them since I got no Chem remedial (anw there's only 3 other Sec 4s...) Joey's lame jokes were...very very cold. surprised so many people dunno what's an avalanche anw...I think the people around us really think Guides are crazy people:made a hell lot of noise. yeah the crazy juniors was looking at me eat also. make me laugh.good thing i managed to keep those food in my mouth ^^
hmm maybe thats all for Fri (although I am like 2 days late alr).thinking of going back again next week secretly to spy on them. See 1st again lor.haha.going study Bio liao byes!~
Thursday, July 24, 2008
went 4 tution just now(as in d clock now reads 12.22 tat means it has been practically 4-5 hrs alr... i h8 d way the ppl cram students in2 classes.imagine 20+ ppl having 2 cram in2 a bloody small classroom.hais... the tution cher always complains abt dis 'conducive environment' ^^
Anw i came slightly ltr by tat bit cos of some stupid jam so that tiny classroom is packed alr.i opened n closed n opened tat door again, peered around, asked a super dumb qn to the class 'where 2 get the chair?' wif almost 20 eyes staring back at me, went out again, found a chair somewhere outside the classroom, struggled back again 2 pull the bloody chair in.without help.i h8 guys...zzz.only aft i struggled n embarrassed myself summore den d 2 guys sitting near d door held it open wif their feet.zzz.irritable. but lucky i wasn't the last...but the last had the cher 2 hold open the door =( the world's not fair hais...
i was the 1st one to leave the centre anw.could have died of more embarrassment dere n den.lols.anw it wasn't the 1st most embarrassing moment, n i noe it will not be the last. i guess i'll have 2 live wif my own embarrassment den.i think i'll be laughing at it, but tat will be many many years down the road =.= But actually it doesn't matter.others tend 2 4get the worst things one do, n instead concentrate on the gd ones.jus lyk how Cheryl cant rmb i squirted water at her during her 1st/2nd drill session ^^ hahas.
hmm found out lijing's stomach really really has a high capacity;it can contain so mucho food.wahahas...mayb it shows tat the smaller u are, the more u eat.hahas.
Tmr ROD and Racial Harmony Day too. dun look at me i m not going 2 wear any ethnic costumes ^^ unless any1 wans 2 consider my guides full-u as tat =) hmm 4 the benefit of those who dunno, ROD is sumting lyk a handover ceremony for guides. n its a troublesome 1. hahas. can finally officially declare step down aft tmr le. but aft step down le i sure will go visit dem de... hehes.
i beta go sleep liao going 1am lerhx.nitex and tatas!~
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Chi: 2 periods most of the time slacking.didn't even try to sleep at all.considered achievement mah? hahas
PE:2day play volleyball damn fun. although i spend quite a large amount of time chasing after the ball...zzz (isn't tat wad i do for all the ball games?) somehow our ball manages to roll to those weird weird places which are very hard 2 pick up (lyk under the bushes and once under the stairs).n dere was a period of time whenever i hit the ball i would exclaim ouch hehe.but coz its real painful.(and i got mud on my arms...weird huh?). Vanessa got a blue-black on her thumb (tat hurts!), so maybe mine isn't the worse case...(although i noe i will suffer from muscle aches tmr morn). Emanto and Yong Qing are also in our team n really they did hit hard! =) maybe thats the reason y we end up wif a deflated ball at the end of PE...anws Mr Kim(?) gave us early recess so... Yay =)
Chem: did SPA skill 3 practice._____ was asking me "how measure the mass of the metal ar? use electronic beam balance isit?" I was lyk "duh den use hands to measure meh? zzz..." weird qn anw...falling asleep halfway through writing.but got woken Erica...with more of her qns...Parimala's back so we cant really slack liaos zzz...
Math: Fam again.had a violent objection against having amat and emat test tmr... hahas.glad he reconsidered so the emat one's postponed.(but i 4got wad date its gonna be on!zzz...)
