Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Random fb post

I rarely talk?! And I say beautiful things?! Awww

I say the most bullshit and nonsense one can ever imagine. The most irrelevant shit ever HAHAHAHA. And if words that came out of my mouth was ever beautiful, then I wouldn't have chased away so many of my friends rite! Oops. 

Maybe this is referring to my best words of advice. I LOVE LISTENING TO RANTS! Feels damn good if I can make anyone feel better or at least share some of their burdens. Ahmad jiayou ahhh dont feel so bad ahout your secondment place already! 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The workday nearest to Xmas!!

Going on holiday in like 6 hours time!! And I had such a fruitful day at work today! I mean the atmosphere today is so relaxed and fun going and I talked to so many people today. HAHAHA. 

Y'know when I am in a good mood I am an extreme chatterbox! Updating everyone about life. And eavesdropping! And making a fuss out of nothing HAHAHA. 

Really a hapz day today. So Ahmad just got seconded to an Epic client's place, have to go learn everything from HJ in a short span of time. And do the closing in end Jan. Like really HOSEH. It's at least a senior's job or someone high level, and its all going to be done by an INTERN. The life of our interns are seriously DAMN EXCITINGZ. And all these happened in the span of the morning. Too many last minute changes seriously. 

Lunchtime with Gloria was major life updating stories. Like we haven't seen each other in AGES. Soooo many things to update. And holiday mood too! And crashing 4 fingers lunch party too. (Round 2 lunch. Welcome fats. ) 

Then afternoon was spent complaining about life, trying to rush my work before i go on leave, then enjoying life with le log cake. And le fats.

Ohwell today is a damn good day i'm like EXCITEBALLZ everywhere. OC here OC there. Kajiao here, kajiao there. FUN MUCH. Really like to run around like some maniac HAHAHA. 

And Gen gave us 3 a flower each!! Look at the pretty pink flower <3 Le human is not pretty though. Oops. 

YESHH and there's appreciation night today. Free food and drinks at clubhouse. Epic gossip session, digging out ALL the gossip from the top of the department too. And random gossip on miscellaneous auditors. And the single for life status of the team. Juicy much. Apparently, I thought my 23 years of singlehood is extreme enough. Meanwhile a 21 years of singlehood was complaining about life and the girl he liked and failed, and the 30 years of singlehood person chup in to say dont try to compare. SO MUCH LAUGHS. 

And I can't exactly tell everyone that the 30 years is not really straight... Ohwell. This is too much gossip. WHICH CAN RUIN REPUTATIONS HAHAHAHA. 

Its fine whatever stays spoken will remain un-scribed. 

BCO and singlehood has quite a steep correlation... Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all HAHAHA

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It always feels good to be appreciated. Thank you to Casper and Gabriel who had made it known to me, that whatever little help I gave them had not went unnoticed. Just some words of encouragement to them not to give up on SQP FR, telling them to study, choping tables when i reach early; I never knew these small actions have left such a big impact.

Although many friends I know who are taking SQP FR went into the exam hall with a mindset to fail,  but it's over and I hope your worrying had been unnecessary! If I pass (I hope all of you will pass too), I will gladly share all my notes~ Ask and you will receive!

I am glad I made a difference. With this renewed energy, I am definitely going to help more people in whatever ways I can!

Always good to see familiar faces, although half of them hardly knows of my existence HAHAHAHA.

PS Somehow I think guys tend not to take things for granted. Most of the heartfelt words of appreciation actually came from them.

PPS Me being me, I have a feeling that I won't get to see a lot of them without a reason (studying). Sooooo back to being acquaintances. I think I'm a friend collector, I tend to have a huge variety of friends from all different sorts of background, but those whom I am close to is near what I can count on a hand...

Random side note: Say NO to discrimination! I swear the people who do well come from diverse backgrounds, and wherever they came from, somehow we all end up back at the same place doing the same things... ITE or RI, we will all come to that same point in life and everyone are still humans at the end of the day.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Me against myself

I know I'm not having a crush on anyone. But my heart and brain wants to be in a relationship so damn much. So it still goes into overdrive and thinking too much and far, and adding some spiciness in too (result of watching too much drama). Not good. Not good at all. 

Yes my brain just can't stop matching me with ANY guys. Seriously I can't stand my brain at all. This is taking too much of a toll on me. But it also makes me more mindful of my own actions. Sooo is being mindful good? Nahhh not much of a silver lining there. Coz when I'm mindful, one minute I am chionging straight ahead, and suddenly when it clicks that perhaps I shouldn't be doing this, then I go waaaaay into retract mode then the awkwardness will come. And I will not know what to do or say. 

Dear brain, 
WHY OH WHY is that 男女授受不亲 phrase forever stuck inside! If this carries on I will NEVER get a boyfriend =.= 

Signing off,
Little Miss lonely :(

PS I am thankful for my pillow, for providing me with comfort and neverdying love, allowing me to have  something to hug and kiss, through all those depressing nights. Loves my chou-chou~ 

Friday, December 11, 2015


My 2 interns are going to be seconded out from Jan onwards... All the way until the end of their extension. T_T 

DAMN SAD *sobs sobs*

I will miss them :( Coz that's 5 months of not seeing them. 

It has been a good 4 months+ spent with them, and they have been so nice and fun. 

And when they are gone who is gonna help me to do the scanning... And the data entry work... And helping me to check Melaka's staff work... HAISH

I think I miss the humans more than the work the work they have been doing so far rightttt... HAHA. 

Can't wait for the christmas dinner later and hear all the storiess!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fat life

I'm sorry to my 2 interns, but I can start to see the weight gain there already... In just 3 months... #fatlifechoseus #eatandeatonly #outtacontrol #notagoodsign #allthegoodfood #allthefreefood #happytummies #beforeandafter 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Block B concert

Favourite favourite Block B. The intro is already totally smashing 😍😍 
Going crazy only half hour into this concert DVD. Wanna watch more but I really need to study. Hais... 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Life is hard


Me, building walls and pushing people away. I tend to leave a lot of suspense, because most of my friends would only have a peek through the wall, or perhaps just with the help through a small ladder. 