Assembly: The drama skit was funny. the cast from Moonbird were the ones who put up the skit(or at least only 2: the Orla n the babysitter for Orla or sumting).Lijing went crazy abt moon bird again ^^
Had a hearty laugh when the guys were styling You Yue's hair. vair funny and it looked weird on him also...and Mr Luo was alr in class 4 sup while looking at the boys playing wif You Yue's hair, he pretended to doze off while w8ing 4 us 2 settle down.During Phys Ms Mok when 1st sight saw You Yue's hair she almost 'fainted'.During d demo whenever she turn back she see You Yue she got kinda the end of lesson she commented in Chi when You Yue 4got 2 return his stopwatch "become bad alr. Hairstyle change, become bad alr!" lols. Yea n Phys ended at almost 5 zzz... anw i found out how bad my sentence structure is but...4get it bah =)
Have 2 go mug liaos.tmr Chem SPA n summore got amat test.argh. jia yous jia yous to all (be it Chem or Bio SPA or wadeva other test)hahas ^^ tatas~
Monday, July 21, 2008
i got nothing much 2 write 2day...
only tat d super laggy computer in our classroom is hated by many
n the videos are... erm nth 2 say.haha
boring and yawnish day again...
Ms Mok nvr come so 2 FREE PERIOD!!!
then 2 bad Khalid got come... but at least no eng sup ^^
note: i purposely enlarge the font for all the post esp 4 lijing.n i just linked u.maybe i shall write a lot of ljing's links there...hmm...
Friday, July 18, 2008
me, the IT idiot
but the point is i so dunno how to chg the other settings zzz...
so sianz...
anw just posting this to realli thank Isabelle and Cheryl ^^
okay i lame.
but thx both of them anw :)
tch me when u all got time bahs...hais...
the froggie in the well; miie
hahas i lame
i see that i repeated 'i am lame' for many times hahas
the lame frog then~
Anw sry to all coz i juz cant seem to be able to save the template of the blogskin...
shall try it out at someone's hse maybe. (Cheryl, it may not necessary be u ^^)
So i shall have 2 survive wif dis skin now...
Tat gay khalid's Eng lesson was boring...half the time i dun even noe wad he's talking abt anw. again he slacked through the 1st half hr(abt there) by disappearing ^^ It's nice for him to pull those disappearing acts least we can do wadeva we lyk. Chi: Ms Ham was talking about those China history, which i really am totally clueless about... but still managed to learn something and not fall asleep. anw dese old China facts at least are way more interesting than those paper 1 and paper 2 ^^ ; i juz nid to listen i dunnid much of reading and writing haha. Slackerz~! Geo: Mr Luo showed us some vids. tat irritating person beside me (it can be my imaginary fren *wink* i'm not implying anything haha) dunno why so many comments de. watch jus watch quietly mah. at least muz w8 until the vid finish den start commenting mah... but the vids was interesting though. Maths: double Fam which he spent lecturing about him smiling to the principal. lols! went through tat amat specimen paper we did on Wed. a very nice just C5 for me though ^^ at least i thought i would fail or something... Chem sup: 2day is Mr Heng's last day liao. nxt wk parimala coming back hais... wonder if she come back wad will she do... hope she doesn't ask for tat alkane alkene thingy summary on the art block de ba... when Heng left the class we all gave a very enthu bye den dismissed ourselves liao hahas.
2day no Guides so went wif Cheryl to try to chg dis bloggie skin. didn't manage to even access the net at AMK Macs... so spent the time looking at Cheryl's past convos and listening 2 music. and munching on the excessive amt of fries (i noe lijing u are so going to complain abt those fats and stuff haha). Amazingly tats abt 2 hrs gone wahaha. Beta hope tat I wun get a sore throat tmr! i'll lose my ability to talk =( or at least talk normally. going to start dosing all those water down my throat liaos. (Blame the durians i ate ytd also!but it was nice...)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
MFGG campfire '08 pics~