Me, needing all my peace and quiet and alone time, after lots of interaction with people. 

And me, sorry but not sorry

Friday, November 6, 2015


Yet another friend turned insurance agent. Sorry but not sorry, its the point of time to break friends. HAHAHA. I'm doing it as subtlely as possible though. After all you had been such a good ex-colleague, who gave me a very temporary job during my uni life, and for being such a good mentor (and yes i thank you for giving me that 90% grade for my final internship evaluation). Without you perhaps I won't be at where I am (oh but without many of the people in my life I won't be where I am). So yeah. But considering all this, I am still not going to meet you to do insurance planning. 

My fear of them agents goes a long way back (not that long but when I was 18?).  Over all these years, and many similar experiences later, I have grown much wiser and cautious. At least I know what I want now, and I am definitely not the kind who lusts after wealth. I don't look towards major riches, nor do I wish for an extravagant lifestyle. My life wants and needs are actually real simple, because I don't have a particular interest to anything. Life's simple pleasures can be free or cheap right? ;) 

So when he said that "I see the way You are living a luxury lifestyle", I JITAO LAUGH. Friggin funny. So I told him I don't have a luxury lifestyle, and he told me he saw it from my facebook. And I'm like WTF and asking SY how is my life luxurious at all. Someone enlighten me about this rich life which I am living unconsciously. I would love to have these riches that "exist". 

And then SY was saying maybe the wakeboarding looked luxurious. LOL. Erm it's company subsidised, not a private yacht, and the last I checked, I was not holding an expensive drink or enjoying the sea breeze in my branded dress. Like HELLO? 

Joke of the morning. I am so glad that them friends turned insurance agents are just acquaintances, and not some really  close friend. And then again, I tend to keep some form of distance between friends who I know I will be seeing a lot, vs friends who I don't think I will see them a lot (or again for that matter). 

P.S: I love my interns :) The best source of joy and laughter; those carefree days where your biggest worry will be the  grad trip destination, or even simply their next meal of the day. Interns always teach me a lot of fun, making nonsense jokes, and ensuring my sanity. 

P.P.S: I don't understand how come interns love to squeeze beside me when there are loads of empty tables everywhere -_-# Hello if you haven't noticed, my table is the cosiest being about 1m wide, and there is still that occasional butt coming to squeeze in beside me... Just to disturb me. It's no wonder why I have to OT...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Life's random Lessons

Today was the first lesson for FR and I spent the whole day with Casper. Omg he really is gay. Until now I'm still amazed at how open he is about cute guys. And how he needs a man. Awwww. Too cool! 

Takes a lot of courage to be gay and be so open about it in sg. Really major salutes! And what's more he really is smart :O First class NTU and from RJ... Sometimes life just gives certain people an unfair advantage. But u win some and u lose some. So all in all still a fair game? 

He really broke all the stereotypes of smart people and gay people. Seriously WOW. But I do realise how people can never be satisfied with their own lives. There's always something to work on, something to look up to, something to be envious about... 

Life will never be perfect. Just suck thumb and live with it right? Easier said than done. Possibly the reason why he is like that now, maybe because he wants to be like the popular guys, and also to make the popular guys be attracted to him. (I am referring to how he really takes care of his image) This is just my inference and it may not be totally true. 

Right now I am so happy just being me. The slow-poke. The over-achiever. The quiet. The unsociable. Bad points but in totally good ways ;)

I really love how making new friends can let me see the world, teach me so much more, making me learn and grow. Courage and acceptance; it's what I learnt from Casper today. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Movie was damn goood! :') 
Sob sob


Lovelines and definitely is for all the girls :)  But sadly i'm not that brave and reckless to do all sorts of things which 林真心 did. Thats why my school life was soooo MEH. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


我, 是个害羞,不善于表达,有所保留的女子。
我的朋友, 懂得利用不同的方式表达自己,敢爱敢恨,从不太在意身边的人是怎么想。
我呢,就好像属于另一个地球,就连最基本的 爱 或 恨, 也一知半解。喜好是什么?恨,不就是一件很累的事?

没悲 但有欢, 没压力 但有烦恼,不怒 也不哀。听起来,我还是人吗???

123 木头人。那我还真的是个木头人。

幸好,我朋友都知 那不懂得表达的我。有时,他们也拼了老命想要我表达爱,可我的回复总是 *翻白眼*、假装不知。

最近认识的男性朋友,都比我还像个女生 :S 他们真的好会表达自己!香水的喜好!心形在网上交谈时也不断的出现了!无话不谈!男扮女装也OK!爱注意可爱或超帅的男生!而他们都是工作的伙伴啊!太神奇了吧!佩服佩服


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The random ppl u meet during lessons

Coz of SQP, i met this guy from my co who is damn freaking funny. Started of our OC with him exclaiming that we are in the same class without Alex (the annoying british) , and me telling him that I saw his face in Newsletter. 

Then I asked him what will he wear for Talentime. I was expecting some funny clown outfit, but he told me he was going to cross dress. FRIGGIN CROSS DRESSING. A GUY. But sadly he kept saying that it wasn't appropriate for a company event HAHAHAHA. Then we were imagining all the funny scenarios of him being in a dress. Cross dressing is really a super good idea anyway! I hope it will work out. 

Anyways after all that cross dressing talk he started discussing about hot guys from the namelist which the HR sent. So we ended up searching for the names on staff directory, and I was like hey so-and-so was from my SQP class! I swear he is sucha funny dude. And he might be the first gay friend I have HAHAHHAHAA. Looking forward to meeting him for lessons and see how he will fanboy over the classmates HAHA!  

Such interesting friends I get to have!! Hoho networking sometimes isn't that bad after all! Too many interesting people with interesting stories or interesting relationships!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

How to get into a relationship


Wow look at number 1 on the list! +_+
Find an interest... I hardly have any 0.o

Sooo whats my interest? Hmmmmmmm Gaming? Music? Videos? 
GAHHHHH. I don't have much time to game diligently everyday. I listen to all sorts of music (though nowadays more towards mandopop), and not much of a particular preference. I don't really chase idols in extremities, and neither do I watch all sorts of dramas. Well I literally lead a boring life. 

Nothing really interests me that much until I am hooked beyond hope. So I have no hobbies, no interests, no life, and no boyfriend. How apt. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


I am forever wary of getting judged, but I apply this in such a bad way. I am afraid of being judged by random passers-by. But I go all crazy and get judged the most by people who actually know me. That doesn't sound good. 

So I am afraid to sing in public. Or imitate accents in public. But I will do all these when I am alone. Talk about being a good sport. So I end up kindly rejecting all those crazy things that my friends want to do and I am not following. I totally have no idea how this brain of mine works. Seriously why should I care so much about what people I don't know think; and then don't even care about what all those people I know are thinking about me? 太自卑了吧

Forever doing the wrong things. Lack of care in things which I should be caring about. And caring so much about all the small matters which noone can be bothered about. At this rate which I play with fire, nothing good is going to come out of it. I need to start getting some extinguishers in case anything bad happens. Luck can only bring me this far. If my lady luck stopped shining, how far will I fall? Will I even be able to pick myself up by then? The day lady luck stops shining, I highly doubt I will have a lot of people around to support me. Because in a way, I deserved it. I take everyone for granted, almost to the extent of using them. But I really don't mean it. 

I never was a expressive person. So very bad at expressing gratitude and love. Words are fine. But any act of it or spoken words, I somehow can never bring myself to do it. Deep down in my heart, I really appreciate everyone and all their intentions. But me being me, I would never show it. Like how I sometimes accidentally end up trampling on a friend, making them angry, when all I wanted was to break the ice and make them feel loved. Or if I do take the interest, I end up going overboard and leave them feeling breathless and constricted. Somehow there never was an "in between" range for all that I do. Self-centred, self-absorbed, careless, tactless. 

It takes a lot of effort for someone to make me warm up to. And it only takes a fraction of a second for things to go back to when it started. Strangers. All over again. Though I prefer to call them acquaintances whom I know only at a certain point of time, but the fact is all too clear; they are now strangers. Strangers whom I happen to know exactly what they are doing, how their life is going, who they see and meet. It's called social media - Facebook and Instagram. 

I still don't initiate the "Let's meet up soon!" As usual, I still wait for someone to ask me to go out. Apparently this very much shows how much they value me as a friend, and how little I actually think of them. Yes I do miss them, like how I miss my NDP peeps, but I still am not the one who makes impromptu decisions and suggest for meetups. Very much unpopular, as I know my 人缘 is just terrible. When I suggest meetups, plans will never happen, last minute withdrawals will be aplenty, and therefore no meetup ever happens. Very much true for all those bigass groups of friends.  Kinda gave up on this. Hates to coordinate. 

I have new friends now. I am going to try really really hard to make sure I don't go overboard. After all, I am a lonely soul. Lack of social interaction skills. When I am high, I go all crazy like some madwoman, which totally turns everyone off. But then if I am not high, I would be that quiet, unapproachable girl. Not friendly, and will end up saying the wrong things. Again. Of course it doesn't help that I am always nosy and stalker-ish... 

Where is self-control? What are feelings? Everyone should only be Joy right? Sadness shouldn't even exist. 人不都应该走一步算一步, 得过且过吧?


I really have sucha screwed character. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Do I?

Saw him at bugis plus just now. And my heart still skipped a beat. So do I still have a crush on him? HAISH. Don't think so much la hor. 

Need to find other things to do so I won't stalk people so endlessly... 

Friday, September 11, 2015

NDP interview qns from Jess

What did you choose to volunteer for NDP?
I chose to volunteer because it was fun. I get to interact with people and do something for the community in the process. And learning never stops. 

What are some difficulties you faces when managing a group of volunteers?
Its hard to bond the group, when everyone comes from different walks of life. I want to make my group remember NDP as a fun experience, so they can keep on volunteering for different causes with the same heart. 

How do you bond with your volunteers?
I try to talk to them more, try to connect with them on the things close to their heart. Zi-high does help 😜

What is the most memorable moment in your volunteering experience so far?
Lots of memorable moments~ how about getting dictated my stubborn raymond huang to do things his way... 😂 but otherwise my most memorable will be during NE2, when all the groups worked together so well and efficiently, that we finished packing the whole North Gallery in 2 hours 😎 

What does NDP means to you?
It is a celebration of the nation's birthday, and it also celebrates the beautiful integration and coming together of many different people. Spirit and humanity is especially strong this day

Posting here so I can delete the note in my phone. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Random Dream

So I dreamt that I had to go Malaysia, and at the timing I was there in the mall, some incident happened and there were lots of stretchers abd wheelchairs, and cordoned off areas. But business as usual and I still saw people shopping LOL. I decided to avoid crowded and open areas and went walking around in the mall, until I turned into this short block of houses and I encountered a mad woman who was chasing after me with a rod. Then out popped KK and the mad woman told us that she won't hurt couples. So KK held my hand and then we acted to convice the mad woman that we're a couple HAHAHA. So we went around like that trying to find ways to escape the mad woman, who later wanted to jump off the second floor at the staircase landing. Meanwhile me and KK were still finding ways to get out but the only way out was having to go pass where the mad woman was jumping. So we can't pass and waited till the woman jumped. And of course she was fine coz it's only the second floor. HAHAHAHA

I have interesting dreams sia. I'm flying off to Cambodia for unit trip later, and now I can't stop thinking of how I escaped the bangkok blast... This dream kinda reflects the concerns I have hor. The part about wanting a partner who will be there to protect me too~ 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Single and crushless


Ok this is me. The less extreme version. But definitely the me where i fantasize myself with everyone impossible. Trying to develop a crush but its just not working because everyone is just wrong. And there's the part about stalking people... Ohgod. So being single is killing me. I know like loads of guys out there who displays these symptoms in a much worse way out there... And the social media symptoms... Trying to attract attention. #refertofacebook #singleandverylonelyguysoutthere #butidontevenknowthem

Dammit. When is my next crush coming. I miss him already HAHAHA. 