MFGG campfire '08. Theme: Dance Revolution!

Our 2 emcees for that night, Joey and Hui Shan! ^^

The very messy "Thousand-legged worm"


Sec 3 guides singing and swaying (very not in sync) to the music(last performance). Dunno where the trees come from... ^^ Maybe Lian Yi's supporters...hmm...

Hui Shan and a scout from dunno which sch dancing 'oh so lovingly' to the music in one of the games ^^ wahaha
Credits to MF sch website tat is meant for photos ^^ I personally didn't take alot of photos...
Yay i learnt how to upload photos faster than lijing wahaha.
Cheryl ur face is only so minute in one of the pictures so dun kill me ar ^^ hehe. Miss the laughter in guides... Was SOO much fun in the cf hehe. cyas tmr :)
Oh and i am very very glad my face only appeared 3 times in this section. zzz... that is 3 out of 178... and all are so weird. hais...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Pri Sch Fren's bloggie
She was my Brownie friend in Pri sch and now she's in anderson sec...another 1 of those smart alecks that come from my pri sch...she no longer is in any brownie related stuff(not lyk me;i in Guides =.=), and is in track liao...hais... y all my pri sch fren all nvr KIT de...hehe. dun care sec sch de frens all oso jus as nice =) old liao, back in the time of stone ages whr HPs were a luxury item, and i dun even noe wad is MSN...(tat is lyk 4 years ago?) wahaha.i was one of those lucky ones to get a phone then then...
2day was listening compre chi.dey played those classical music until i want to sleep...but i managed not to ^^ lessons 2day was quite boring... Chi only lasted lyk 20 mins. Ms Ham was talking abt the China history...i stayed awake though ^^ PE i presented the GIFE project.purposely put _____ as the 'goalkeeper' then w8 for those boys in my class to shoot at her...i feel so guilty as i suggested putting her there. haha evil me =) anw d guys didn't manage 2 aim exactly at her as she was using the hula hoop n blocking wadeva place dey may hit.slacked tru d rest of PE again... Chem aft recess i was alr falling asleep. lijing disturbed me when i sleeping again! =( bad lijing ^^ lucky i wasn't in deep sleep haha
have to go liaos...nid go fetch my cuz. tatas! late liao lol
Sunday, July 13, 2008
MFGG campfire
2day Sec 3s highest authority, since they planned it, but 2 bad they cant pump them =) Anw sec 1s and some sec 2s started complaining about the training camp tortures (which i managed to skip wif valid reasons).haha.Lesson learnt from them: nvr judge a book by it's cover =) Anw I understand wad they've been through, and it's no wonder tat so many mishaps happened...There are just some things which can't be avoided...
Back to point: Got 'summoned' to help in the decorations for the campfire area. A number of us(which i mean majority!) blew balloons which i had to help them tie(zzz...) but glad tat some ppl (i mean 1 or 2 only=.=) learned how to tie the simple knots(it is easy...) So some were pasting the balloons onto the benches using masking tape while the rest (including me!) were at one side blowing and tying balloons... My left index and middle fingers are numb already, from all that tying... (lack of blood flow!) I think we practically did the balloons for 1hr+ , decorating the place outside general office too.Doesn't make a big difference to decorate the place nicely...
Slacked a little and talked a lot after those balloon stuff, b4 going back to main cf area whr i tink the juniors got scolded by the sec3s...(hais...) Then the juniors cleaned up the area (pick rubbish), while i was hovering around dunno doing wad. Sometimes go help the 'fire' ppl den sometimes jus do wadeva i think seems right...
then walked around the sch listening to the blasted music from the speakers whilst the juniors went to prepare for their shower. Drifted some more doing itty bitty stuff, plus encouraging the sec 3s to jia you and keep the cf preps going ^^ (lyk their dance practices) haha. Next went wif a bunch of juniors + Cai Er to opp sch buy food which we ate in school. After eating drifted around summore w8ing for further instructions ^^ [wa i found out i really drifted around a lot (oo i m becoming a GHOST! haha)]
Asked PA crew 2 on 'hong dou' song den i re-taught the 'hong dou' moves tgt wif Chanel ^^ Was fun even though i can see the early bird scouts(i think should be montfort ba) watching us practice... I even managed 2 pull MF scouts 2 come teach us some parts of the song which i reali 4got(hehe).That really took much persuasion...hais...Lucky my face thick enuf ^^ Then aft a few more rehearsals they went 2 do their respective duties. I hung around the gateway. It was fun coz its the 1st time i did it ^^(lyk in 4 years =.=) The gateway was kinda shaky, so i was there helping the screeching guides climb down. I ran around a lot, so now got muscle ache(ouch) but the person ouching should be Tricia coz she got bitten by the pervertic cat(zzz...)
When cf start I super high.kept singing and dancing along 2 the music ^^ I even did something lyk backstage crew.Camo-ed pretty well since i was wearing black.Hung out around the fire to 'guard' it. Lucky no pri sch kids if not it would have been more chaotic (i experienced tat b4...)When the juniors are upstage dancing 'hong dou' wif scouts i was beside the fire dancing tat wif Chanel.That was one of my highest parts.Sooo much fun...Lucky i dun see any of the juniors turning tomato or ashen white onstage ^^
Anderson Guides won the most enthu award anw (no surprise here). They were the only ones who sang Canadian Vesper to declare the cf close. That's nice n u will nvr find tat in our guides anw...At the end, pack up ask all the Mayflowerians to help carry tables and benches etc. ^^ Anw NCC was the 1 tat littered the most.They threw the 'bomb' lyk packets to scare our juniors.Zzz so childish...hais wad can we do? haha. but at least i told Hui Shan go scold them ^^lIt was a long but fun day anw.2 bad its the last year liaos. nxt year we might be the ones commanding them ard ^^ Took Cai Er's car home.b4 i boarded the car i even said to one guide i dun even noe w8ing outside the sch gate "thank you 4 coming". wahaha i damn lame.not in the right state of mind then...
Had a relatively good day anway. Vair Vair tired and falling asleep in front of the com alr... So Nitex ba! =)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
still clueless abt it now
better go ask the experts =)
and its lyk OMG!
I still dun believe it.
was a secret that 4I knew 1st
then 4low by us guides ^^
wondering when will they disclose it to our class...
shall stay mum about it though
Andreas' email grats-ed her, so that means its true...
Wondering why I am here? =)
sneaked out to on the comp lyk at 1.30,
despite shutting it down at lyk 12.30
shh dun tell my mum or she'll kill me ^^
she thought i so guai come out study SS
the whole house is quiet except for my typing
Friday, July 11, 2008
anyways it shall be the 1st official time i blog for this IT idiot here ^^
vair vair dumb in doing a lot of stuff...
anw fine i shall learn n i will survive! (lyk duh =.=)