Yes I think I got the previous crush out of my system already... Let me see what I feel when I see him again bah

Sunday, August 23, 2015


I teared while hearing Kit Chan sing Home on TV for National Day Rally (╥﹏╥)

I miss NDP so much. Seeing the screencaps of NDP (though not of me) reminded me so much of everything I had been doing. Running around, interacting with people, doing things which I love. Each segment of the parade reminds me of a different experience which I associate with. Like how the plane flypasts remind me of dinner times with NG3. SOKA parade segment reminds me of me running around with goodies for NG3. The finale segment after the anthem where the pioneer army paraded around the stage had drew in huge applause, whilst I had been jumping around with all the NG peeps, leaders and volunteers alike, preparing for dispersal plan. City hall and the padang itself brings back sooooo many good memories and all the funtimes we had. I yearn to see all of them (T^T)

I haven't cried for so long. Those tears and the overwhelming emotions when I heard the song really caught me by surprise. Time to watch sad movies to destress...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



SHE - 明天的自己

Fave song from this album, coz the lyrcis are so damn meaningful. But actually most of the SHE songs have meaningful lyrics~ 

Ytd just touched down in Singapore from Bangkok. And then a bomb rocked Bangkok city at 7pm BKK time. I was in the plane at that time ready to fly back. The scariest thing was that I was in that exact area, outside Central World in that very afternoon. And we initially had intentions to stay until 18 August if not for Juwei needing to start school today. So it was really quite a close shave with death :O

Imagine if I was really at the wrong place at the wrong time... I am thankful to all the friends and family who showed us concern once they had gotten wind of the news. I really thank god that all 4 of us are alive ❤️

This incident had really taught me to cherish my life. I am going to cherish the now because the future is unknown. Cherish the now so that I will still be able to see the me tomorrow :') 

Now to stop thinking of so desperately wanting to get a boyfriend... HAHAHA. Leave it up to fate to decide. God has really been very nice to me, keeping me safe and out of harm's way, blessing me so much with the different aspects of life. I still wonder whats ahead and I'm not going to stop trying~ :) 

Hi guys this human here is still open for applications! Short guys are welcome I 任命了. HAHA

Thursday, August 13, 2015

NDP15 withdrawal symptoms

1. Excessively staring at pictures of NDP15, especially the group pictures. and the fb/insta photos of others too

2. Thinking back and laughing at memories, such as this love letter

3. Declaring your love for NDP15 to your group, the other leaders etc. Miss everyone, hope a meetup will be soon. But meetups tend not to happen as lives get busier... 

4. Singing all the NDP songs in your head, even after National Day is long over. Cue awful vocals and a need to go for K-sessions. Be warned: hearing NDP songs may bring tears to your eyes and make you miss the group even more T_T

5. Non-stop stalking of the people you have met throught the entire NDP journey. A friend request is optional. 

Overall, life just feels so empty and oh so aimless after major events like NDP...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Every person has their story to tell

There's a reason behind everything. Likewise, there's a reason behind every person. There are sooooo many secrets each person has. 

And thats why I love stalking people on social media. Seeing the likes and dislikes of people, the kind of friends which they hang out with, can really speak volumes about a person. Some pictures, some words, can already tell you all about their interests. And sometimes a glimpse into their unhappy pasts. Every person is moulded because of their past. Which is why you see what is in them in the present. 

And then after browsing through the social media so much, it makes you wonder what other kinds of untold stories does the person have. For sure the stories will be waaaaaay more interesting than mine. Makes me wanna talk to the person more and befriend them more~ 

Yeah I totally love to listen to stories. Thats why I'm always so interested in Kuam's stories too HAHAHA. But then again the stories have gotta be interesting and captivating enough uhhh. Which means that the poor person would have went through so much. Awww. 

#lifestories (of others not mine) 
My stories are all #family #somefriends #food Life's 3 Fs. HAHAHAHAHA. 
(I digress...) If not the 3Fs, then it will be #study #boringwork. How mundane... 

Monday, August 10, 2015

NDP actual day! (Delayed post)

As part of my wonderful NDP15 memories, here's the "heartfelt" message that I forced out from Benji~ 

Hahahas tSK tsk ☝☝u ahhhH~ 
Hmms , I will.say , u guys have given lots of encouragement and efforts was taken to bond the group together. There were so many of us with different mindsets , gearing us towards a common goal is nt easy especially with all the different issues every week. You guys handled it to the best of your abilities.
The effort to take time to buy sweets and having a barrier free relationship , random chats and playing around is also wat makes the entire deployment more fun. Ultimately , all the words above will never be able to sum up the entire journey . In the near future wen u recall back  , it will be all the little things we do and been through together as a team that will set u tinking again..

Coz his message was like a one-liner in terrible handwriting, so I just had to do such things to force it out from him. I am always damn evil HAHAHA. But seriously everyone put in at least a little bit more effort than him lor! 

Definitely Sharon's idea for making them do letters. So glad that they got the heart also! But like before lunch already know they preparing things la. So we leaders just kept ourselves occupied with K-sessions and blissfully pretend we dont know anything~ 

But as a normal general volunteer I never even bother preparing anything for my leaders so its really different this year! 

Survived on 3 and a half hour of sleep before NDP, and surprisingly somehow i'm still going strong! Haven't felt really tired yet, still can jump around and dance and zi-high during dispersal and after party~ Totally WOW-ed that I am still alive sia! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Ok I think I still like him. Want to talk to him but dunno what to apps him about. And coz weekdays are like busy days so both he n me got no time to reply properly...

But actually does it really matter whether or not I still like him? NAHHH it doesnt matter. Unless I act on it or he does something. Which is now neither of the above. So it won't make a difference. 

Dammit but I really want to talk to him haish. My whole monday was unproductive coz i kept thinking about him. Or at least my entire working hours were spent thinking about him and all the things we did on sunday, then my non-working hours (aka OT) was spent chionging the deadline. HAHAHAHA. Such terrible work productivity levels. 

And since he doesn't really apps me, so i think this is all a one-sided kinda thing riteeee. Meh thats sad. I really like him but I know this will never last. HAHAHA. K lor one step at a time~ 


On a side random note, I think I'm falling sick soon... So coldddddd D: and sleepy....... 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

NDP15 - NE2

I didnt give new updates on my crush hor. Well, i stopped crushing on him already. So it took me like less than 1 week for my crush to end?! HAHAHAHA. I am so hopeless. My emotions really got switch can turn on and off. 

But still he is around during NDP. And he is damn nice to disturb. AHAHAHA. Can just shoot and laugh at him for his height deficiencies (stunt growth). And his skinny jeans so he kept kneeling to me because he can't sit properly. And him wanting an XS NDP shirt while here I am still wearing an M shirt. Well he still is a fun person but i really just treat him as a normal friend and go crazehhh. 

Hope that next time NG3 can still meet up!~ coz all of them are fun people who are a bit of crazy (under influence of yours truly) All 14 of them are super nice people who stick with me. Those who have never got deployed to schools, when I ask them whether they want to go schools, they were all like both also can coz our group quite fun. SO TOUCHED RIGHT. Really love die them sia <3 

3 more shows to go! Then it will be farewell until fate brings us together or something :') the thought that its all going to end soon... T_T 
My all time favourite photo of half the peeps so far. Because of the high level of photobomb of Jamie, Muighern and Raymond plus their group de volunteers. HAHAHAA. Shows how fun we as a sector can be~ They just photobomb us so peacefully and nonchalently. Yesterday was just so damn funnnnn! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My manager is leaving :(

My manager has tendered... :'( 
WO HEN SAD. Noone go home with me liaoz. Noone pei me OT and then cab home together liaoz. Noone will be pressing me endlessly for my outstanding work liaoz. Noone to talk cock and tell me about Mayday liaoz. Hen sad ahhh. 

This one short year of working with her, and we managed to hit off really well. Not sad is fake de :( Is my dept going to kua now that another manager who delivers work is gone? Meh all I can predict is life is going to be hard HAHAHAHA. 

What to do. Suck thumb, accept fate, miss the past, but still move on. Life is like that. Andddddd this kaypo queen cannot go around blasting latest news yet coz its not yet announced leh. Haish. But then again when August nears, this loudmouth of mine will definitely open. HAHAHAHA. 

Less than 2 months left with my manager around. I think I better start accomplishing some big things soon. ie signing up for my SQP. 

But procrastinators love to procrastinate and there is no stopping me from procrastinating. And procrastination just so happens to result in the lack of time to complete important tasks on hand, and then everything is just going to keep rolling over and become a snowball. Good luck to me and thanks eberehbody. 

And now whats left of my to-do list for the year? 
1) get a boyfriend
2) get started on SQP
3) do my work properly
4) learn as much as possible

WOW seems like I can't really tick off anything huh. Can I just focus on the first item and not do anything about the rest? I wishhhhhh. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Its just after the first day of NDP, and I am already having withdrawal symptoms... Only CR3 has passed and I already miss running up and down the stands, darting through the crowds, screaming :x at people to move in. And this year my extra special role: being a leader and giving everyone I know and not know encouragement. I really like this duty. I thought I had forgotten all about ushering, but the moment I'm in there, my mind goes into over-run. I am stubborn, unstoppable, carefree, and fun-loving. All at the same time. And of course image-less HAHAHAA. But this time it is especially fulfilling since I can take part in the planning, make decisions,  not be constrained to my duty areas, and so much more. I felt so proud when my volunteers are doing the job correctly; ushering and guiding people where to go. I felt so proud of myself when I could handle the queries of the public, sometimes soft sometimes hard, and thanking them so profusely when they decide to move in. This kind of fulfilment, I haven't had in such a long time. 

Anddddd I have a crush now <3 I thought I was on the rink of becoming devoid of emotions, as there was noone whom i fancied. But this guy, I have no idea what was it that attracted me, but there I am, wishing that he will text~ He was super damn formal initially. All those exchanges were full of cheem words and formal greetings. But now we are better, less formal and more jokes. I miss disturbing him sia. I think he's one of the reasons I look forward to NDP too~ :x

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I. Need. To. Travel.

GAHHHHH why have I been stuck in Sg for so long. I wanna flyyyyyy. Jet off to somewhere and explore new places. 
Travel plans in the mext half of the year are all not confirmed yet haish. What if i really end up being stuck here for an entire year... I will cry T_T

Then again life is going to get so so busy if SQP starts in sept... HAISHHHHH. I keep regretting the decision to further my studies. I have absolutely zero discipline when it comes to forcing myself to study. How now brown cow? MEHHHHH

Friday, May 15, 2015

One day of fame

So my tweet about the passenger whose leg got stuck at boon keng suddenly became so famous. It got featured in Straits Times... http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/transport/story/train-service-north-east-line-delayed-thursday-morning-20150514 
And i received a fb message from wanbao asking for an interview about the incident... 
And there were more request for interviews popping out on fb messenger, from Straits Times and New paper... 

SO COOL RIGHT! one day of fame HAHAHAHA. Yeah my whole team knows about my incident coz I was telling them. The whole time the incident happened I was giving live updates to the purple line peeps. 

Such an eventful day today. Glad that the woman is fine and safely rescued~ 
Full story: i was on the train as usual, then at boon keng i heard some shouts. At first i just thought it was some lunatic or someone was playing. Then the doors closed and opened again. An indian guy at my door rushed out for idk what reason, and thats when i knew something was wrong. Then came the mrt announcements that the train will be delayed due to a pax requiring assistance. My mum told me someone's leg was stuck. She had cleverly eliminated all other possibilities, because of the time factor and the screams and all. Then came the announcement that the train will terminate there, and everyone alighted from the train. The lady whose leg was stuck was just 2 doors away from where i was standing but i couldnt see anything. Platform was crowded, lots of commotion here and there, then the medic came, followed by people in helmets (whom i later realised was scdf). I stood at the opposite platform, away from the thick of the crowd. Then the scdf started dispersing the crowd, telling people no pictures, then a while later they pushed the indian lady in the stretcher past me and my mum. And when she was passing by, she looked super apolegetic, saying "sorry ah i caused you all to be late. Because I got stuck". She was already on the brink of tears. But glad that she was still fine and conscious. Hopefully no major injuries. 

Yeap thats what happened. The train door fault and the squeezing of train later are just minor occurences. Scdf was fast, and the lady rescued in a few minutes. I wasnt even that late for work, like only half hour plus or so. 

As for the interview, i only replied to the straits times. The rest i feel bad for blue ticking but i am soooooo lazy to retype out everything that happened fot the nth time. So too bad. 

And here's another article from idk where: 
I have a new name again! HAHAHAHAHA. 

Now lets wait for tmr's straits times to be out maybe i might be famous n then we can laminate and frame up the article HAHAHA. 

And behold the almighty tweet that pushed me to fame... 

Thursday, April 9, 2015



Somehow we became really fast friends. Maybe coz I was once from NP and she is still studying there now. But I made a good friend through an online game. Like seriously WOW. I thought I had qualms about who I meet online. But somehow I now suddenly have a whole bunch of friends from online who are my real life friends now. 

I should thank Lumi for making me meet Kuam. And somehow along the way I had put down all my insecurities, and attempted to bare my heart to people whom I know. Thanks Kuam for helping me make the first step to reach out to people whom I care about. Thanks for encouraging me to share more about myself. And showing me that life is not all glitz and glamour; sometimes unglams are the way to go to make someone's day. 

Listening to your stories are never a burden. It's pure entertainment and it is always so funny. I know I always feel the need to advise. I still like to advise you even if you don't ever listen to me. Coz that's what I like best which is to analyze things HAHAHA. 

I had really learnt a lot of things about myself. The short less than 1 year journey with this friend has been a really good one. Thanks loads <3

And hey the ones who read my blog; you are seeing an intimate side of me whom I never show to others. Like never with my real long term friends. All the better coz my real friends from school always teases me so it's better for them not to know HAHAHA. Andddd there's too much gossip here... 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


My mum was damn joke put me in between the couple on purpose. Gee and Alvin~ 

Zhihao. HANDSOME RIGHT. My mum say he look like Elvin Ng. HAHAHA. Eh my crush sia :x Ok maybe not exactly a crush but like my ideal bf type HAHA. He is attached I think? 

WITH SCHOLAR ESMOND. And Zhihao just happens to know him. Ohwells lunch dates next week! So I get to see them again~ 

Specially went down to my grandparent's house to take photo with them <3 THEY SO CUTEEE. My ahma still specially wore her nice nice cheongsam to take photo with me. HEHE 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A single INTJ

Saw this article on thought catalog, "why you're single based on the Myers-Briggs personality test". I am an INTJ who follows her head more than her heart, who loves to over-analyse every person she meets, keeps to herself so much and doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve. This is me. And here's why I am still single. 

I find this so damn funny but so true at the same time. I swear if there is such a guy out there who perseveres so much to break down my iron wall, who really chases me till the end of the world, I think  I will really end up with him. HAHAHA. But then it's soooo not easy for a guy to even start following me around. Coz if I find you an eyesore and not worth my time, sorry but you will end up being at the bottom-most of my list. 

I think I have a list of traits in the kind of guys I abhor. And I think this list practically applies to all the guys... This doesn't spell very well huh. HAHAHAHAHA. 

The elites gathering a few weeks back have made me realise the type of people i dislike. And no I have never been one to try to hide what I need to say, nor will I attempt to phrase it so nicely in a non-hurtful way. But no worries if it's just a one-off kinda thing, then no grudges are formed. 

Elites gathering, a lot of guys. And i dislike people who are 不自动. I literally screamed at the guys "前面的, 空手哦。不会帮忙一下啊!”  I swear I am really so fierce. HAHAHAHA. I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM LIKE VERY VERY WELL. But it's true what the few stragglers behind all got so many things to take. Then you strong guys totally empty handed for bbq. WHAT IS THIS. Sorry la this 大姐 is so naggy and troublesome. 

Then the bbq. I am glad that Joseph at least help me set up the fire. Then I watched and learn a little, so I managed to set up my own fire as well. I already had the mental preparation that everyone confirm don't know anything one la. So it's fine. Kids mah what to do. Then Jos left to paktor and I was left alone watching the fire. But nevermind I kindly ensured you guys were kind of fed. And you all ate up the food I cooked. Thanks for supporting even though almost everything was either chaoda or undercooked. HAHAHAHA. 

But wah seriously I cannot tank Kenneth's attitude. Don't know how do nevermind. Don't even bother learning. Or trying to lessen my burden. Never even try to cook, still keep on pestering me whether is the food done. Seriously treat me like a maid har. But ohwells everyone has their purpose in life and his is to bond people together. 0.o Already know he is a spoilt brat so nevermind. 

But Laffy really cute la. He keep on saying sorry to me. And telling me 辛苦你了。And then thanking me, and saying 如果沒有你我們都不知道要做什麼。So funny lor. HAHAHAA. He really like a small kid sia. 

And hey guys even if you all really didn't do anything much, I am glad you all at least showed your appreciation. I didn't mean to be fierce la. But next time don't expect all the girls to know what to do hor. I am exception. I know how to do so many things by myself. Why oh why did my dad train me to be so independent... So independent that I don't even have a chance to try to rely on a man. SO TERRIBLE. 

Yah other than 不自動 guys, I hate NATO guys. No action talk only. LIKE JUSTIN. Seriously these kinda guys drive me up the wall from their endless chattering of no importance. Then giving mouth power never even offer to help at all. Reminds me of the poly class chalet. If you are not going to help, then please at least acknowledge me and my efforts. 

So tell me, doesn't this 2 major traits of people I dislike, already make up almost all the single guys I know. HAISH. What is this world becoming. When is my chivalrous and manly man coming. HAHAHAHA. But then again I am a contradicting person. I don't have anything to talk to the matured guys. 

I still don't wanna grow up and am a very blurr sotong in so many ways. Can I just get a guy who will protect me and accompany me? But I think this is really hard. Coz I have a slight gut feeling that my boyfriend is going to be someone who is younger than me by 2 years... So I guess it's going to be back to me protecting him. 


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Self esteem

So kuam told me about xuanny's character. Like how she was unwilling to go henderson wave with jos coz she is lazy. And how she is not willing to sing in front of Jos. But a good relationship should be about fun and putting down all qualms isn't it? 

I was once like that. I minded about what others thought of me. Not as extreme, but I had all those screwed perceptions that I should always upkeep a good image. To not show others my weaker side. Perhaps it might be the after-effect of being bullied. You start being very conscious of others, trying not to do things which will invite people to bully you. And behind that seemingly strong front is a person with low self-esteem, who really takes it to heart what others think. 

I remember when I was in P4, my friends told me off for singing the national anthem too loudly, and that my singing was horrible. Thereafter I didn't dare to sing the anthem and only mouthing the lyrics. Only until many months later, then I started to whisper the lyrics instead. 

I was bullied, but it wasn't the worse bully case in my primary school. I know of my primary school friends who got called really nasty names, and was truly discriminated by the whole class and even the teacher. They didn't dare to tell their parents. When I was in P2, the bullies scribbled on my homework. I told my parents a few days later and they wrote a letter to my form teacher. Those bullies got reprimanded by my teacher and then by my principal. They came crying and begging for my forgiveness during recess time, and the blurr me did not even know what forgive meant. 

Imagine if I did not have such supportive parents. Perhaps I would be bullied forever, keeping quiet and letting the hurt accumulate. Maybe I will be even more restrained and shy, to the extent of being anti-social. But I learnt how not to get bullied; it's actually really simple. Just ignore, be non-chalant about it, and then the teasing will stop eventually. It always works. Perhaps too effectively that I never get teased that badly and maybe because I look too fierce and it's not fun anymore. 

I think many girls lack self-esteem a lot. I don't understand why they like to compare looks and bodies. I am pretty happy with mine. Can be improved, not the worst, but definitely not the best. I don't really care. If I cared that much I wouldn't still be sitting here HAHA. 

Confidence in yourself is actually important. A confident man always looks better, wiser, more attractive, regardless of the age. Perhaps that explains why some guys never get their girls; all because of the lack of confidence. Likewise, applies to girls I guess. 

Comparison kills self-esteem. When you start comparing, you get stuck in the rat race to outdo others. The real achievement should be when you outdo yourself, enjoying that process and learning from your experiences. 

People should never start dating just because all the friends are doing it. Never ever try to follow the crowd. Don't date for the sake of just wanting to fall in love; date with the outcome you desire in mind, the future which has 2. I don't know the details, but it sounds like xuanny is just dating jos for the sake of wanting to be in a relationship. That's why she never wants to face the music, face the problems and acknowledge their differences. Much less say working together to mitigate the differences, she just shoved everything under the rug and pretend all is fine. One day during spring cleaning you will find all sorts of nonsense under that rug, which is going to make you really ill and really painful, like a tumour. And you never know when the tumour will just explode and boom its not going to be a happy ending. 

A true couple shouldn't be so mindful about what each other thinks. Enjoying the process is important, thats why having fun is too. Doing things together and being crazy together. By showing your ugly side and if the partner does not attempt to run away, then he really is to stay. Thats why in the marriage vow, "for sickness and in good health", it is especially mentioned. Through thick and thin, long and short, your ideal partner should take responsibility and be with you. 

And that's why I do encourage Jos and Xuanny to break. Xuanny needs to reflect on herself. She needs to learn how to love herself, how to be confident of herself, before she can try to love others. Otherwise, she would just be suffocating her partner because she does not know what she really wants. And that again leads fo another unhappy relationship. 

As for jos, he had been so deprived, and having experienced hell, he is clear about what he wants. But the guts training area really needs to be improved coz he is too scared of the tantrums that she may throw if he suggests the break. (Yes this is where sweeping everything under the rug will come in). 

It is not impossible for xuanny to change. She needs close friends and family to pull her through this, to encourage her and help her increase her self-esteem. She needs to know that it is alright for her to do things, and that noone will judge her. But now, who can do it? The wall which she built up around her is hard to break. 

I am thankful to my friends and my family who pulled me out of the sub-consciousness of being afraid of what others think. My sister the trendsetter, openly being in a relationship with everyone's blessing, makes me realise that my parents are perhaps not that strict. My friends for opening me up way more than all my family did. I had a hell lot of restrictions which I imposed on myself in secondary school. Each and every friend in my various stages of life, slowly but surely chipped off that wall. Now I dare to voice my thoughts and my feelings. I dare to let people judge me. I dare to discuss about relationships. Thanks friends. <3 

Monday, March 16, 2015



This article about how to be happy is going around in facebook. And yes be very surprised that I actually do most of the things stated in this article. So I am a happy person! 

Or at least happy and very much positive enough to spread it to my friends. I pretty much don't have many worries. I take my time to do everything and anything. I enjoy all the little things in life. I balance both friends and family, spending lots of time with everyone. I don't join in the rat race chasing after money, fame and status. I do take care of myself, knowing what I should eat or should avoid. 

So anywhere I go, I know I have myself to depend on. Knowing that I will not fail to take care of myself, I can now spend time taking of my heartbroken friends. HAHAHAHA. 

But I really don't know what's in me that i love to listen to stories so much. The more interesting dramas, the more fascinated I get by human nature. I really love to analyse all those thought processes behind each action. Especially those dramas which Kuam tells me. Almost every single day there is not a moment of peace. There are always interesting snippets of dramas of all the Elites people. Which is super damn funny I swear. Best. Entertainment. Ever. 

Rachelle told me she really needs to hang out with me more. Coz she needs some of my positive energy. But I am really super worried for her coz of her problems with Chris. Haishhh. She is so emo now but she does not want to show it in front of her family. And she is not telling me everything either. Sighhh. I'll see how. Need time to make her open up  :) 

Hi Kuam you are now happily paktor-ing, even though your relationship is just as wrought with lots of troubles. And well you are not my top priority of concern for now HAHAAHAHA. Coz I know you are handling it well now. I am just the listening ear offering extra advice. Until the day when more conflict and all the nonsense starts arising between u both, then tell me okies. AHAHA. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fishing is a lifelong lesson

Note to self, how to love: http://elitedaily.com/dating/12-ingredients-to-make-a-strong-impassioned-long-lasting-relationship/957820/

Not that I am in a relationship, or anywhere near being in a relationship. But really seeing those elites love stories, makes me swear I should never ever get myself stuck in that kind of predicament. 

I am going to learn how to cast nets and fish soon. But sometimes after I cast the net and then I get too lazy to reel them in. And then most of the fishes would have found their way out of the net. By the time i reel in the net, I would be left with nothing. For now I am still randomly practicing to cast the nets, at places so deserted that no fishes will swim in. I know that the bait isn't the best bait, so I am waiting for that 1 fish who is willing enough to pity me and grab the bait. HAHAHA. Like a bit sad, but what to do... 

(Yes this shall be left as a half abandoned post) 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

How to tell whether a couple will last

Scrolling through facebook, how to tell whether a couple will last depends on how similar they look alike each other. HAHAHAHA. And with social media, those who tends to post like everyday all the time about their couple only, those cannot last. Because social media is a sham, people are just putting up what they think others want to see. Behind that 1 photo where a couple looks close might lie lack of trust, quarrels and fights, infidelity, overpossessiveness etc. 

And perhaps when you do not look alike your couple then you should rethink your decision of staying together HAHA. A relationship can never be maintained through electronic communication. It is of utmost important that an offline relationship be maintained to the best of all efforts. And social media actually destroys lives and relationships. It is because of the easy accessibility to electronic communication which makes it easy to stalk your friends and foes. That somehow results in the wearing thin of mutual trust and respect, which is the bane of all relationships. 

Infatuation only lasts for that super short period of time. Anything beyond infatuation then is the start of the real relationship. That real relationship will be fraught with troubles, fights and all sorts of tribulations. It will all depend on whether both people can overcome it all together; that is the deciding factor whether it will be a make or break relationship. 

Everyone has their own set of insecurities. Scared of losing your loved one, scared of being judged, scared of facing the world for who you actually are, scared of plunging into the unknown depths for fear that you will never be able to float again. Fear: the reason why one will not dare to take the step forward or backward. But once that fear has been overcomed and the past put behind you, you will realise that the fear you once had was really unwarranted for. But of course being totally fearless is not the way to go either. One needs to have that fear to know the difference between black and white, right or wrong. 

I would lament that being a third party and breaking someone's relationship is not an act of fearless. It's an act of selfishness. Wanting the person for your own, thinking only about your own feelings... That's not being fearless. Yes you had chased your dreams, you were not afraid of the rejection come what may be. But admit it, you involuntarily hurt the innocent people, just by being a third party. You deprived the person you like of the person he once cared for. You thought only of your own feelings, instigating the actual couple to break up, using their fights and differences as the reason. But all in all, the third party had been the mastermind. If the third party did not exist, will the actual couple have so many things to fight over? Will the actual couple have so many unresolved differences, which got even worse with the onslaught of the third party? And to the very person who brought the third party into the picture; if you had cared for your actual couple a little more. If you had paid more attention to your couple. If you had stopped your couple's extremities from having the chance to form. If you hadn't kept wanting to leave the relationship, then everything wouldn't have happened in the first place. 

Too little too late. But it is never too late to make the correct decision. I guess something still can be salvaged. Somehow. Unless you are really 100% convinced that a breakup is the best for the couple, then do it. If it really makes the couple happier without each other, do it. But otherwise, please do rethink the decision. All sorts of relationships need some form of maintenance. Effort and heart is really all you need. :')

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Short day 😟

I mean that I was feeling short today 😟 
Because last few days I have been hanging out with short friends and then suddenly some tallies come in and I am height-threatened. HAHAHA. Lame lame I know. 

Past few days I have been disturbing lijing until super shiok. Suan and suan her non stop. FUN SIA. Jialats. I think my favourite joke is to make fun of people's heights 😞 One day karma will come... I better start restraining myself... But still... That's the only way I disturb ppl mah! 🙊

Hi peeps HAPPY VDAY! 22nd year (coz it's not September yet) without a date! HUAT AH! But what is valentine's day mannnn. Who cares!~ 
(Yes I sound like a sorrowful glum person without a date on such a lovely day. But vday is just a day for people to spend more 🌚) So Vday is just an event for businesses to profit. Ohwells spenders are happy and profiters are happy. So it's a good day still right? 

Valentine's day aside, the highlight of the month should be CHINESE NEW YEAR! Comeon all the mahjong daidee pineapple tarts and bakkwa! HUAT AHHHHHH! I am so auspicious this year i keep saying HUAT AH. Actually I can't wait for new year coz I get to wear all my new clothes. Hahahaha. Then I can have a new wardrobe change! I'm so bored of repeating the same clothes the last few months... 

I look forward to meeting Elites and Felkuamweiling! SOON SOON. Meetups are crazy fun with lots of laughter! Not bad at all right. For a bunch of friends who met online. And Felise, Kuam and Kenneth's birthdays are all in February. 

New realisation of the month: I have been hanging out with a lot of Pisces (near pisces also counted) for the whole February. Yes Pisces are crazy people who can manage to talk to anyone. So technically there will never be a moment of peace with Pisces around... And I treat every single one of them differently. Talk about fairness 😂 But their love stories are all so similar I can't help but laugh. 

Random out of topic craziness HAHA. 
PS My english is just going from bad to worse. The amount of hokkien and singlish which I am starting to use are totally astonishing. NEED. TO. CUT. DOWN. ON. SINGLISH. Or my report writings and drafting of emails will definitely suffer. Already trying so hard not to be influenced by all the F words and hokkien vulgarities seen in Elites 🙈

I just adapt too quickly to my surroundings HAHAHA.